Is it bad I actually really want that now?
The community United to build jto makuta maybe we can unite to find this bootleg
The minifig is for kids six and up, but you have to be in-between the ages of eight and four to play with it.
Seems legit.
I think many of us want it now.
By far my favourite knockoff logo
So this toy is for people who age backwards.
not funny I like mega blocks too
Starring such originals as Iron Tahu, Tahuthor, and Captain Tahumerica, and guest starring Onua as the Hulk!
Well, Benjamin Button had to play with somethin’ when he was growing up. Er, growing down.
Is that…
Onua Hulk?
Because Thor always had a blue knob in the back of his head that pops his face off
That’s actually a legit company run by AFOLs. Interesting that their stuff is in stores.
i hope the quality of them is good, seems like pritty good peices for minifigures.
Why is this here?
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 3rd Party Toy Companies
It’s the channel “Mascot”, it’s in almost every review.
Luffy, God of Storms.