And it was on this day that Hawkflight considered waiting to buy his Protectors in March.
And it was on this day The13Inquisitor’s prediction that Lego would not have shipped Bionicle ahead to his local town were validated.
Sorry @Toa_Of_Shadows but it seems we’ve got some more of The Waiting Game to play.
Went to a toy store near where I work and even trekked up the street about a k to check Toyworld and Target.
None of them had them and Lego apparently like to drag their feet shipping to where I live, so if you live in the city, you might have marginally better luck.
So yeah, I think Skull Scorpio’s legs will be poseable, if not by much, The Mata necks and bent Mata necks are most likely attached using those blue pins Eljay likes so much. I tried making a moc-up of it, and it works okay.
It involves two light grey Phantoka back connectors (that piece that allowed the Av-Matoran to ride) to length-5 technic beams, and… nothing else, really.
Let it never be said that the Lego artists excel in consistency
Cough cough Stuart Sayger Cough cough
i was watching this video
and i noticed this:
I think they took more inspiration from the 08’ sets than we thought
That is pretty cool coincidence.
… we know someone made a topic already
So just wondering, anyone who has received the bag mind sharing images of Tahu wearing the trans-hau. Want to see how it looks :3
My bad.
I’m really gonna miss half buried kanohi masks and randomly placed Mata-Nui stones…
Yeah, that’s a terribly small Mask Of Creation, barely any larger than the gold Skull Spider mask.
It is small, but I wasn’t really expecting it to be any larger… >.>
MoCr reminds me of Moose or something… @Chro is going to make another animal themed moc?
@Scarilian atleast MoCr have stand
Hm… it’s been a long time since I’ve built an animal MOC.
True, not sure if it’ll be included in the set though, think its just for display purposes
Cough… brickbuild stand for display on toyfairs only? You gotta be joking, it uses medium mini dish piece in ice blue, trans antena and probably black head (or hand) and obviously balljoint