Bionicle 2015 Set Discussion topic

Because they don’t remember anything. Their impact landings on Okoto gave them mild concussions, thus resulting in memory loss.

Valid point though, it seems that Tahu does have some experience in battle, for he unconsciously beat up a few skull spiders with his skillz when he first got on Okoto



Why does everyone hate silver?


I saw a guy earlier saying “how do you have fun with the new sets,if you only got the toa and no protectors or Loss?”
That’s simple,my friend.Make them fight for Gali’s love.


I don’t hate it; I just don’t like it as well when it is used as a major color, and the elemental color is secondary (Mistika/ 2015 Pohatu).

I still like it, though; just not as well.

But aren’t they all siblings?

That’s BIONICLE shipping for ya. :stuck_out_tongue:



This is for anyone to check their nearest Target

I for one do not have any available near me. :confounded:

So far, any close to me has… Scorpio… :tired_face:

Hey! You can get those, and use those parts for parts!

@Booster_Gold I just refreshed Basher’s info, he’s now available! :grinning:

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I checked my local Target today, and they didn’t have the 2nd wave of Bionicle, but they did have airjutsu flyers and other summer 2015 sets.

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I checked both TRU and Target earlier to no avail. Ended up just buying Skull Warrior online instead.

Almost settled for getting Morro’s airjitzu at Target, but then I remembered that Morro was a massive brat in the TV show. I really wish they had Wrayth.


No such luck at the targets near me. Did anyone else get impatient and just order them from Toys R Us? Cuz I did.

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I would have ordered, but since I’m not on the mainland, I’d have to pay $130, and I’m not paying that much when I could just wait for August 1st to pay $75-$80

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I can see why; plus the time to ship it to you would probably take longer anyway.

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I remember Ven saying some time ago that there was a rumour about Ekimu becoming a Toa later on in the story. I hope this does happen, because in my opinion his set is very underwhelming.

I don’t think he should be the same size as the protectors, he’s more important than them. I think he should have been a Titan like set.

Also, this set doesn’t even suit the Mask of Creation. The mask is very detailed with embossed writings, which isn’t even the new Akotian language (would have been nice if it where). I think the mask is beautiful, I plan to paint and/or draw it photo realistically for that.

Ekimu on the other hand, is as detailed as the Protectors. It’s like they didn’t consider the fact that, fans might want to put his actual mask on his face. I feel that they should have at least embossed similar markings onto his panels and armour so that the figure and mask were aesthetically unified.

I hope a new Ekimu set comes out which is more impressive.

I probably need to stop thinking of Ekimu like Mata Nui but I can’t help it with the way they set the story up.

Yeah, the idea of Ekimu becoming a Toa became popular after a 4chan ‘leak’ stating about the 2016 sets - its still debated as to whether it was a legitimate leak.

Personally i think he needs a larger set now that he’s back because if you had a mask that could create things, wouldn’t you use it to give yourself an exo-suit or improve yourself if you were up against evil villains? :stuck_out_tongue:

Then again, not sure what mask he’d wear as I’d prefer not getting any more Masks of Creation.

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Four of five of the sets are on!
This is super exciting!
LEGO+BIONICLE%3A+Mask+Maker+vs.+Skull+Grinder+%2870795%29 for sale online | eBay
LEGO+BIONICLE%3A+Skull+Basher+%2870793%29 for sale online | eBay
LEGO+BIONICLE%3A+Skull+Warrior+%2870791%29 for sale online | eBay
LEGO+BIONICLE%3A+Skull+Scorpio+%2870794%29 for sale online | eBay
Of course it is Toys “R” Us, but if you’d rather shop than, this is a great opportunity to get these sets


I wish the Skull Villains had more Brown, red, Green, and blue… (but Gali has no villain) like the Toa had. At least we got some purple.