biomechanical_baboon's Massively Mediocre MOC Madness

Nope, wasn’t me. At least not on purpose. I honestly have no memory of how it happened, but it was not intentional. I’d never purposefully deface a Lego piece like that. :no_mouth:

Really? I think they’re kind of a mess, mainly the silver. (I don’t know if you can tell thanks to the lighting, but his right forearm is silver, not gunmetal.)

Yeah…I see what you mean. Actually, my main quibble with the legs is that they’re gray. If I had some red bone pieces I’d use those, but alas, I do not.

They’re both less buff in person, lol.

Thulox Revamp

Had to check BS01 to remember if this was Thulox or Morak. Honestly not much to say about this guy, except that I like the tail launcher. There used to be one of those long, straight HF blade pieces on it, but somehow that came off.
Blue eyes brought to you by Queen Beast from Invasion from Below.

Armor Stand

Also a mask stand. The base is a big wheel piece from an indeterminate source. I tried to match the proportions of a Mata torso exactly, but I think the shoulders are a bit narrow, not that you can tell without having a Toa Nuva right there for comparison.
Here’s the stand with the mask and armor removed, just in case anyone decides to build this themselves. All the pieces are fairly standard Technic stuff in standard colors, so nothing too expensive.
There are also a number of different attachments for different styles of mask- early Kanohi, Metru-onward Kanohi, G2 masks, Glatorian and similar HF-style helmets, and 2.0/3.0-style HF helmets. All the attachments can be stuffed in the base of the armor stand for storage.



The first successful mech I’ve ever made, even if it’s only for a modified Good Guy build. The footrest (that gray beam under the pilot’s feet) doesn’t actually connect to the feet because if it does, it starts pulling pieces apart. However, the pilot’s hands and back do plug into the mech with axles. Unfortunately, this MOC is quite unstable, leaning backwards unless there’s some kind of support behind it. I blame the fully-loaded Midak Skyblasters on the shoulders. I’ve had the black Bohrok headplate for a long time and only recently used it for a MOC. Here’s the pilot standing next to his trusty Exo-Matoran:
To get him out, you slide the gunmetal CCBS shell in the middle down, pull the red axles on the sides out of the hands, then pull him away from the red axles inside the mech’s back. Like I said, he’s just a modified Good Guy build with Hero Factory feet.

That is literally all the photos I have uploaded to Flickr right now, so give me a minute to get some more up. Stay tuned I guess.


I do that kind of thing all the time, just to scare purists


My upload finished, here’s some MOCs. I’m gonna call this the “Oops, All Revamps” post. (with a bonus Toa I meant to throw in a couple of posts ago but whatever)

Vahki Squadron Commander

Doubles as a Bordakh revamp. I imagine these were deployed in much smaller numbers than regular Vahki to take charge of squadrons, hence the name. The staffs are Rorzakh ones entirely because I only have one Bordakh staff. There used to be a lot of blue on this MOC- not dark blue, just regular blue- but I got rid of it because it didn’t match the head. The legs are digitigrade and have feet on the middle sections because I do NOT have enough dark blue CCBS armor shells. The function is lifted directly from Skull Basher, and the open ball joints are filled with these:
May not look like much right now, but when I unfold them…
Auxiliary arms, attached to the formerly-open ball joints on the CCBS torso skeleton. I think I got this idea from a piece of Vahki art I saw on the internet someplace?
Here’s the back. I have no explanation for what the tail-like appendage is in-universe, but it serves the function of adding some slope to the back so the function doesn’t stick out like a shelf from the upper back. You can kind of see how the auxiliary arms lock into the function and prevent the shoulders from moving when you don’t want them to. Those light gray bones in the legs should be black.
Here it is in four-legged mode. Getting it to stand up on this slippery surface was absolute murder, so you’re gonna have to look at this goofy pose, I’m afraid. You basically just flip the head around and get it down on all fours with the back facing the ground.
And here’s flight mode. This is a bit more involved, but you basically get the legs together under the body, connect the four-legged mode’s rear claws together in front of the head like a nosecone, and get the arms out to the side like wings with the staffs pointing forward. I really, really like this mode. The original Vahki sets didn’t have official flight modes to my knowledge, so I wanted my kinda-revamp to have one. Here’s a picture of it from above.
I…don’t know why I took this picture.

