BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

That’s fine, I can be patient


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I don’t see why including 3 transparant parts would be more expensive as 3 grey parts
I’m swapping them to trans purple

also onua’s feet seem pretty gun metal now ;/

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I know it is pretty strange, but as much as I hate gunmetal I would like those feet in that colour

wait a minute…

could it be… black axles :o

nope never mind -_-

I hope the gold grey pieces on onua are going to be gold purple
1 seems like a missed opportunity otherwise
2 random grey/silver blobs that don’t make sens with his colors


Gali’s new mask has Gali 2015’s annoyed look. Know what I’m saying?■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■=png-alpha


Black axles aren’t extinct, as far as I know, they were last used in 2014’s AT-AP from the Star Wars theme.

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I know but I just hate the red axles I should just order 1000 some day for 1 euro on bricklink xD

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Sorry I won’t do it again.

Talking to John smith

I don’t mind them as much as other people do.
######cough cough Eljay


I don’t mind me though I would prefer black pins

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So I’m sure this was discussed already, but what’s the deal with LEGO’s Bionicle poster on Facebook today and the caption that Christmas is coming early? Are they implying that the sets will be available before January 1st? Or are they just saying that ‘Christmas’ is us getting to see the sets through a poster?


why do my posts keep disapearing

Because I keep deleting them. They’re off topic. If you want to trade contact info, please take it to personal message. Thank you.


No idea why Christmas is coming early, though I hope that they are released early. My guess is that they will be on the Lego shop at home store before they are officially released just like with the 2015 waves


How do I do a persanol message

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Close…it last last used in 2015; in the advanced creator set 10246: Detective’s Office. Lego kinda displaces their usage of black pins in random sets for no apparent reason. Thought they tend to mostly use 'em on larger models…(although a handful of smaller sets had 'em for whatever reason)

I would really like to know why

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The back armor is cool but it kinda fails at filling out the general back shape of the toa and Umarak. Essentially the body is composed of the entire torso piece and then there’s the back armor to fill in cavites.

What I’m trying to say here is that the torso feels like you took a bowl, filled it with cement to the brim, and turned it sideways. Instead of an oval or a sphere shape, you basically have a semicircle.


ok thanks sorry about before im new around here