BIONICLE 2015 (G2)- Ideas, Thoughts on the Plotline, Videos, and More!

Honestly the only things I hope for from G2 are seeing the other Toa Teams possibly return, like the Metru or Mahri. I loved them because of the darker tone their stories brought to the table, and their different characteristics compared to the Mata/Nuva, The Metru were rookies in their time, and the Inika/Mahri were all hardened fighters from one or more of the conflicts on Mata Nui. Seeing either Toa team join forces with the current group is fun to speculate about. ^-^


@Squigly This ties in to an idea I posted in the BIONICLE 2015 Discussion Topic today.


As said in Episode 15, the Toa had clear memories of Ekimu.

Maybe the Toa… No.

What if there had been an event in which the Toa from G1 actually came to the events in G2 with the Vahi, helped save G2’s world, and gave the Mask of Time to the Mask Makers?

“You’ll be seeing us, but we won’t be seeing you.”
Meaning the Mask Makers would see the G2 Toa, not the G1 Toa.

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.

And if you’re still confused, I’ll explain using this chronology.

  • In the time before Makuta and Ekimu were Mask Makers, there was a serious threat on Okoto (another villain from G1 perhaps?)
  • The G1 Toa discover the villain in the G2 world, and use the Mask of Time to arrive on Okoto.
  • The G1 Toa defeat the G1 Villain.
  • In case evil returns, the G1 Toa teach Protectors Ekimu and Makuta how to create Masks of Power (the Mask of Creation, and the Mask of Control). Maybe they even help create the shrines for the six Golden Masks of Power.
  • The G1 Toa give the Mask of Time to the Mask Makers, telling them about the Prophecy of Heroes.
  • Using the Mask of Time, the Mask Makers send the G1 Toa back into their own time.

Later, through the Golden Masks, Ekimu will share the memories of the G1 Toa to the G2 Toa, explaining how they will remember him even though they have never seen him before.

Ekimu seemed pretty happy to see the Toa, as if they were old friends. But what he doesn’t know it that these are different Toa.

What do you think?


Hmm… yeah, one question, wouldn’t a better explanation involve that alternate-universe, time-traveling Takanuva that the central timeline Takanuva met?

OK, this might not make sense considering I haven’t read Island of the Lost Masks, but since we will be seeing both Umarak the Hunter and Umarak the Destroyer, could they possibly be Makuta’s bodyguards and/or caretakers?

Click here.

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Teaser #2 for Dawn of the Mask Maker by Bionicle Ascension Productions.
Note: According to Bionicle Ascension Productions, he left out the dialogue so he wouldn’t spoil anything.

I am already enjoying his story so far!

MetruNuiLegacy’s Okoto Origins Episode 01

So cool!

Part 2 of Masters of Okoto

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(Note: I made up this Time-Line. Some of it is official, some is not.)