Kirop Revamp

Not a lot to say about this guy. I had Kirop’s mask, torso and wings, but nothing else, so I took the opportunity to give him elbows and knees. Also I didn’t have his sickles (well, I do, but they’re on my Hydraxon), so now he’s got knives. Here he is from the back:
The wings can fold like this:

Antroz Revamp

Unlike with Kirop, I actually did have the whole set for this guy, but thought he could be a bit better. I started with the neck, then moved on to the wings, tail, taller body, legs, and friction extenders in the shoulders. Somehow I lost half the Tridax pod that’s supposed to be in the chest, so I opted to leave it out. For some reason, I have no other pictures of this guy. The wings can flare out for posing, and can also fold back behind the arms. I think the gunmetal blades on them might need to go. Kirop can’t connect to this guy because of how his wings and Antroz’s back have been re-engineered.

Gorast Revamp

This MOC is the definition of overkill. She’s over a foot tall and is probably the tallest MOC I’ve ever made. I really, really don’t like the colors, since there’s wayyyy too little lime green. Here’s a shot of the wing folded down:
And unfolded and splayed out:
You can’t see it very well, but the clear Gorast wings are still present; they’re sticking right out under the G2 Tahu blades. You can either fan the Keerakh staff out with the other blades, or keep it folded to fill the gap in the wing:
Here she is from the back.
I’m sure I have a black Vahki waist somewhere that I can switch in for the dark green one.

Irua, Toa of Magnetism

Now for another random Toa, this time a Toa of Magnetism with the Mask of Chain Lightning. I really like the idea of using red, blue and silver for Magnetism. He’s got the constraction Iron Man chestplate attachment on his chest because I had it and wanted to use it. He’s got those nice translucent blue armor shells on the Metru legs that form his shins, which looks a lot better from the front than from any other angle. I call the weapons Arc Blades, and they’re electric weapons that he can use in conjunction with his elemental power to fire electromagnetic pulses. I’d like to switch the forearm bone pieces for regular red ones. Here he is from the back, showing a pretty poor attempt at back armor using a spare blue McToran foot.
For some reason I took a photo showing the heartlight I built into him. I guess I was proud of it?


oh yeah that is true. But I do like the gunmetal and purple side of him, and I think the spike patch gives the impression of something being crushed by gravitational forces


four times the ammunition capacity, four times the joints in the tail

this feels like it belongs in a BIONICLE fan game or a diorama

you could try doubling the bones in the legs, like most of the CCBS titan sets did, and/or some of those BIONICLE titan piston pieces. Should help reduce the top-heaviness of it a bit.

Making me wish we got dark blue CCBS panels earlier than the year G2 ended again

nice little vampire man

actual critique here: his abdomen looks incredibly thin, needs something on it to make it not look like just a technic beam (I do not like exposed technic beams in constraction)

same critique, but harder to fix due to the waist articulation

definitely feels like a classic superhero Toa


Is this sufficient?
I had another design with a black Metru shoulder, but it made the lower torso look kind of weird so I scrapped it.


better. I’d want those two upper holes covered too but I’ve just realized the wire bits there will mean you have to slap something on from the front. Do you happen to have a spare red or black metru foot you could put across the whole lower section?


No Metru feet going spare right now, unfortunately. Took me a solid minute to determine what you meant by “wire bits” but I figured it out, lol. Luckily I did have a spare black Metru chest cover I could use, so would this suffice?
It also works with the ribcage closed:


for the sake of not nitpicking something and letting you work on other MOCs, yeah that’s an improvement


Eh, don’t worry about it. I haven’t been working on anything recently anyway. I do have more stuff to post, but I haven’t taken the pictures yet and can’t be bothered to do it right now. Probably coming tomorrow?


A day late, but today we have a bit of an image wall that needs some explaining. About a year ago, I made my Bohrok into suits of armor for my Toa Mata, then did the same with my Rahkshi and Toa Nuva. Last week, I decided to rebuild them using the old photos I took. Here are the new, better photos.

