BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Maybe because everything else on the island was obliterated in the Great Cataclysm? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s said that all cities, temples, etc. were left in ruins after the battle of the Mask Makers, and the Region of Jungle was the only unaffected area.

(Plus, it’s not “every” landmark–the Capitol City was in the Region of Stone.)


The only one with a “huge” weapon was Skull Grinder. The rest were about Toa sized (some even smaller)

Tahu’s are good, I agree (although the over-the-top size of them is a bit annoying when posing). Kopaka’s gear function messes up his shoulder armor, unless you put it in an ugly awful angle.

I sadly disagree on this one. His “handles”/swords have a bad habit of hitting the ground and just messing his arms up.

I like the battle axe more, and the biggest problem is actually her shoulder armor location conflicting with the open ball joint.

Onua’s is PERFECT.

They move all over the place and come apart easily because of their attachment. His were the worst.

I guess it’s not the weapons but actually a combination of large weapons, not so tight joints, and shoulder issues.


Latest Club Magazine had a Bionicle page in it

It mentioned Matoran, oddly.

Seems like some sort of show they’re posting.


Can you like… show it to us instead of just leaving it up to the imagination? Like, I need to see the context of all of this bro. XD


Looks like it’s just a name drop. An odd one at that.


(The Bionicle G1/G2 Connection Theory Topic - #238 by BBC1Wholock1)

It’s more at the bottom of the post.


Did they seriously just do that?!
And they said that BIONICLE 2017 is cancelled?!


What is this, an ad for a boxing match?


Interesting that Gali is the one paired up to fight Storm Beast and not Kopaka, despite his mask appearing in the set itself.

On the other hand, does this mean we can call Okotans Matoran?


Notice that the Labyrinth is where the match is taking place.

Maybe in 2017 the Labyrinth was going to be the New Arena?


A Show? Let me get some popcorn.


i would make a “Sunday Sunday Sunday” joke… but im not sure it would be funny… nor be any good.


My reaction to Bionicle the Journey to One’s ending.

That feeling when G2 gets more advertising after it’s already cancelled


More like that feeling when G2 gets advertising.


Part of me wants this… but at the same time i don’t expect we’ll ever get pieces to replicate the potential 2017 designs. Even with Shapeways it would be difficult to replicate concept art or potentially pre-production models.

Why is nobody taking a picture of the back page… its infuriating. I’ve spoken with stores and they are under the impression there are four issues of this comics. I doubt the second issue of this comic was made after the decision to cancel the theme, so presumably it advertises a third comics (And presumably a polybag alongside this)

So why have we not got any photo’s of the final page, the page that normally advertises the next comic? It would atleast confirm if the third issue is going to be released… that would be something.

So to clear up things;

  • Lego cancelled Chima and Hero Factory due to perceived ‘low sales’
  • Lego wanted people to stop buying as many products given they couldn’t satisfy demand…
  • So they brought back one of its most popular themes ‘Bionicle’…
  • Then proceeded to intentionally avoid advertising it and put in little to no investment…


You forgot

  • Advertised Bionicle after it was cancelled and became a dead theme

G2 kind of reminds me of MNOG 2, in the sense that it was a long tread through a shallow story rife with mistake, to be ended in an abrupt and anti-climactic cutscene.


Funnily enough, like MNOG 2, I enjoyed it and was happy to experience it.


It amuses me that the community went from “Well G2 wasn’t the greatest thing, but it was okay for what it was and I still liked it” when it ended to this jaded negative outlook where it’s all “What a waste of time, G2 was a big mistake. BIONICLE probably shouldn’t ever come back again after how LEGO handled it”.

Like, I’m in this kind of balanced area between those two. The story had a lot more potential, and it was definitely building towards that potential, but corporate LEGO got in the way and shot down my hopes for G2. I still like G2 though. It was pretty okay all things considered. 2015 had a pretty solid story for what it was, the animations were overall very enjoyable and the books were pretty good too. Journey to One was a bit of a let down because while it did have an amazing artstyle and some not-too-shaby voice acting, it just didn’t have the writing and depth that it needed to have. That said, I thought the first half of JtO was good enough, and it’s still enjoyable to watch. The end is where the problem lies, because it’s so abrupt and makes no sense. The thing is, that’s just around forty-ish minutes of displeasure compared to a year and a half’s worth of enjoyment and enthrallment. G2 has given me some wonderful memories, and better yet, brought us ever so closer as a community. If G2 hadn’t happened, I probably wouldn’t have met any of you. So while G2 might not have ended with the bang it could have, it did bring us a lot of great things, and those are things that can be appreciated until the end of our days.

BIONICLE G2 and G1 have both died as products, but I can say with every fiber of my being that they live on as something a little more than that in my heart. Whatever we do in life, we’ll end up drawing inspiration from both generations, and because of that, BIONICLE will always live on in whatever it is we do. Just like how Lhikan said that he wasn’t the heart of Metru Nui, that the Matoran were, we are the heart of BIONICLE, not LEGO. Who knows, maybe someone from the community will be responsible for a spiritual successor of sorts in the future. One that contains the same heart and thought put into it.


I never had any problem with G2. I loved it. I was actually very angry when it got cancelled, but that’s because I loved it so much. When I saw the end of JtO my anger actually died down, because it ended how I wanted it to.