BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Sorry guys, that’s just how I remember it was last year. Maybe this year will be different! XD
(Don’t kill the messenger! D: )

@Tarvaax Now normally I’d agree with a statement like that to calm people down, but BZP gives set reviews every one to two days.

Check here:

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Hang on, so if BZP is already getting the sets…how long until the sets are arriving into warehouses at retailers? Judging from last year I mean…if that is in any way known of course


@Triple I think that last year they might have gotten three BIONICLE reviews out within week… or maybe it was just two? Kopaka and Izotor were first if I recall correctly… then the next week came… Onua and Korgot I think?

Edit: Kopaka: November 4, 2014 Onua: November 10, 2014 annnnd then things started picking up. Reviews after that came in day after day for the most part. You guys are all fine. False alarm. My memory is awful. XD


I find it a little odd that the crystal addon for Onua and Terak is clear instead of purple. Did they want it in that color for another set?

Actually after turning it over in my head I think it’s better this way. Now the crystal part is more versatile because supposedly it will match the color of the shell you put it on.


Don’t see why they should die, they have an actual relationship/partnership with LEGO. The reason why they don’t allow leak discussion? Because LEGO didn’t officially reveal the sets, and discussing the leaks would jeopardize that relationship/partnership.


I agree that having a clear infused crystal shell will be better for mocing and it is good that we got one. I just wish there were still a few crystal shells infused with purple.


I like how in the terak review the reviewer mentions how Umarak comes with the mask of ultimate power and how the “mouth thingies” are obviously used to steal masks.

Fact check plz nxt tim

Someone else besides me has these mesurements???

But HOLY MOLY THE SETS LOOK AWESOME IN PHOTOGRAPHS. Now to see how pohatu and ketar hold up…


Unless the reviewer is colorblind I doubt Pohatu will be well though of, and Ketar, let’s just not talk about him.

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can’t wait till there are more reviews !

(also merry christmas)


Who knows, the rendering and lighting of the box may just be a really crappy one for pohatu. In set form there is a chance he’ll look a bit better


Mata Nui…

I was hoping those shells were trans-purple
I was afraid they were silver.
But clear? Never saw that one coming.
I’m not sure what to make of that. Give me a moment to think on that.
Terak has no silver. At all. Yes!

Yes, because all the BIONICLE g2 comics are totally canon.

Ah well. Can’t win 'em all I suppose.

This just in: the Toa in 2016 kill the creatures and sap the power from them once they’re dead. :smile:



WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Just a quick hit here, but being Ambassadors isn’t why we get preview sets. The sets are part of TLG’s online RLUG support program, in which registered online fansites are given a budget of free sets they can request and receive from TLG every year. We at BZP use it on these sort of preview reviews and on the sets we use in giveaways or prizes. While the deadline for registering literally passed just last week, TTV could do the same next round and also get the same perks assuming you all meet the RLUG online requirements.


Thanks very much for the clarification and the info! I really appreciate that; we’ll definitely look into that avenue when the time comes.

I also wanted to say thanks for the pictures of Tahu you posted to Flickr; they’re really, uh… illuminating. Can’t say I’m all too much of a fan of the set after seeing those.



That is incredibly interesting and quite an insight, thank you. And thank you for the Tahu photos as well - also quite insightful.

As I understand it, you’re not a big fan of the new, “G1-esque” pieces. Aside from their current place on the new wave, do you feel they’d have any other implementation that would have helped the set better, or would you have rather used a pre-existing piece instead?


I just think they’re ugly and don’t fit the CCBS aesthetic. The piston add-ons from 2015 married G1’s style and CCBS well. These don’t. Though the new part is better in hand than in renders, but the torso is awful and looks out of place. I love the detailing on the prints, and I desperately wish they were the superhero chestplates with these designs and prints. I love that part. I’d rather have a piece that matches and combines the aesthetics pleasingly.


which toa is your favorite ?

Quite interesting. From what I can tell, I agree 100%.

For the moment, while you’re around, I do have one last question; How bad is the swivel? We lookin’ at Rahkshi/Vahki bad or something mediated?

And @Atomik, Lewa of course. =P