One of the rules I set for myself is that I had to incorporate the krana and krana holder into all the Bohrok armor suits I made. This rule was only broken once, with Lewa, whose armor I completely changed from the original photo anyway in order to incorporate it. Tahu is one of the more basic ones, but I do not like the axle that sticks out of his shoulder; it was the only way to hold those parts on. The original photo had his feet turned backward, but since the idea was a sort of “what if instead of Exo-Toa, the Toa turned Bohrok into suits of armor and went to fight the Bahrag in those instead”, I felt like it made him look like his ankles were broken, so I flipped the feet back to the proper orientation.

I like the Bohrok eye and axle holding the krana in, and the headplate on the right shoulder looks nice.

This one looks extremely cluttered in pictures but looks a lot better in person. Basically, the Bohrok headplate forms a sort of faceplate for Pohatu, and the krana holder is bundled onto his left shoulder. The eyes form claws on his right hand, and then the torso halves are stuck on the pins on the legs

I like this one. Most of the Bohrok’s mass is dedicated to Gali’s weapons, turning them into big heavy saw/club things. The krana is situated on the right shoulder. I like the Bohrok teeth on either side of the chest socket.

Kopaka gets big shoulders and the krana attached on his back. Funny enough, the krana has its own little “scope” over the right eye just like Kopaka has.

This is easily the worst of the Bohrok armor-ups. The original gave Lewa a pair of wings and nothing else, which forced me to just rubber-band the krana to the right wing without incorporating the krana holder. I decided to do away with the wings and instead try for a sort of standard-bearer look with the krana. This was hugely unsuccessful, and the result ends up looking…not great. At least the extra shoulder-arms are cool?

I will upload the Rahkshi armor suits, probably tomorrow, so if you want to see those, then stay tuned. (I think they look pretty cool, personally!)

NOTE: Edited because I wrote Lehvak instead of Gahlok.
NOTE 2: Edited again because I can’t identify my Bohrok apparently.


nice color combination, only slightly weird from the lime green

very striking and good color combination

weird color combination

solid color combination

okay color combination

specifically ruined by the blue eyes


Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking about color combinations for the most part, just trying to use up parts.

also here’s the Rahkshi armor sets because I can’t think of a good transition to the pictures

Weird weapon, weird right shoulder. The rest is okay.

I like the extended weapons, but his shoulder joints don’t. The shoulder “armor” looks a tad weird.

All the Rahkshi parts are dedicated to a pair of arms attached to Pohatu’s shoulders. I should mention- I let myself remove the Nuva armor pieces because with them on there I didn’t have nearly enough connection points to make anything passable. Anyway, Pohatu’s new arms can’t be held up in the air because of bad ball joints (21 years of age will do that, I guess), but they do look pretty cool hanging next to his regular arms.

I will not show the back shot of this one because it shows nothing you can’t see from the front. The chestplate is nice and I like the shoulders more than Onua’s despite the armor being even bigger.

Foot armor, asymmetrical shoulder pads, and a beefier weapon are the order of the day here. I like the double shoulder spike.

I did not own Vorahk at the time I made the other Rahkshi armor sets, so this one was fully invented. I quite like everything about this armor set and think it’s one of my favorite ones I made, certainly better than most of the Bohrok ones.

That’s all for today. Somehow, I still have more MOCs I haven’t posted, twelve to be exact. Those will be coming over probably the next week, unless I forget, which may happen.


Oh man it’s been a while. I meant to post this next batch pretty quick after the last post but I got busy and forgot, plus my family went to visit my grandparents for the 4th of July, and I guess in all the excitement I just forgot. For nearly a month. Well, I’m back now, and excited to show off what I consider to be my first “real” Toa team. Presenting…the Toa Arraxa!

(this is where I’d put a group shot if I’d thought to take one)
Formerly a group of reverted Shadow Matoran living on the island of Arraxa Nui, the Toa Arraxa all stumbled upon a pool of energized protodermis; upon emerging from its silvery depths, each had become a mighty Toa, and the group took up the mantle of protectors of Arraxa Nui.

