Here is a thread to post some appreciation for the year 2004 for Bionicle whether it’d be the sets or the story or the 2004 Miramax Bionicle sequel Bionicle 2: Legends Of Metru Nui.
As a kid, the only set I owned from 2004 was a Vahki Rorzakh…but Bionicle 2: Legends Of Metru Nui was what first got me heavily into the Bionicle lore. Unfortunately I never owned any of the Toa Metru or read any of the 2004 books as a kid…but I have just started reading the 2004 Bionicle books starting with Mystery Of Metru Nui and I’m in the middle of Trial By Fire…and already 2004 is becoming my favorite year for Bionicle at the moment which is why I wanted to make this thread.
I love the Vahki. Their shins are among my favorite Bionicle limb pieces, and I like how they have two distinct modes (humanoid or crab). Their heads are super cool with the mandibles also working as a launcher, and I’m kinda obsessed with using the transparent headpiece as lazer claws for all kinds of figures. Not to mention how useful their hips are.
I own every Bionicle 2004 set excluding Ultimate Dume because technically he’s just Nidhiki, Krekka, and Nivawk with a mask.
Those books are what got me into Bionicle, even before Hero Factory came out. I only realized it was a legit thing when I saw more Bionicle books in a used bookstore. When I actually got sets and pieces, my first priority was the Toa Metru. I managed to snag a bargain of about $10 per Toa with instructions and canisters, followed soon after by the Vahki for about $13 each with canister and instructions.
The titans are my favorites out of all the Bionicle sets I own, even beating the famous and beloved Maxilos. Lhikan and Kikanalo is particularly special - when I bought the set, average price for it was about $80 but i snagged it for about $30. Lhikan is one of my favorite characters of the whole story and is just an important figure in general, and the Kikanalo is a pretty good build and gives Lhikan a good excuse to be rare.
Toa Vakama is the highlight, though. He is to this day my absolute favorite Bionicle set. He can ride Kikanalo, shoot people, stare at you menacingly, and swing his arms in a threatening manner. His mask and armor flow very well and the dark red, while overused in later years, was an unusually dark and new feel for Bionicle.
Overall, 04 is a solid year and in many ways was probably better than even 01, 02, and 07 (at least, for me. I was not around for G1, I just have everything secondhand).
I love 2004 and i think that the Toa Metru are the best toa sets. the vahki are also pretty cool and so are the titans and while i believe it was one of if not the best year when it happened, i think some other years are better in story and sets. Still love 2004 though
Overall, 04 is a solid year and in many ways was probably better than even 01, 02, and 07 (at least, for me. I was not around for G1, I just have everything secondhand).
I’ve had Lhikan for a while but never got around to building Kikanalo since I was missing some essential parts. Over time I’ve gathered them all (save for the claws, though the Mistika ones look good if you ask me) and man, this is an awesome set. Large, sturdy, poseable and interesting to build. I like how a Toa Metru can ride on its back, but it also looks good as a standalone figure. Definitely recommend!