BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Couldn’t afford them, but after I buy the summer wave ill most likely pick up some creatures


Here in Australia we don’t have $10 bionicle sets…


The way things used to be in g1 for the most part was

wave 1:
6 small sets that cant take on a bad guy alone and have to team up in order to take on just one bad guy

6 bad guys that can easily defeat the small sets and are causing all sorts of problems.

1 or 2 titans that only really matter for the beginning part of the years story and dont wont appear in the latter half.

6 good guys that can easily take on a bad guy one on one and when teamed up, they will wipe the floor with the bad guys.

1-3 titans that are usually the big bads or some sort of obstickle, maybe a good guy. Requires multiple good guys to take and usually have to battle each other because of differing goals between the titans.


Oh, it’s a competition? I would have posted when I got it 24 minutes ago but assumed e-Books didn’t really count, since, y’know, everyone gets it at roughly the same time. I too will add tidbits later— and believe me, there are a lot of them. I didn’t expect the Toa to be so prominent in the book.

Edit: This was in response to a comment that has now been deleted.

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Anyone who ordered it digitally got it at midnight. Meso told me about it three hours ago. =P


Whoops, sorry about that. It was just delivered to my Kindle a few minutes ago, and I didn’t see anyone post about it, so I just assumed I was first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I have to admit that I was seriously disappointed with this book. Aside from the Skull Raiders, and the fact that they wanted to conquer Okoto, we didn’t really get any new or surprising information. Don’t get me wrong–it was definitely a fun and exciting story. But…I feel like this book didn’t expand the world at all. :confused:

Side Note: [spoiler]Am I the only one who got TLR vibes from the finale? I mean, Gali challenges the leader of a primitive tribe to a one-on-one duel, asking him to release her friends (who are trapped in a cage). After he is defeated and is knocked unconscious, a bigger villain arrives, and a horde of villains attacks the heroes…

…Replace “Gali” with “Mata Nui”, and you basically have the TLR finale.


Why isn’t Escape from the Underworld available for purchase on Kindle yet?

We used to, way back in, like, 2001.

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I don’t have the book yet so…

Do all the Skull Villians have intelligence similar to SG in the preview of Chap 1 or is it just him?

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just so you all know, the third Chapter book is on its way and will probably arrive tomorrow, but the third GN which i ordered together with the chapter book is not.

so weather or not that means the Third GN is canseld or is not made or is still in development i am not entirly sure of.

We’re waiting for physical, aren’t we, Eljay? :smiley:

Is it available for someone?
For me it shows: This title is not currently available for purchase

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Yeah same for me. Strange how it is not available for purchase yet despite the release date being today. :confused:

actualy, it is a darker color, because the Toa’s head have a more normal metal colors, oh, and lets not forget what Ekimu’s head was colored:

so its possible for Umarak’s head to be black, especialy when his head have a green eyestalk, but have red eyes.


I find it interesting that the head of ekimu in TJtO is blue,

If only it was in the set. Argh!

I think I have a recommendation for LEGO. Ask fans for what they would like to see next! Oh wait, they already planned ahead!

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I just built all of the summer sets, and I have to say that I’m extremely disappointed by all of the bad guys. They just feel so lame. Lava Beast needs to be posed perfectly otherwise it looks as goofy, Storm Beast is floppy in every joint, and it’s hard to pose, and quake beast just looks stupid with all the things it has attached to it. Let’s not forget Umarak the destroyer, which is not as bad as the other three, but is still not that good, especially because it looks just too monster like. And who came up with those horrible and disjointed jaws? Haven’t you ever tried to simply take the jaw off of Umarak? It looks waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better! Sorry for all the negativity, it’s the first time I say stuff like this since the days of the Piraka, and I’m a little sad about it, especially since the winter wave was so good.

Ekimu is perfect though, looks godly, 9.8/10.

So, I’d rate them like this:
Lava Beast, 6/10
Storm Beast, 5.75/10
Quake Beast, 6.75/10
Umarak the destroyer, 7,5/10
Ekimu the Mask Maker, 9.8/10

Edited for language -legomaster


I got an email from Amazon saying the estimated delivery date had been changed to between July 25 and July 27. Granted, I live in Sweden and ordering from Amazon takes a bit longer time for the product to arrive, but a whole month? My guess is that the book has gotten delayed, but I can’t say for certain.

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is that true?
I want to see

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