biomechanical_baboon's Massively Mediocre MOC Madness

For my first post on the boards, I thought I’d start strong and see if I can get a topic for all my MOCs going. I’m not a very good builder, so a lot of these are going to be fairly simple, but I’m proud of (most of) them and wanted to post them somewhere so I can finally dismantle them. (Apologies in advance for the photo quality.) Without further ado, we’ll begin with:

Squashed Rat Mech (???)

This is the oldest MOC I have accessible records of. All the photos have atrocious lighting, and there are a lot of them, mostly from the same angle. Here’s the clearest one:
You can kinda see why I call it the Squashed Rat Mech. It appears to be made from pieces of Aquagon, 2015 Gali, 2015 Tahu, Breakout Bulk, and Darth Vader with the cockpit of the Spider Machine slapped on front. There are other pictures, but like I said, this is the clearest. Let’s move on to some more recent stuff.

Bohrok with Pohatu’s Limbs

One day, I set out to mash up my Toa and Bohrok in various combinations to create different combo models. I don’t own Pahrak, so this is the stand-in for it, only with Pohatu’s limbs attached on the end of its own:
There really isn’t too much to say about it other than that.

Kopaka, Lewa and Gahlok Stand-In Combo

I also don’t have Gahlok, so I made a stand-in out of Kohrak and Lehvak parts. That, combined with Lewa and Kopaka, created this.
The shoulder armor is nice, and I recall the leg extensions looking pretty good in person. Other than that, it isn’t great.

Gali and Lehvak Combo

I combined Gali and Lehvak, and this thing was the result. Arms brought to you by one of the official Bohrok Kaita.
This one is…somewhat less successful. The shoulder hooks are a bit much, the arms are way too long, and the legs just look weird.

Tahu, Nuhvok and Pahrak Combo

Here we have the unholy mixture of Tahu, Nuhvok and Pahrak, as you can tell from the header:

Noodly arms and weird thighs are the order of the day with this guy. I remember said thighs being really weird to pose, since they were designed in such a way that they actually pulled the lower legs inward. I like the shield made of Tahnok shields, and the chestplate made of Bohrok teeth and a Nuhvok shield is pretty cool.

Birdman Thing

From what I remember, this was an attempt at replicating the “Fusion Bohrok” combiner model using Onua instead of Nuhvok:

His wings, again going off of fuzzy memories, were completely stiff and static, and he wields a circular saw and a shield made of Onua’s torso. His head is quite literally just Kohrak Va’s. I actually think this guy looks all right, all things considered.

I don’t want to dump too many MOCs all at once, so that’s it for now. I’ve got plenty more, though, so look forward to a good few more posts here. (Possibly even later today, if I feel like it.) Bye for now!


Hello and welcome back to The Hawkflight Archives biomechanical_baboon’s Massively Mediocre MOC Madness, today we’re having a look at some weird little creatures

I cannot see the pilot very well so I must take your word for it that this is a rat

this could have canonically happened at some point

I wonder how well Kopaka and Lewa (without Gali) would get along in a shared body

legs look like a sort of mermaid fin

those bohrok eyes do a lot of mess up my perception of color on this guy

sick little creature ya got there

I will join you next time, maybe


I will freely admit that I took a bit of inspiration from you. Also, it’s only a rat because calling it the Squashed Rat Mech is funny to me.


That’s a good start. I’m a fan of combo models so I find these quite interesting (and well done)! Your take on the fusion Bohrok is pretty cool too.


how does everyone feel about Rahkshi Kaita

So I found that community project from a while back where everyone built Rahkshi Kaita and was inspired to make my own. I ended up building four, and here they are (along with a couple of random Bohrok combos I built around the same time).

Rahkshi Kaita Ka


The concept I was going for was “knight”. It was realized in the form of a bulked-up Rahkshi wielding a spear and shield, and if disarmed, it was able to draw two daggers from its shoulders (second picture). It was basically just built off of Turahk’s torso, but with some long extensions wrapped around the shoulders to bulk it up a bit. I have no earthly idea where the name came from.

Rahkshi Kaita Se


I wanted to make a snake Kaita because someone built one for the project. I wound up reverse-engineering that for myself a few days ago, and can say for certain that it is MUCH better than my attempt. Funny enough, both models have three heads, but mine has three tails as opposed to two. However, everything on mine is much clunkier, so y’know. The name came from the word “serpent”.

Rahkshi Kaita Du


The Du is a bit unusual in that it’s a Kaita composed of two separate components, a snake and a sort of bug thing. I like the snake more, mostly because it’s a lot sleeker and has the ability to rear up using the axle sticking out of the underside as a stand. The colors on the bug are a bit weird, but I was running out of pieces by that point. The name comes from the word “duo”.

