Big Red Monstrosity

This is the biggest MOC I’ve made so far. The legs were taken from this guy, and the whole build went off from there. I basically wanted to make a big bulky character using as many large pieces as possible.

I also ended up surpassing a certain someone…

###For more pictures including the torso build, click here.

As always, your opinions are appreciated :wink:


That torso is awesome!
I feel as though the limbs should be bulked up more in comparison to the torso, and should be larger. Same with the tail.
The head is the weakest part of this. It feels the most out of place with the rest of him.
Overall, he is very cool looking!

Pretty cool, I need to start doing bigger stuff…

Good proportions, fine color scheme, and just interesting looking in general. Pretty good for a “monstrosity”

Everything looks great but the head looks kinda derpy and out of place

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Quite the collection

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oh my god the eyes, they’re gr8

Grevous’ pose in that picture has something so hilarious about it…

Quite like the torso.