Bionicle at NYCC Discussion

I wish I knew. :frowning:

We can clearly see a cavern? And a character that has the “power of light”? :smiley:

i want to know if the sets are really there!

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Oh no. Not him. PLEASE NOT HIM

It’s on!!!

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Anything but him. I’ll even take the Hordika! JUST NOT HIM

Him? Also the video is up!!! The animation style is sooo cool!

Non-private video.


You dislike Takanuva?

YouTube doesn’t work here. :frowning:

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Sorry. :frowning:

With a passion.
He is the reason the Toa never had an epic showdown with Makuta.
He took away the coolest Matoran and turned him into a perfect (no personality flaws. ) hero.
He’s got that weird voice
He can’t lose.


Wow, a logical “Why I hate this guy” argument.

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Found a proxy. :smiley:



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Akami wears the mask of creation, and his Brother weared the mask of control! They provided the islanders with… Mini-masks?
And also, another brother vs brother story, where one of them becames thirsty for power.

The Toa had an epic showdown with Makuta. It was called MNOG. Also, even if they had fought Makuta at the end of MoL, it is implied that they wouldn’t have won, since they could not defeat the Rahkshi, and he was holding back in MNOG.

Takanuva has a number of character flaws, and some that connect to his past, and he’s had quite the Darker Image as of Karda Nui. It is implied that he’s retained his slightly jaded view of the world.

That’s MoL’s fault.

He lost against that shadow leech, he lost against Alt Teridax, he technically lost against the home world Teridax, and was losing against the Rahkshi until Tahu killed them off.

Suffice to say, while I can understand a dislike for Takanuva, I disagree with it personally.


This story concept is very interesting! Though I don’t like the style of animation they went with, it reminds me of mixels.

The island looks like Mata Nui.

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I think they wanted to keep the shape, but i don’t like those “border” mountians