Best and Worst Kanohi (not including legendary masks)

Obviously, the Calix is the greatest mask of all time.

The worst is also that ugly Calix.


Worst is Elda, mask of headaches. Looked bad and worked poorly.

I’m not really sure how you define best? The Makuta had some of the most dangerous masks; Jultin, Felnas, Kraahkan, etc.

My personal favorite in shape and power is probably the Faxon.

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Best: Komau, Mahiki

Worst: I don’t really know, but a “mask of accuracy” doesn’t seem that great


Worst: Any Toa of Water Mask. The Kaukau, Rau, and Elda were all just useless. The Faxon was okay though.

Best: Erm, yeah I can’t pick.

Well, as Ven said in his recent Top Ten, the Ignika (Mask of Life) is basically God tier, so it has to be the best. I mean, it created a body for itself and enlisted Toa as bodyguards to defend it.

As for the worst, well (commence high pitched obnoxious voice) “The Mask of Under-Water Breathing” HAS to be the most useless compared to freaking Telekinesis, Mind Control, and Flight.

I want a toa with a faxon to go into like a zoo or the archive and use the powers of all the rahi there. That would be ridiculous.


The olmak is incredibly broken, so I suppose it’s the best. And the worst is probably the Kaukau because I never got why bionicle needed to breath X)

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the kaukau nuva: both with and without adaptive armor
the kaukau gave users the ability to breath under water, which was useful.
but the nuva version was sopposed to be more powerfull, which is confusing becouse what improvement would it have? not to mention the mistika version with it’s “waffle eye”

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The best is obviously the noble kacama and the worst the red Hou because lego sign posted it on EVERYTHING and the noble kacama because it is the mask of magmar ( my self moc )

Best: Garai because you get gravity and time powers in addition to base element. Worst: tie between Zatth and Mask of Clairvoyance for lack of control over the result.

If we’re talking about lack of consistency, then you’d also have to include the Mask of Psychometry.

Out of those three, though (Clairvoyance, Psychometry, and Summoning), I think the Zatth is clearly the worst.

With Psychometry and Clairvoyance, you just get varying degrees of knowledge about the past and future, respectively, and the worst case scenario is that you gain nothing of value. When you use the Zatth, though, it has actual physical effects, and the worst case scenario can leave you in a worse position than you were in before (and the mask can’t even help you deal with your brand new Rahi threat, unless you’re willing to roll those dice again).