BIONICLE 2015 Discussion Topic

Was Christopher Gaze the previous Vakama?

Always part of the plan, right? :wink:

yeah he was.

Right here. Obviously, considering the theme is likely going to be canceled, these plans are probably shot. Certainly leaves the door open for a BIONICLE movie to take its place…

Only issue? The HF movie was going to be live action (think Transformers), so… BIONICLE would probably get that treatment as well, and I know some people may not want humans in their BIONICLE. :stuck_out_tongue:



Then I second your statement. He must be Vakama.

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Ew… I think I found a human in my BIONICLE.

Flicks the human out of the BIONICLE canister

There we go. Now my BIONICLE is pure again.


Plus, Greg’s basically come out on the LMBs and said “Look, if it wasn’t coming back Lego would have said something by now, right? But I can’t say if it is or isn’t coming back right now because of my job.”

I really can’t comprehend/visualize live action Hero factory or Bionicle

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Think Michael Bay’s Transformers movies. Or, more accurately, the first one. That’s how I imagine it. :stuck_out_tongue:

HF/BIONICLE sets come to Earth seeking some sort of artifact. Fights ensue, pointless human leads, etc.

In the case of Hero Factory, plenty of corny lines like “It’s our core that makes us what we are, but you… it’s your heart.”

etc. etc.



I can imagine Stormer or Furno saying that. It’s very depressing to think about.

At this point it is basically confirmed, but…


Okay so I already said a Bionicle UCS Robot would be cool, and they might get a movie, but how about a Bionicle: Online? Buy a battle mount at Matoro’s Rahi! Fight your way through the Archives! And the Outlands expansion pack is replaced with Mata Nui. Or whatever new stuff they come up with.

From the pictures and labels we have gotten(assuming that they are reliable), it seems that we are either getting a reboot or a continuation. if it is a reboot, then they will either be dropping alot of history(such as the existence of the elemental lords, the Tao Hagah, so on) and make it more… child friendly. Which means that we are going to get something in between Hero Factory and the original Bionicle. If it is a continuation, then it is most likey going to take place on Spherus Magna. A hint to this is the use of the word “Jungle” which is used by one of the glatorians tribes. Also if you looked at the leaked picture with color, it looks like it is either Spherus Magna or Mata Nui(island), which can mean anything. There can also be the possibility of the Tao/Matoran/Turaga either combining or clashing with the Glatorians. Because the Tao are rather new the surface of Spherus Magna and the Glatorians may feel like they lost control of their land that their ancestors have been fighting over for centuries. All I know is that it is either going to be a reboot, or a continuation.


This is what the Bio 2015 movie plot will be.
(Mata Nui narrating)
Spherus Magna, once reunited is now divided. A powerful warlord calling himself The Lord of Skull-Spiders has descended upon this world, searching for The Cube, a source of infinite power. There was war for many centuries, seven years to be exact, brother fighting brother. So it was decided that The Cube had to be sent away before it could fall into the wrong hands. So a group of Defenders sent it into space, just as the planet fractured into three parts from the stresses if war. Furious, The Lord of Skull-Spiders pursued The Cube to a small blue-green planet, where he crashed and fell into hibernation. So the Defenders sent a team of six elemental masters to seek out The Lord of Skull-Spiders on the planet now known as Earth.


you took the Transformers comparison very literally.


Ah I see. Well that’s Universal and those directors approaching Lego to translate the theme into a movie to ride the wave of toy adaptation films that’s rather hot right now since Transformers made it work. I don’t get the felling Lego really had any interest in making this happen themselves. But with a big theme like bionicle, who knows maybe if they know people are interested in acquiring the rights to Lego themes maybe they’ll continue to play ball with WB.

And a live action HF movie, I can just see that being a disaster to being at least more entertaining than the TV episodes. :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t think Bionicle would get the same treatment necessarily.

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I have a few things to say…

  1. @Leoxander, you tell a wonderful, if plagiarizing, tale.
  2. Does anyone think there will be any normal Lego System sets for Bionicle 2015?
  3. Maybe the Defenders are connected to those elemental caves Kiina found… Very random thought, mostly meaningless.

I doubt there will be System sets, although I wouldn’t mind some playsets. I always wanted Le-Koro for my characters to pose on.


And check this out. Best Lego commercial ever.