The BIOlogical ChroNICLE Timeline

The Great Creation

  • Mata Nui and the Mask of Life work use the last of their power to create life on Spherus Magna. Okoto is formed.
  • Elemental Creatures and Beasts are created. Many cities are built on the island. Artakha and Umarak rule the island.
  • Artakha organizes the Protectors.
    The War of Okoto
  • Umarak finds a dark artifact (the Kraakhan w/Teridax’s mind) which makes him evil. After hiding it deep in the mountains, he seeks to overthrow Artakha. The Battle of Water. Artakha conquers Umarak and manages to take his Mask of Control and curse him, but also lets him go. Makuta is given the Mask of Control.
    - The Shadow Traps are created. Umarak and his traps attack the City of Stone. The Battle of Stone.
  • Warriors are sent to battle Umarak. Umarak conquers mountains around Okoto.
  • Artakha sends some of the Protectors into the Region of Jungle to fortify it against Umarak. Artakha receives part of the Prophecy of Heroes. He creates the Mask of Time.
  • The Battle of Jungle. The Protectors return to the City of Water. The First Summoning occurs.
  • Umarak attacks the City of Water. Artakha is defeated. Ekimu escapes with the Mask of Creation. The inhabitants flee the city, hiding in the Water Region.
  • Much later, the Pre-Toa fall from the sky. The Pre-Toa are guided by Ekimu and Makuta.
  • The Pre-Toa battle against Umarak. Umarak is defeated, but manages to escape. The City of Water is reclaimed.
  • Ekimu is shown the art of Mask-Making. In time, he teaches Makuta. They create Golden Masks of Power for the Protectors. The Mask Makers, Protectors and Pre-Toa battle their way through the mountains. They attack the City of Jungle, one of Umarak’s strongholds. Through Ekimu’s mercy, Umarak flees to the Stone Region. The Pre-Toa find the Kraakhan, and begin to corrupt.
  • Pre-Toa of Fire Kulta asks the Mask Makers to make Golden Toa Masks. The Mask Makers concede. The Golden Mask of Skull Spiders is created as a fail-safe.
  • Kulta hides the Kraakhan.
  • The Pre-Toa (except for Balaki) attack Umarak’s fortress in the Stone Region. The great battle causes the Stone Region to become a desolate wasteland.
  • The Mask Makers and Protectors protect Umarak, and allow him to flee. Balaki is killed by Kulta. The Pre-Toa battle the Protectors and the Mask Makers. The Pre-Toa Masks become corrupted. Makuta is corrupted. The Pre-Toa are cursed by Ekimu.
  • The Pre-Toa are erased from Okotan History. Umarak waits.

The Great Cataclysm

  • The full Prophecy of Heroes is revealed. New Golden Masks of Power for the Toa are created, and hidden. Makuta forges the Golden Masks of Unity.
  • Corrupt Makuta becomes envious of Ekimu. Makuta forges the Mask of Ultimate Power, then hides his Mask of Control.
  • Ekimu and Makuta travel to the Region of Stone. Makuta and Ekimu are put into a deep sleep by a shockwave. The Protectors find Ekimu, and bury him. The Mask of Ultimate Power is found by Umarak. The MoUP possesses Umarak, and the MoUP finds the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders. Skull Grinder rises.
  • The City of the Mask Makers is abandoned. The Protectors search in their regions for the Masks of Power.
  • The Golden Mask of Skull Spiders is found by Skull Grinder. The Skull Spiders search for the Masks of Power.
  • The Protectors go to the Temple of Time. The Second Summoning occurs.
  • The Toa fall on Okoto.
  • The Quest for Golden Masks. Skull Grinder heads towards the City of the Mask Makers.
  • The Toa claim their Golden Masks of Power.
  • Skull Grinder finds the Mask of Creation. The Skull Creatures are created. The Lord of Skull Spiders is given the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders.
  • The Toa arrive at the City of the Mask Makers. The Toa defeat the Lord of Skull Spiders, but he escapes. The Toa enter the City. The Skull Creatures confront them. The Toa awaken Ekimu. The Skull Creatures are defeated. Ekimu banishes Skull Grinder.

