Bionicle 2015/2016 mask edits

Much better

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The Toa mask redos look much more similar to the original Toa Mata masks.

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Wow, these are awesome! The Mask of Water might be more natural if the mouth-indent thing we see on most masks was more consistent with the others. Maybe if the visor was “foamed-over” (hehe), it’d be a little better too but maybe that’s just me.

Very nice work! The Mask of Fire is excellent!

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better much better
GG m8


Kakama: Best mask ever I want it!
Kaukau: I like it, reminds me of the Mata version.
Hau: I don’t see anything different, with the exception of the placement of the vents and the third vent. Am I missing something?
Miru: Eh, it’s alright.

IMO the official ones are better, but these are still extremely amazing.

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The first MoUP, minus the spikes, should be Onua’s mask.

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Make it 3D printed… NAOW xD

That mask would be perfect - especially for the purposes i need it for (Self-MOC). Any chance you could do an MoUP with a face that more resembles Antroz’s Jutlin?


Pohatu’s mask is great, Tahu’s mouth comes out a bit to far, Gali’s is to streamlined and Lewa’s is to much like the 01 version. The black one is epic and overall the masks are very cool.


I’m sorry, I only have a limited knowledge of 3d printing. I’ve done it before but I’ve never made a model anywhere close to this complicated.

Unless you just meant give this one a more jutlin mouth in 2d. That I can do.


It was more two separate requests;

[quote=“Tahu, post:53, topic:12565, full:true”]
I’m sorry, I only have a limited knowledge of 3d printing. I’ve done it before but I’ve never made a model anywhere close to this complicated. [/quote]

The first request being to make a 3D Printed version of the current version, as it looks awesome and would love to have it as a set. If that’s not possible though then i understand.

The second request is just to make the MoUP seem more Jutlin inspired giving it a similar mouth to Antroz/Jetrax or Radiak. If possible? :3


Cool masks @Tahu Lewa’s is my favorite so far!

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The Miru is kinda bad. Looks kinda like a Rhino to me. Good job on the rest, though :wink:

Mask of Ultimate power looks epic as all heck. Very nice work

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