Rahkshi Kaita Chi


Here we have another three-headed Kaita, except this time it’s based on the Chimera from Greek mythology, which is also where the name came from. As you can see, there are two heads on the front and a third on the tail. (In mythology the Chimera had a snake head on its tail, a lion and dragon head on the front, and I think a goat head sticking out of the middle of its back for some reason. I wasn’t able to get the goat head in for obvious reasons, but I would’ve if I could.) It’s got big shovel-like claws on the front legs and spines made from cross-axle pins all over the tail and back legs. This is probably my favorite of the Kaita I made, mostly because of the color combination and the positioning of the heads.

Two-Headed Critter (???)

I took a picture of this sitting down but I will not post it because it’s basically indistinguishable from the standing-up photo. This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve built, at least in terms of Bionicle. It has two Bohrok Va-style heads and asymmetrical legs because of parts limitations. Just looking at this I can tell a ton of parts were left out.

Dragon Rahi

I’m proud of the horns and wings on this beast. Other than that, it’s basically two Bohrok conjoined together, right down to the lunging head function. I tried to make the wings longer but physically could not due to parts limitations.


I guess I’m about to find out

looks like a Rahkshi with elbows and a bigger torso to me

mmmm, three headed snek

yet another snek, as well as another cute little critter

really had a thing for three headed creatures and snakes at this time, didn’t ya

I want to see you redo him with like two heads and multiple bohrok claws for feet

that is indeed two bohrok joined together but using the arms of one for propulsion


Yeah, the Ka is basically just a Rahkshi but more, lol


This reminds me of the Doom viper. I quite like the color combination you chose, and the white serves as a nice divider between the blue and green.


The Doom Viper was definitely an inspiration for that one. The color combo came from a desire to do the classic red-brown-black and blue-green-white combos, like Akamai and Wairuha, since for some reason Lego chose different color combos for the official Rahkshi Kaita.


Here are some more recent MOCs, the first of which I made and photographed literally yesterday.

Goblin Man


Or at least that’s what I’ve been calling him in my head. I built this little guy with the sole purpose of making a custom torso using a Corroder claw as the spine, and I think I succeeded. His arms are inexcusable; I don’t have any ball joint pieces (either G1 Bionicle or regular Technic with the axle hole all the way through) going spare, so I had to build his arms with the sockets at the end, and I’m so low on parts I didn’t have anything to fill the sockets with. I managed to obscure them somewhat with the clawed gauntlets he’s wearing, which I imagine he can take off. Just pretend the sockets are actual hands. He can hold things with the gauntlets, but he has to grasp them between the claws and the parts of the gauntlet that stick out at the sides, so his grip isn’t very strong.

Photo quality isn’t very good, the image is quite small, and he’s not exactly close up, so I have a breakdown photo here in case anyone wants to build him themselves for some reason:

The Lerka

I call this the Lerka. I imagine it’s a velociraptor-like Rahi that some Po-Matoran have been able to train to take riders. The hand sticking out of the back of its head is meant to be a crest, which you can see a bit better in this photo.

The tail was supposed to counterbalance it, but since it’s just Lewa’s axe it provides next to nothing in the way of countering the weight. Also, not even a McToran modified to be posable can sit on it without having to balance awkwardly between the gear and mask or hang about the neck by their feet like a bat from a tree branch. There’s a gear function in the torso that allows it to swing its arms up and down. Oh, and it’s a combo of Pohatu and Lewa.

Predatory Cat Rahi with Grasshopper Legs

This thing was built the day after the Lerka, and doesn’t have a name; feel free to suggest one if you feel like it. It was originally supposed to be a bird, believe it or not; the bird’s legs were adapted into this creature’s front legs. It has a function, which I’m very proud of; turn the gear on top slowly and the front legs walk forward while the head scans side to side as if stalking a target. I kind of tried to take pictures of this in action, but it didn’t really work.

You can kind of tell what it’s doing, I guess. Here it is from the side:

The tail doesn’t look very good. I tried to give it a tuft at the end like on a lion using some gears that were left over from the component sets (Gali and Onua), but the way it’s mounted doesn’t look very good. Best I could do with what I had.

Brachiosaurus Rahi

I wanted to make a brachiosaurus-like Rahi out of Tahu and Kopaka to go with my velociraptor-like one.

So I did.

Here it is.

The part on the back is supposed to look like pistons, but also gives the back a nice gradual slope. The front legs being so long is actually accurate to a real-life brachiosaurus (the name means “arm lizard”). My idea for the gear under the head was that it would raise its head to some tree branches and turn the gear, causing the teeth to cut through the branches. Then it would close its mouth around the branches and pull away. I don’t have any other pictures of this one, but here are all three combo Rahi together:

NEXT TIME: A big ol’ pile of pictures, mostly of the same MOC. Stay tuned, or don’t.