The War of Elements

  • The LoSS and Umarak find Makuta, and awaken him with the MoUP. Makuta takes possession of the MoUP. The Shadow Traps are formed again.
  • The MoUP causes the Third Summoning.
  • The Uniters fall on Okoto. Some of the inhabitants become corrupted. The Toa search for the Uniters.
  • Umarak begins to hunt for the Elemental Creatures using his Shadow Traps and searches for the Golden Masks of Unity.
  • The Toa battle the Uniters. Ekimu stops the fight, and warns the Toa and Uniters of the Elemental Creatures.
  • The Toa and the Uniters find the Elemental Creatures. The Uniters unite with the Elemental Creatures.
  • Umarak finds the Mask of Control, but the Uniters claim it. Umarak escapes. Makuta awakens the Elemental Beasts.
  • The Beasts wreak havoc on the island. The Uniters battle, but are overrun by Skull Spiders. The LoSS reveals himself.
  • The Elemental Beasts and the Uniters battle the Toa and Ekimu. Ekimu becomes the Master of Creation. The Toa and Ekimu free the Uniters, but the Mask of Control is stolen by Makuta.
  • Ekimu returns to Mask Maker form.
  • Ekimu, the Uniters and The Toa are ambushed. Makuta uses the Mask of Control to possess Ekimu, and create a body for the Mask of Ultimate Power. Umarak the Destroyer/the Element Lord is created. Ekimu manages to free Makuta. Makuta manages to help the Toa and the Uniters escape with the Mask of Control, but corrupted Ekimu still has the Mask of Creation.
  • Makuta explains to the Uniters and the Toa the Element Lord’s plan… to use Ekimu to forge many other Masks of Power to create an army.
  • The Toa and the Uniters search for the Protectors, while Makuta summons Skull Grinder.
  • The Protectors are found.
  • Makuta, the Protectors, the Toa, the Uniters, and the Skull Creatures reluctantly team-up.
  • Deep in the Region of Fire, the Element Lord has Ekimu create Fire Warriors to defend the Element Lord. The Element Lord begins to forge another Mask of Ultimate Power.
  • Makuta, the Uniters, Toa, Protectors, and Skull Creatures battle the Fire Warriors. The Element Lord is defeated, but manages to escape with Ekimu.

The War of the Final Element

  • The Element Lord finds the Kraakhan, and Ekimu creates a body for it. Makuta Teridax (the manipulator of Makuta the Mask Maker) returns. Ekimu manages to send a message to the Toa.
  • Makuta, Kivoda, Uniter Kopaka, Skull Slicer, Ketar and Tahu cause the Fourth Summoning.
  • The Toa Mata (with the Mask of Life) arrive.
  • The Quest for Okoto.
  • Ekimu creates a portal for Rahkshi, Bohrok, Bone Warriors and Skrall to come to Okoto from Mata Nui.
  • The Toa Mata, Toa, Uniters, Skull Creatures, Protectors, and Makuta battle Teridax, the Element Lord, Umarak the Hunter, the Lord of Skull Spiders, Rahkshi, Skrall, Bohrok, Bone Warriors. Ekimu is freed, but it is not enough to defeat the waves of villains. Using the Mask of Time, the Mask of Life and the Mask of Creation, Ekimu is able to charge the Mask of Life enough to bring Mata Nui back to life. Mata Nui and the Toa Mata are able to bring down the body for the Mask of Ultimate Power, but Teridax manages to steal the Mask of Ultimate Power, and the Mask of Creation.
  • Teridax uses the power of the Mask of Creation to make the Mask of Ultimate Power easy to control.
  • The Mask Makers (Ekimu with the Mask of Time), Protectors, the Toa, the Uniters, the Elemental Creatures, the Skull Creatures, the Toa Mata, and Mata Nui battle Teridax. During the battle, Teridax traps everyone except the Mask Makers, the Toa, and the Protector of Jungle. They battle Teridax. Makuta manages to knock the Mask of Ultimate Power off of Teridax, killing Teridax.
  • Makuta and Ekimu use their hammers to smash the Mask of Ultimate Power, breaking it up into six shards. One of each shard is given to the Toa.

Note: I mainly posted this so I wouldn’t lose it. It is a lot of work.



No offence, but this seems like post-Journey’s End G1.


That was kind of the idea.

None taken.


Oh, I see.


i´d love to see Voriki in G2 even though he was just a fan-made character leaked in 2002-3, but at the same time i highly doubt it´ll happen but i hope Lego goes back with the MoL concept were the protectors learn that there´s someone amongs the Akotoan people (that could maybe be bingzak) who´s destined to become a toa and defeat Makuta (and he´d infact be the only one who´d be able to defeat Makuta. ofcorse without copying MoL too much.

