Bat'O'Clock Hour 5.killme: Hazbat 3.1.46435434 "Pain and Suffering"

A Gradual loss of Atoms =/= a vast portion of your atomic make up has just been completely changed.

In my defense this is not the first time in my fiction this sort of thing has happened. :stuck_out_tongue:

My point still stands. Having twenty four hours to live is not the same thing as being killed instantly. I’ve mentioned how Particle accelerators are capable of fostering Nuclear fusion. And I’ve posited how Nuclear Fusion instantly changes the atomic makeup of a material, meaning that fusing two objects means that those objects no longer exist.

Unless you have fancy advanced future tech that can control the structure of the new object.

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If that were the case, then it wouldn’t be nuclear fusion. Just fusion.

I’m well aware of this. XD

This is where you are incorrect. Objects don’t stop existing, they merely transform into energy. And even in atomic fusion, nothing actually is “lost.”
All the neutrons and protons in this picture never seize to disappear, there is merely a new element transformed and the neutron is dispersed. That neutron still exists, and so does the newly formed helium.

Mate what does that even mean

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It is in fancy advanced world where we can bend existing technology and science to our whim.

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You’re correct in saying that the subatomic partials that made up the original atoms don’t stop existing, but the atoms, and the functions they perform in the body, no longer exist.

It means you can’t have the cake and eat it to. Nuclear fusion smashes two atoms together, makes another element, and the rest of the particles are lost as energy. Songs posits a hypothetical future technology that would somehow either A: Merge two things together at a non atomic level, or B: Somehow having nuclear fusion without any of the effects of it.

But they do if you have future tech that can control nuclear fusion on a more complex level. Science fiction is all about taking existing science and technology and imagining if we had better control and understanding of them.


Well then, if that’s the case, it doesn’t matter how scientifically accurate things are, and we can have fun drawing, creating, and writing whatever we want.

Only a sith deals in absolutes!

what if this is what I am doing with Pain and Suffering here?

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You can certainly do that if you wish, but the basic principles are still correct and are being used as the basis for the fiction. Science fiction uses what we already understand and asks, what if we understood the aspects we don’t currently understand, and what could we do this new understanding.

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are-you-sure-john-cena (1)

The basic principals are smashing things together at high speeds so hard it makes something new. You can pretty much justify anything done ever with “It’s future technology”. Either It’s a cop out that aliviates you of scientific criticism, or you can admit that fun should come before scientific accuracy.


I am sure because nuclear fusion is still occurring xD.

Cronk is using fiction to add to it, not to invalidate it.

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You tell me, mister Nuclear Fusion

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You’re right I stand by my abominations of science, they are beautiful.

I have no problems with scientific inaccuracies, just when it’s pointed out by those who don’t hold themselves to their own criteria. I’m willing to end this discussion here .

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

On the contrary, I do hold myself to my own criteria. I know this would kill the average person. I’m not dumb. I also tried to explain it through silly methods just to give ideas on suspension of disbelief. If those things are wrong then so be it, I suppose!

You’re a fiction writer Traykar, don’t tell me you’ve not tried to excuse dumb stuff in your own stories before.

Oh no, I do it all time time. The whole point of this was to show how needlessly annoying and pedantic pointing out scientific inaccuracies can be. Honestly, I don’t care how your bats were fused. The Nuclear Fusion is a neat way to sort of handwave how it was done away. Just don’t get onto me for not using stringent 100% scientifically accurate word choice, and then act like folks can’t do the same to you.

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