Bohrok with Pohatu’s Limbs is my favorite MOC of the year


I like how he looks sort of imposing in the first picture and then when you take the claws off he’s incredibly skinny

I don’t think I have much for this one

ah yes, the pcr’wgl

checks images of brachiosauri yep that checks out

I’ll join you next time, maybe

sarcastic commentary aside what’s the timeframe for when you built these MOCs? I thought these were mostly circa-2003 MOCs with the parts selection but with Goblin Man having the same picture quality I’m unsure


All of them are from within the last year or so. Goblin Man is from yesterday, in fact. I like challenging myself to make combination models. I don’t know why the picture quality is like that; I did a lot of searching and still don’t think I’m quite sure how to work Flickr.

@Ghid I agree, Bohrok with Pohatu’s Limbs is probably the best thing I’ve ever made. I might as well stop the topic right here, none of my other MOCs will come close to his glory.


As promised, here’s the pile of pictures of:

Akano, Toa of Fire

I’ve had Akano built for a pretty long time, ever since 2022. (That’s a long time in my terms.) He was originally supposed to be a Ta-Matoran, but then he contracted a case of Height Creep and ended up way too tall, so I made him a Toa. He wields two fire blades and wears the Mask of Charging, which allows him to race forward in a straight line, potentially through living beings if he aims right.

Here he is from the back. Those half-bushings in his shoulders were yellow for the longest time, which I kept meaning to change but never did until maybe last month.

Here he is with his Golden Mask. (I should explain: I headcanon that there’s one golden version of every mask scattered around Spherus Magna for…some reason. This is the Golden Mask of Charging, which Akano happens to have found and claimed.) The idea behind the extra gear was that, when he dons the mask, he can also summon additional gold armor and a sword I’m calling the Wildfire Blade, which you can see in his right hand. I like the way this looks, but I think I like this even more:

This is a little something I like to call Angel of the Flames, and yes, I do think the name might be a bit much. This came about because I got the mask in an eBay lot and wanted to put it to use. There are actually four wings there, but I don’t blame you if you can’t see the bottom ones; they’re mostly obscured behind his arms. The idea for this form is that he unlocked it after his Golden Mask was broken. All very anime-like, I’m aware. Here’s a better shot of the wing pack’s construction:

And just for fun, here’s Akano with almost all his gear attached- the golden armor, Wildfire Blade, wing pack, and translucent mask:

In case you’re wondering, this is what I default to for display.

Silver Rahkshi

That same eBay lot ended up having almost all the required parts to make a silver Rahkshi, so here it is:

As you can see, a few pieces are wrong. Silver Rahkshi heads do exist, but I frustratingly didn’t get one in the eBay lot, so I had to use a Nuva shoulder pad instead. It has about the right shape and the eyeholes are in the right place, so I’m happy. Silver Rahkshi feet, on the other hand, do not exist, so I had to use Hordika feet instead. It means he can’t put his feet together for flight mode, but who honestly cares about the Rahkshi’s flight mode anyway.

Since Akano ended up being less picture-heavy than I expected, I’ll probably be putting up more MOCs later today. I’ve got a bunch of Toa and a couple of Turaga, so stay tuned for that if you want. Bye for now!


surprising working-togetherness between CCBS and Bonkle system, the color layering helps a lot

I like this more than the gold form as well. I want to see you lean even further into the fire aesthetic on this guy.

does exactly what is says on the tin.

I’ll join you next time, maybe


I quite like the silver Rahkshi. It’s a tragedy silver Rahkshi heads are so expensive, but the Nuva shoulder works surprisingly well.


Thanks! I wasn’t expecting any compliments on that one since it’s just a color swap of the actual Rahkshi sets, but it does look pretty nice. I just checked Bricklink and yeah, silver Rahkshi heads are ridiculously expensive, although I guess they did only come in one set. and the Shadowed One but he was a Lego Club member exclusive according to Bricklink

Thanks! He’s one of my favorite MOCs I’ve made because of how well the armor and limbs blend.

Didn’t deliver on the MOCs I promised yesterday, so here they are.

Orear, Turaga of Air


This guy might be one of my favorite MOCs, mainly for his custom torso, which is the first one I’ve made that isn’t mostly one piece. It’s based around the three core pieces of a 2001 Turaga torso (the liftarms and that piece holding them together), built up with a ball joint, Mata hand, Bohrok feet, socket, and some Technic bits. Here’s a breakdown photo:
I built him mainly because I wanted to use that green Akaku, and his staff is made from my only silver Gali hook. He used to have a Mata head, but I stole it to use in one of my other MOCs that I’ll probably show here eventually. One of the greatest things about Turaga MOCs is that you can pretty easily turn them into revamps by switching out the mask and staff end, so here’s a bonus Matau revamp mode:
Yes, the saw actually spins.