                              (you did mean "Voriki" right?)
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I had an idea:
I imagine Ekimu became obsessed with making masks for the Toa waiting for the day they would come, but after the Great Cataclysm, the Islanders decided the masks were too powerful and got rid of them. That’s why the Golden masks were hidden. And maybe the same for the Golden Unity Masks of 2016.


Random theory:

What if the island of Okoto is a time loop? The Toa, at the end, are sent to “timeless space” (no one will get that reference) and in a few years evil rises again and the Toa are summoned again, and the same series of events follows. Yes, I’m saying that the whole "Mask maker forges MOUP, Toa show up, and whatever happens in G2 has happened before.

But this runthrough breaks the Time loop because it’s different: the Toa lack memories. This is because the Protectors summoned the Toa from the beginning of time instead of the end, and this time they (the Toa) won’t survive the final fight, ending the time loop.

Also, off-topic, but I love how I have an ad for AKAMAI.



EDIT: Never mind. Will shorten and post later.

Would love to see the theories that Ekimu is Makuta in disguise come true. Seeing as how Ekimu mirrors Turaga Dumè.

(Also would love to see Narmoto mirror Lhikan, sacrifice himself to save Tahu)

I’d just like to see Teridax is Makuta. Here’s how.

When Mata Nui killed Teridax on Bara Magna, Teridax was only defeated. When the Kraakhan was scattered into atoms, the Toa assumed that it was destroyed. Some of it was destroyed… but some of the pieces survived and were scattered. Some took longer to arrive at their destination. One of the pieces fell on Okoto while the island was being formed during the restoration of Spherus Magna.

The power of Mata Nui and the Mask of Life actually managed to restore Teridax’s mind from the piece of the Kraakhan. The Kraakhan’s power was restored because of the return of Teridax’s mind, so Teridax used its power to create Umarak the Hunter. However, Teridax let Umarak roam without knowing of the source of his creation.

Umarak corrupted Makuta, placing a hint of Teridax in Makuta’s mind. Teridax’s goal was power and Makuta’s was to become more popular.
When Makuta drained an imprisoned Umarak of some of his mask’s shadow power to place it in the first piece of the Mask of Ultimate Power, a part of Teridax was placed in the piece.

With Makuta half corrupted and the new mask half corrupted, Teridax was able to gain full control of Makuta when he placed the Mask of Ultimate Power on his face, making Makuta’s body the host for Teridax.
Teridax was now linked to the Mask of Ultimate Power, the Mask of Control, and Makuta the Mask Maker, even though Ekimu knocked the Mask of Ultimate Power from Makuta’s face.

Through his link with the Mask of Control, Teridax discovered it was in the Labyrinth. But he didn’t have a physical body, and he didn’t know where the Labyrinth was, though he knew the Creatures were the key.

However, using Makuta’s spirit as a puppet, Teridax managed to recruit Umarak without Umarak knowing about Teridax. Umarak hunted for Makuta, and eventually managed to recover the Mask of Control.

When Umarak placed the Mask of Control on his face, he completed the full link Teridax needed to control him (one-half Umarak himself, the other the Mask of Control). Then Teridax forced the Hunter to become the Destroyer (Teridax once said he was destruction).

However, Ekimu suspected that Makuta was not himself. Receiving visions from his old master Artakha through the Mask of Creation and realizing that the element of shadow was introduced before the Great Cataclysm, Ekimu suspected that Teridax was alive. With this information, he discovered he needed to destroy the Mask of Control and Umarak’s Hunter Mask to defeat Umarak the Destroyer and weaken Teridax’s hold on Makuta.


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Uh… wut?

I think this would confuse the kiddies to the point of Bonkle being canceled again.


What’s confusing you?

I’ll answer any questions you have.

Well I’m not saying it confuses me… that much, I’m just saying it’ll be confusing to the kids and the parents. Mostly the parents because they’ll be confused by the different names.


A G1 and G2 will be confusing no matter what. You have a 10 year developed story with waaayyyy to many terms and characters mixed with a bit more of a simplistic theme will cause so much confusion which is why I believe it won’t happen

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