Bioman's unspectacular MOC topic

What’s this thread for, you may ask?
I made it to share all my sorta-unspectacular MOCs that I make. This classifies as a build that is interesting enough to be shared with you, but not outstanding enough to warrant its own topic. These inlcude tablescraps, WIPs, small models and just generally the things that aren’t special but deserve to be shared. It’s not strictly Bionicle, I’ll also include other stuff. My better MOCs will continue getting their own topics as usual.

Starting the thread we’ve got this one I disassembled very recently, it’s a loose recreation of the Engine-Oh from Go-Onger (respectively the High Octane Megazord from Power Rangers RPM, whichever you prefer).

As I said it’s a loose recreation or “inspired”, I didn’t go for all the details. It transforms from the 3 individual vehicles.

The chassis for yellow attaches to the back or can be held as a shield (not pictured) like the original.

Pretty fun and robust model, but I needed the parts for something else.

And that’s a good example of what you might see in this thread!


This seems like it will be an interesting topic…

The transformer is cool, and while I’m no connoisseur I think using those Knights Kingdom hands is a good touch that fits in pretty well.


I just experimented with the idea of using a Zamor launcher for the torso of a figure.

It’s really not good looking, in fact I’d say it’s among the most hideous things I ever built - but it’s a unique concept for sure!


You might have seen this one before. A fairly simple and generic Toa, I had posted him to Reddit back then and someone suggested he looked like Sarda (Matoran from the Karzahni set). That’s what he ended up being, a non-canon Toa form of Sarda. He can fly and the wings can be repurposed as swords for short-range combat.


Might as well post my Rahkshi-Toa while I’m at it, I’m planning to completely overhaul him soon.


Here’s a fun one, Tahu on a motorized surfboard!



This is something I didn’t know I needed until now. Unfortunately, all of my train tracks have been packed up…

What kind of train motor is that? I see it doesn’t have a battery box car like other Lego trains.


Literally my first reaction as well. You have no idea how fun it is to see a Bionicle figure zoom around in circles until you actually experience it.

The motor is a Lego 12V train motor that was made from the late 60s throughout the 70s. It draws electricity directly from the metal rail in the middle of the track, thus not needing a battery box.
Here’s its Bricklink entry:{“color”:11,“iconly”:0}

The specific set I got mine from is 725, which was released in 1974.


Mutated Hewkii. Unfinished and barebones, I just wanted to start something else that needed the pieces.


Here’s a group of 4 MOCs from a few years back. The pictures are bad, which is because of their origin: a literal screenshot of my Lego Life profile.
I had posted the photos to LL back then, the originals seem to have been deleted from my photo gallery and the Lego Life posts were removed during my absence (along with many other posts, like half of my profile was wiped due to moderation lol). Yet I still had this screenshot of my profile from back then, so enjoy the super sharp images. I present…

the silly goober gang

Starting with a fox, I felt like a genius for using the fence as glasses… Not realizing how dorky it actually looked.

Robotic fella, this was the longest surviving one who still sat on my shelf like what, earlier this year? He got a considerable amount of upgrades over time and looked quite cool, curse myself for not taking a picture before disassembly.

I guess this was a bad guy? Don’t remember.

There’s also this w i d e guy, poor thing didn’t even get a standalone picture.


b e a u t i f u l

All things considered, these are probably better than what I was building when I was this old. The ratchet hinges are a neat touch, kids often just build static models but yours have joints instead.


Would you look at that, I just found a photo of the fox and robot! No trace of the other guys so far, but I’ll keep digging.