Frankly,creations made during boredom seem to be some of the best in this community. As for the moc itself, I could only suggest maybe adding a bit of gray and light gray to spice up the color scheme,maybe even bits of blue as an accent color. Just a suggestion.
Sure this has been done plenty of times before, but this instance I really like. Something about the level of detail- the wires and such- draws me towards this.
Well I’ve gotta hand it to ya, this is a really cool moc. Seems like it could really come in had. There’s just something I really like about it, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. It looks like it can really hold its own. It really grabs my attention. The pose-ability does’t seem wristricted at all. A little armor would be nice. But I’m sure I don’t need to point all this out. I give it two thumbs up.