BIONICLE 2016 Leaks Discussion Topic

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His shin shells look like a completely new piece, though does have similarities to the HF piece on Jetbug.

Look closely.

Tahu’s is much wider and thickly armored. Jetbug’s HF piece has a large flame spike in the center.

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he meant this


Yep it’s a new piece


that’s size 8 :wink:

rly? which one is 6? Im so lost with ccbs…

so they either use one of these bones

Sorry about that, I thought he meant the crystal armor attachments.


too many sizes for me…

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it’s either one of these constructions


I think its the right one

3many5me! :laughing: But yay new parts and recolors! Gimmiiiiiiiiiii


yep the right one

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I feel like since there’s no back armor in the legs but the limb piece is in trans orange it kinda turns into pseudo armor.

I really like that the new piece curves up towards the shell to cover it completely.

I don’t get why Tahu’s thigh is 1 unit longer than his shins, shouldn’t it be backwards? In fact, why not just shorten the length of his thigh piece by 1 unit and then put on a friction add on?


proportions with ccbs will always be off

the designers probably did that because the new piston add-on won’t be secured on the shorter version. Its construction needs at least two pins and the other technic parts it seems. Although, they should’ve made the lower leg longer by one.

If they wanted the proportions to be right than they should have to make tahu’s legs the size of vader and that would send the price through the roof

yeah, proportions


Ehh. I don’t really care about proportions being “right”. It’s a fantasy species! They do not have to follow our rules (Fire swords for crying out loud). If we can have those, we can have wonky proportions (puppet from FNAF).

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I think they might have redesigned the flame piece

that space is gone

and here is a small gap where the axel ends

thats odd…