BioCup Prizes 2020?

I accidentally found those, and the not-to-be-really-trusted source where I found them says that they are prizes for BioCup 2020. Sorry if sounds silly, but anyone knows if it’s true?
Regardless, any information about how they were made? As far as I know, 3d-printers are not capable of doing such beautifully melded pieces, plus they seem to be really smooth. A home-made melting furnace? I don’t know at all. Thank you in advance.


They could be prototypes, misprints or resin casts. If I remember correctly BioCup prizes are usually misprints and protitypes but if they are resin casts the color matching is really good but I don’t know if they are the actual prizes

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they’re resin castings created by Socketball Masks


I see. Never herd of such things before, thank you for the info!

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