Best Song meaning

the title is pretty self explanatory, so which song has the best meaning?

My choice would be Pride (In the Name of Love) with the meaning Here.


You took my choice…
I’ll think of another.

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A lot of the folk songs I listen to have great meanings and listens. However, instead of blatantly saying it out loud, the song hides it in clever uses of metaphors. I’ll give an example:

I won’t tell you the meaning, find out for yourself. This one is easy.

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Confused by Kid Cudi. Every line of that song is perfectly placed and all flows into a cohesive story about a man that doesn’t know his place in world.

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Tool’s pushit, which is about abuse.


Phil Collins, “In The Air Tonight”. What it’s actually about and how it conveys this I feel was executed brilliantly.


Kill Rock N Roll by System of a Down.
Listen to this and guess what it means, the actual meaning will be below. (Mild language warning)

It’s a song about the time one of the band members ran over his neighbor’s rabbit named Rock N Roll on accident. This band. Legendary.

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Indians by anthrax, no more words