Billy, the restaurant robot

A fun little creation I did out of spare parts a while ago. Just thought about sharing it on the boards, since you guys seem to like mixel style mocs. Well, back to drawing! Hope you enjoy, leave your thoughts :slight_smile:

Oh and why I am at it, if you want to support my work, you can check out this cute rahkshi drawing, we’re trying to reach up to 50 likes!


I really like the oven function. That and the fact that you can see the food inside. You should do more mocs in the style of @MysteryMuffin.

I wonder how much Human is in that food?


I’m a big amateur when it comes to mocing, and I have done three so far (including my self-moc, which by the way are topics too). So I’m really not sure if I’ll be doing other ones in the future. But thanks anyway :slight_smile:

@Whaddon this is just a nice robot, not a FNAF animatronic


I was taking more of a Robots serving Human similar to Soylent Green
not FNAF

I hate FNAF

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It looks angry.

Fantastic job with this. I love the way you used hot dogs for eyebrows, they add a lot of expression to it.

I like it.

I like this quirky little sentient oven.

Quite comical! :laughing:

I don’t know why, but I find this guy kind of cute

Great job

What a lovely face. Works perfect for the build.

Lego will be stealing this, for the restaurant Mixels they’ll probably do at some point.

Now we have to figure out how to make it mixel sized!

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We can rebuild it, we have the pieces.

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Actually I don’t XD

Btw we got 32 likes in a single day, that’s the fastest any of my topic have grown so far! thank you so much for your likes and thoughtful comments!

0/10 no mixel eyes.


Looks very cool, however, I think the trans studs below the eyes are unnecessary and detract from the look

Stop bragging.


Well earned 32 likes though. The build is really creative on this one, though a more punny name would work better. XP

I wasn’t bragging, I’m thanking people X)
I didn’t do that, they did

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I was being sarcastic and joking around. Was it not clear?