He looks like a very beefed up samurai… with some imagination.
awww dont look at me like that
no seriously, you are scaring me
also, that is just awesome
my dreams are back(ty @GK733)
why does the MoCo have eyebrows?
Indeed. At first I didn’t want Gali, but seeing her combiner and solid build, she’s a must-get now.
I still don’t understand what the point of the normal colored masks are, though.
Wow…where do I even begin.
I’ll begin with absolutely my least favourite thus far of the wave…and I don’t even think it’s that bad to begin with (personally I think these all look great). But my least favourite tandem has to be Tahu and Ikir. I think Ikir probably looks great as a bird-like creature, but the combination with Tahu is ok. It’s not as mind-blowingly awesome (again for me) as are some of the other combos. My biggest issue with Tahu are his weird armour pieces. His mask…also isn’t my favourite…in fact, next to Umarak (whose mask I’m also not as big on) is my least favourite of them all. I don’t know, Tahu is a great set. I can picture any kid being psyched out of their minds when they see this guy and how he glows beautifully in the sunlight…but…he’s just not for me. Again, set reviews may change that…but for the time being, no.
Umarak I’m just not as into. He looks great with Uxar as a combo model, but…compared to the other amazingly cool figures, he’s a pass for me.
Lewa’s combo is pretty cool. Lewa himself is pretty well designed. Still don’t like the weapons, but his chest design is gorgeous. His mask is definitely one of my favourites to look at. He looks like a fun set to construct…and boy will I have a difficult decision to make with him and some of the other Toa.
Gali. She’s a like to Lewa in many ways…but I feel that her combo, colours are just slightly cooler than Lewa’s. Her construction looks great, her mask looks great. I’m very happy to see that she got that blast of orange. Did I mention how beautiful her chest design is? It is.
I have three tied for my favourite, you can guess which ones they are. Onua, Pohatu, Kopaka. I think because Onua’s mask is slightly lower on my favourites list than the latter two, I’ll put him in third. But…great colours, interesting design, construction complexity, BONKERS COMBO MODEL…it’s all there. I love him. I really do. I can’t even…I don’t know…I love him.
Kopaka was always going to be good for me. Ever since I saw him, he looked well designed, and he definitely is. Awesome mask, amazing weapons, excellent combo model, AMMO PACK, great construction. He is going to be a fun buy.
Pohatu…the rebel of the lot. Don’t get me wrong, Ketar is still…awkward…but when I saw that combo model…it rocked my world. I…I…love it. That is mad-desert-Max right there Fury Highway version. His mask is my favourite by far, the weapon is great, the chest design is excellent, the colours (PLEASE, PLEASE BE TRANS-YELLOW BONES) are excellent. Well-done, Pohatu! You are my most improved Toa of the year.
That said, they’re all darn awesome. Can’t get them all, but if I could, I would.
In combat of the onslaught of near-sighted children as a result of overexposure to handheld devices at such a young age, Lego will now be colour coding all small technic pieces with bright eye-catching hues to facilitate the building process.
So Tahu has a normal grey long axle, and yet Lewa has a yellow one. WHAT THE HECK LEGO.
Do you want Eljay to suffer, is that it?
Actually I think that the yellow axles look really good on Lewa.
RIP Miru Man
I am blown away… Though I am NOT a fan of yellow pins.
I don’t like Ketar and his combination with Pohatu either…
I still like the old critter enough to warrant a purchase, though, and besides, I’m totally a collector Sets tend to grow on me after ending up on my shelf against all odds. A lot, in some cases, and in other cases I just tolerate them, at the very least for completing the team my shelf.
Two completely new gear systems, new pieces, recolours, a whole new type of build with a lot more technic pieces, and lastly, a VAST amount of added texture and detail.
NOW Bionicle’s back for real!
Nice. The combo models have really blown me away as I expected they would, and that halved brain stalk is a sight for sore eyes.
they use a grey pin here
and blue ones in the legs
Joking aside, i don’t think people will call this a return to normal for Bionicle, i mean the only way this could be considered a return to the normal Bionicle is if they introduced a bunch of Science Fiction stuff that completly removes the hole “tribal” theme that we have seen so far…
Who needs that? I like the mythological stuff. Seeing all this stuff with “magic” and skeletons is fun. It gives me a feel I’ve wanted from BIONICLE for a while.
If you view it from that particular angle, it’s absolutely not the case at all, but I assert that the significant deviation from the standard, and in my opinion, rather cheap CCBS build could be interpreted as Lego taking a leaf out of G1’s book, where things work with axles and pins, where not all pieces are slick and smooth, where sets can’t just be snapped together without even having to look at the manual… So to speak. Whatever the real intention of Lego was with all this, it feels a lot more like Bionicle to me!
I agree! That’s exactly the sort of world I would conjure up for myself when playing with my sets and building new characters way back in the day.
The grey one is the longer variant (there was three on Master Lewa) it connects to the chain as well.
To be fair, the hole Science Fiction thing in Generation 1 is pretty much “magical science” you know the type of science where some people will just say: “science is MAGIC!!!” and they pretty much make stuff up on what the science can do, while never explaining it, just saying that its “super duper advance science that is milions of years, advanced of our own”… oooorrrr made up.
however the problem with magic for this generation is that some day we will have a plot point where the solution (or what revives or saves someone) is a magic thing that happends only once a year or something… You know the: “Its magic, we don’t have to explain it” type of thing.
Its kind of the reason i hope we will have an explenation on how some of the things that have happend in the new Generation, did happen.
Now, these sets are amazing , I really do feel that 2015’s winter wave was just topped. However I have only one, small problem…
Where is the friction on the waist mechanism???!!
Holy Gadunka! These look amazing!
ALL of them are must-buys for me. The new eyestalk looks a bit weird, but I still like it. I also like that the mask-pop-off function is still there.
Well, these are a sight for sore eyes.
THEY’RE SO BEAUTIFUL TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY. I will share the sentiment of the Mask of Control’s horns being slightly disappointing, but I’m gonna wait til I actually buy Umarak to judge it.
Lewa has a forehead. I mean a literal 4-head. He has a four on his forehead. Cannot unsee.