Kerran, Toa of Stone
The leader of the Toa Arraxa, Kerran is serious and often concentrates on whatever he’s doing to such a degree that his name has to be called repeatedly for him to take notice. He wears the Mask of Recuperation, which allows him to heal injuries to himself faster.
Design Stuff:
Kerran used to wear a brown mask, but I had a silver Akaku going spare and decided there was really no better way to use it than to put it on him. His weapon, in case my garbage photography is making it hard to discern, is a giant pickaxe.

Yalera, Toa of Water
Yalera is friendly and personable, and often takes up the role of the Toa Arraxa’s diplomat. However, she’s also capable of hacking and slashing with her broadsword in a surprisingly brutal fashion. Her mask, though shaped like a Hau Nuva, is in reality a Mask of Healing.
Design Stuff:
Yalera was built with a black torso entirely because I couldn’t find a blue one. By the time I did, the black one had grown on me. It and the silver socket are supposed to represent additional armor. I would use a Nuva chestplate, but I HATE how the chestplate looks without the shoulder armor. Her sword is from Knights’ Kingdom, but in blue it originates from Exo-Force. (I actually have two or three, but one of them’s filthy and I’ve not bothered to clean it.)

Quai, Toa of Fire
Quai prefers to wield his sword over his fire powers, swinging and swiping deftly to fend off foes. He also enjoys disappearing through walls with his Mask of Density Control to launch ambush attacks on enemies.
Design Stuff:
With Quai I wanted to prioritize orange over the more common Toa of Fire red, so his mask, limbs, extremities and armor are all orange. He has a ball-jointed neck because I was and am experiencing a major shortage of Mata heads. His sword is also from Knights’ Kingdom.

Gett, Toa of Ice
Gett carries a small hatchet and a Mask of Combustion, and he knows how to use both, particularly the mask. He tends to activate it for a split second while charging headlong into enemies to wreathe his whole body in flames. Although not especially big, Gett is surprisingly strong, so a flaming body-slam from him is much like being hit by a miniature airship crash.
Design Stuff:
Gett used to wield two ice blades, but I changed it because at the time four of the Toa Arraxa had some sort of sword, and I didn’t like that lack of variety. His hatchet is a hockey stick piece. He also used to have a Mata head, but the mask kept falling off when I moved him, so I swapped to a Glatorian head. I like that all his limbs are white- it makes him a lot more striking than if they were light gray.

Zirrix, Toa of Air
Zirrix is calm and collected at all times, and his Mask of Endurance allows him to trudge through volcanic heat and arctic cold with ease. This is all a front, though- when talking to his team, Zirrix is a perennial jokester who loves to make puns and generally crack wise.
Design Stuff:
I really wanted Zirrix to have a teal Miru because A:) it’s the only teal mask I have, and B:) it was either that or a stock lime Mahiki. Either he looks like a bootleg Lewa despite my best attempts to differentiate them, or he looks like a Matau impersonator. His legs have green Knights’ Kingdom armor inserts plugged into the sides, and he wields a spear with two spikes coming from the sides. Rahi teeth? Just decoration? Who knows? Also, yes, I used 2008 lime sockets for his hips and hand. I was on edge the entire time I was attaching them.

Imiyo, Toa of Earth
Quiet and calm, Imiyo is never the first to attack, preferring to wait and see what an enemy is doing before going in. He wears the Mask of Tunneling and wields a huge axe.
Design Stuff:
Imiyo was a later addition to the Toa Arraxa, the last one I built and coming a week or two after the previous member, Zirrix. I wanted to finish off the classic elemental lineup, and he was my way to do so. His feet used to be black Hewkii Inika feet, but I swapped them for black Mata feet for team cohesion. He used to have a Takanuva blade as a sword, but I swapped it for a giant axe I had had built for some time. The reasons are twofold. One: Four of the Toa Arraxa had swords at the time, and he was one of them. Two: Axes are cool.

And that’s all six! I do have a second team of Mata builds I want to share here, which will be coming soon, for real this time. For now, though, that’s all from me. See you next time!