Battle with the members above you!

Rather than being useful, I hide in an ancient Temple where I learn the ability to shapeshift, hoping to not get killed a 6th time.

The effect of the anime curse is over, so I turn into my normal self, but since my normal self is a loser, I’m unable to dodge the @Enbeanie axe and die


I loom over the body of @NOTaHFfan, contemplating my place in the universe as the slayer of weebs and wondering if perhaps there was any chance of redemption I missed in this tragic episode which added one more tally to my list.


During my 4th (I think) visit to Hell, I quickly hand over another one of my souls(dimension hopping shenanigans) to the devil, though I’m stuck in the underworld for another 30ish turns. Luckily my lifeless corpse was sent flying by the @Enbeanie axe and went crashing into @Ghid, sending them off a cliff.

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@Brickbot99 didn’t know that I have gained the ability to shapeshift.
After gaining it I transformed as the devil and scammed @Brickbot99 letting them think they would be set free, but in reality they will continue being traped in hell, which is a totally different place to the Underworld mentioned earlier.
I decide to sell @Brickbot99’s soul to the real devil, to get myself a second life in case I die.

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I summon more lewa swords and create a tornado of them around myself, flying right for @NOTAHFFAN

I’m already totally completely dead since the @Enbeanie axe had hit me directly in the face earlier… my totally completely dead body gets sucked into the tornado.

Meanwhile, my soul is in hell, suffering for the anime crimes I committed. @Brickbot99 is my neighbour there, by the way.

(Edit: there’s a funny thing that I noticed: initially this was a simple game about throwing random items at each other, and now it is a convoluted chaotic RPG of sorts with complex strategies, that has expanding lore and even hints on a plot!)


yeah really
my powers are controlling lewa swords and throwing rocks
I throw a rock at @Enbeanie

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Wait, what was i again? oh yeah, an axe. well, the rock blunts my blade, so i shift into a different thing- An unholy-axe-hook-sword combination. somehow i begin to rapidly fly at @Rukah


I chuck about 500 lewa blades at @Enbeanie

These 500 lewa blades destroy my weapon form! since i have no current form, my spirit is just floating around. i better find something to inhabit…
so i inhabit the rock that you threw at me! i throw myself at @rukah


I throw another rock at @Rockzorks

i assimilate it into mine forme: DUAL ROCKZORKS aahahahahahah!
Tremble in fear, @rukah! both rockzorks spin towards him!


I create a giant drill out of my lewa swords and I attack @Rockzorks

You break the rockzorks into sand. but sand is mainly just tiny rocks, so i swarm at @rukah in an attempt to suffocate him!


@Sandzorks has suffocated me! However, I reincarnate as a lewa sword.

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I watched what happend from afar. I think about my actions. I realise that scamming @Brickbot99 was a bad idea, so I fight the devil and after a few tries manage to kill it. Upon doing that I set @Brickbot99 and @NOTaHFfan free. And do the same with @Ghid’s parents. I force some of the devil’s friends to steal @Rukah so I can kill Ghid, who managed to survive falling down the cliff.


I hope that somebody will use me to stab someone.

I slowly recollect myself at the bottom of the cliff, unsure how I didn’t see that one coming, when I check my phone and see the collective crashing of stocks for heavy metal bands and realize the devil has been killed somehow.

Knowing that there is no power keeping the slain weebs below, I attack those carrying @Rukah’s sword form and violently drive him into the breach between he*ck and this mortal plane, to prevent thhe weebs from reincarnating in forms more akin to anime characters than human beings.



I’m stuck. I hope somebody will use me to stab someone.