Ordik, Turaga of Fire

Not a lot to say about this guy, but I am proud of his torso. Built because I wanted to use my red Pakari, which in-story represents a Noble Rode passed down by his Toa predecessors. I was originally going to copy Orear’s torso wholesale, but couldn’t find the red pieces I needed, so I improvised with Hero Factory feet and longer liftarms. I’m proud of the result, although it does make him somewhat larger than Orear. Here’s a breakdown shot:
And a bonus Vakama mode:

Gohrix, Toa of Gravity


In the story I had, Gohrix became a Toa because he found a cavern filled with crystals, all of which had been imbued with Toa power by a particularly strong Toa of Gravity, hence the crystals all over half his body. Shaky reasoning, I admit. He used to have a giant hammer as a weapon, but I had to take it apart to make a Toa of Earth, since the base of it was a Mata torso. Hence why Gohrix in this image has a spear. He’s also missing the index finger on his crystal hand, which was just straight-up not in the parts bin I found him in. The crystal clump on his shoulder is just attached by CCBS bones. The Mask of Earth represents a differently-shaped Pakari because I got lazy.

Battle-Damaged Toa of Water

“Battle-damaged” because I ran out of blue armor shells and correctly colored bone pieces/hands. She has some sort of speargun on her right arm. I legit do not remember how that one armor piece on her right upper arm got melted like that, but it does look kinda cool.

Arakav, Toa of Air

Here we have a quick-witted and quicker-tempered Toa of Air. I don’t quite remember why he’s so asymmetrical, but his left leg is longer than his right, so he has to stand with his left knee bent. He’s got two daggers on his shoulders and wears the Mask of Dodging (repurposed Protector mask). Not a fan of this guy’s look, might redo him after I get everyone pulled apart and have more pieces to work with.

Toa of Psionics

Another no-name. I like the Psionics color combo, and this azure color looks nice with gold, so here’s a Toa with that color scheme. She has claw feet because I can’t find any other appropriately colored feet, and the bone forearms are also because I couldn’t find parts. She has no mask because the only 2.0 or 3.0 helmet I can find is Rocka 3.0’s, which I guess is gold, but also really would not work with this MOC.

Punchy Toa of Fire


Here’s a Toa of Fire with a big fiery fist and a serrated blade from Chi Cragger. I have no reason for that silver blade on his right arm, but the left arm looks cool at least, and so do the shoulder pads. I’d have given him red Hero Factory feet, but mine are on Ordik right now. I don’t remember giving this guy a name, but his mask is the Mask of Heat Vision.

Vhiris, Toa of Sonics


I was debating whether to make this guy a Toa of Sonics or Earth for a while. On the one hand, I’ve never made a Toa of Sonics, but on the other hand, the yellow reads like heavy machinery, which says Earth to me. Eventually Sonics won out. His role in my story is basically to dampen all sound in or around De-Koro so the Matoran of Sonics living there can actually function without being overwhelmed by all the noise. His mask is the Mask of Disorientation.

Toa of Ice Who’s Female for Some Reason


Probably one of the better MOCs out of this post, alongside punchy fire guy. She’s got wings, axes, and Nuju Hordika’s head. I’m also proud of how I figured out clips can attach to the piston details on the Metru shin piece. That’s about all I have to say about this angle, but I do have two other shots showing how the wing rig can fold up:
The flick-fire missile pieces sticking out of her right shoulder are probably the worst part of this MOC, to be honest. Oh, and I don’t know what’s up with that gray piece attached to the chestplate.

More MOCs forthcoming. Stay tuned if you feel like seeing more mediocrity!


Those Turaga are great! They shouldn’t be in a topic for “mediocre” Mocs. I really like the use of Bohrok feet for the shoulders.


he’s quite buff for a Turaga

also quite buff for a Turaga (though I think the single limb CCBS legs make him seem a bit too static)

nice colors

not to be confused with seriously injured, like that water guy I gave a peg leg because a limb piece snapped a socket

as someone with one leg longer than the other I appreciate this design choice

probably needs a different color chestplate than her feet

even though he’s punchy he still carries a blade in case punches do not work

Toa of Acoustic Foam

Toa of probably removing the silver claws on her shins because they mess up the color layering


squashed rat means squashed rat shaped mech not rat pilot. the evo xl marine doesn’t have a xl pilotinging it, it’s xl shaped

if you did it yourself botar is coming

vakama’s been hitting the gym lately

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