BIONICLE 2016 Leaks Discussion Topic

why not?


ā€¦his friends were nice enough to bury him without his face exposed? Warriors Honor and all that. You know, they werenā€™t exactly mask makers, itā€™s the thought that counts.


@Skeletor cough His memories of the warrior he was before he became a Mask Maker cough

@Triple Aww man, you had to go and make it tragic by implying that it reminds him of the friends he loved who have now departed from the world. Itā€™s like a reminder of better times. It has to be hard waking up and seeing your home town destroyed, deserted, dead and covered in shadow. Itā€™s like a key reminder to times that werenā€™t so bleak.


Does anything say this was after Makuta turned evil and Ekimu fell into his sleep?
The mask on the wall could simply be a random mask that he made, or perhaps the mask he wore before he obtained/made the Mask of Creation.

Either that, or LEGO just didnā€™t put much thought into it.

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Nobody mentioned the cup of coffee on the table or the city skyline in the window either.

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People in the 2015 topic did.


Hey I have a question
why are we talking about a 2015 topic in the 2016 topic


Probably because weā€™re out of hype. I have a question. I want to turn Lewaā€™s spinny sword things into wristblades that can jut out or fold around and back in. Sort of like Irukshiā€™s wrist chainsaws (Irukshi by iBionicle if you donā€™t know), but I also want to retain the current forearm armor on Lewa. Anyone got any ideas?


I donā€™t think soā€¦I believe that is just a Mask of Earth, which on top of it is the Mask of Fire, then the Mask of Ice.

@PakariNation99 I can say with upmost certainty that the mask on the top row is the Pakari. Iā€™d bet the deed to my house on it. The Mask of Earth can clearly be seen on the very bottom row. Itā€™s also the first mask of that row. The Mask of Earth has a signature ā€œhelmet over helmetā€ look, a look the bottom mask has, and a look the top one is missing. Sometimes I wish everyone had a tablet so they could properly zoom in on images and see the truth.

@Arceane64 Do the thing.

If you loose, can I have the deed? I really need a new house.

Top row? Maybe bottom row sure, it looks like the G2 Pakari. But not the top row.

Well I have a laptop with Google Chrome and I can zoom in on images just as well as you can, and I still donā€™t see the Pakari.


The first mask on the top row? No thatā€™s the mask of ice, you can very clearly see the scope.

The hype is still there. I think we all just want the sets now. Weā€™ve seen them, now itā€™s time to have them.


Yeah, we all want the setsā€¦I mainly want to see the new sets more clearly so that I can choose more easily which ones I definitely will want to pick up and which ones I likely will not be picking up. Onua, Terak, Ikir, and Tahu are looking like very likely pick ups for me, but thereā€™s room for Lewa, Uxar, and even Gali. I just got the Protector of Waterā€¦and my oh my do I love those dark trans blue shells! If the new Gali has thoseā€¦I would be totally stoked.


The hype train just needs hype fuel. I know everyone want to see the finalized boxes.


Yes. I dont care for seeing the finalised sets at this point, we know what they will look like, thereā€™ll just be a few changes in the final product. What I do need to see is that glorious, glorious box art.

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I, for one, would very much like to see actual photos of the finalized sets, just so I can see what Iā€™m really in for. I mean, box art with crazy poses and special effects is cool, but I find plain real life pictures much more satiating!


I have found, after buying most of the wave one sets, that you need to have the sets in hand to know which one is truly your favourite. I wish there was a way where you could see the sets already built, and youā€™d be able to touch or play around with them first before deciding to buy themā€¦I know thatā€™s impossible, but it would make things so much easier and cheaper for me lol


@Tarvaax Do what thing?

I agree, actually!
A good personal example would be Skull Scorpio. I thought Iā€™d hate him, but I was quite chuffed with the figure after I finished building itā€¦ (If you ignore the fact that I was upset because the set came with 5 legs instead of 6 =w= Lego sent in a spare one for free, though XD)
Sometimes you just need to own something before it grows on you!