The hounds in their 16-Bit vocal cord manner, howled, whimpered and then scurried away to find a surface to rub the hideous odor off in.
It bounced off the Gunship.
(Ignore me being in a coma or something for the intervening part of the fight)
From orbit the ancient eldritch, disembodied face launched it’s dank beam of concentrated light, striking Florida and thus attempting to erase that collective nightmare from our minds. Unfortunately for @MakutaOisli he is not a true peon of “The Whoop,” and thus misunderstood the nature of The Whoop.
One doesn’t choose The Whoop, The Whoop chooses them and whilst like any sentient weapon it can be used without permission, it can bend the effectiveness and results of it’s usage to it’s will.
So The Whoop contorted the blast, the continental shelf cracking force of pure 2013 Roblox energy away from @NOTaHFfan, all the while knowing this would unleash his Final Omega Form™
@MakutaOisli free of The Whoop, hurtles into the now jagged and mountainous ground and emerges, superhero posed, wrenching @Rukah’s blade form out of the crater and strides towards the glowing, spiky haired, neon coloured, buff, Omega angered anime fan form @NOTaHFfan. Off course Oisli with his mask of future visions, purports that he cleaves his foe in half but rather the fellow who is Not a Fan of Hero Factory, has been charging up his SanDs oF tImE…dodging the attack with ease.
Then uh what @Senit said happens.
Oh and Rukah who has been used a blunt trauma weapon one too many times thinks he dies again.
Unfortunately @everyoneinparticular dies. He had retired and had his whole Florida set retirement planned out. If he had stayed in shape maybe he could have outrun those pesky boulders.
He is still standing on the lawn, albeit past the wrought iron gates of the McGick estate entrance there are gapping chasms and upended rock. I wonder if his law firm can cover this sort of damage?
Maybe I’ll park up and fight.