BIONICLE 2017 Speculation Topic

What if the Mask of Ultimate Power had multiple trans coloured end pieces due to the multiple elements it holds.

What kind of moulding method would be used for that, and would it work with what they have. A multiple coloured moulding of this kind has not been seen yet, and due to my lack of experience at how LEGO plastic moulds are made, do not have the full picture of the success of this attempt.

Dear @Tarvaax, yes, mostly. But this is not actually a fantasy in the strict meaning of the word, rather something not yet achieved,but still very achievable. I would rather call it a goal.


Yeah, I don’t think they have ever produced a piece with 3+ molds in trans on one piece. But that would be awesome.

Printing would be much easier than moulding due to the random plastic solidification that happens during the piece moulding process (which is why every two coloured moulded masks are not the same). But a Printed Mask…not sure how that would look.
Also the moulding would need a specific way of injecting the plastic, so as to get the relatively desired coloured effect.

And I don’t think they would put that much effort into one peice.

But I’m not sure how I would feel about a printed mask either.

They put so much effort into the Kanohi Hanga (MoCr) and Kanohi Mana (MoCo), the Kanohi Mana Hopea (MoUP) would also have effort put into it as Legendary Mask should have.

Dont mind the names, I just used Google Translate to see their G1 Maori names and how they would look like. Feels nicer to have names for them, just for the Legendary ones at least :T


I mean, I know they did with the etchings and what not, but the trains molding? I don’t know.

Why just only the threads, we should make this a legit project thing.

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We’ll just force the names on LEGO. XD


hey, i like those names, good job :slight_smile:

also, personaly as i have showed before, i would prefer the more flame like version of the Kanohi Mana Hopea. as in the version we saw in the second GN.


The Latin words would sound even nicer (or weirder or worse depending on the person)

Persona Creatio (MoCr)
Persona Imperium (MoCo)
Persona Ultimum Potentiae (MoUP)

Is your idea something like how Umaraks red mask found on Ekimu 2016 is?

Also more G1 in G2:
Kanohi Ahi (Mask of Fire)
Kanohi Wai (Mask of Water)
Kanohi Uru Raau (Mask of Jungle)
Kanohi Kohatu (Mask of Stone)
Kanohi Whenua (Mask of Earth)
Kanohi Tio (Mask of Ice)
Kanohi Atarangi (Mask of Shadow)

…given how these G2 mask dont have special specific powers to them, these names would kinda fit since they only one the elemental powers by themselves.


mmm not really, its more like a black head that is burning red, think this… minus the skull head:

dang, Whenua have become famous.

he have masks named after him.


Hmm, yes, that Moulding is possible and much more achievable.

I know right.

Also More Google translate:
Tahu = Husband
Gali = Good
Lewa = Lewa …k
Pohatu = Stone
Onua/Onewa = Onua/Basalt



The Barraki are a better example of individual says.

must be akward for Tahu when others call him by his name… especialy Gali, or any other female character.


Husband? How does that make sense?

Or Onua since well…cough

Cause Tahu means something that is also Manly in Maori culture besides fire, idk…it also means ridge pole/ridge-beam. Like Im not even making this stuff up.

So who do you think wont return in 2017 after this years summer wave?


He might, he might not. If the BIONICLE team can incorporate the Mask of Time into the 2017 story, I’m all for it! I suspect the MoUP will have the greater focus, though…

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But come on man, pose-ability>gimmic.

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