Hey folks, I wasn’t sure if I had strong opinions on mask designs until about a week ago, but I’ve ended up being a pretty big fan of the final design! Using her mask of power to learn the birthplaces of rahkshi defeated during a battle on Nynrah, I present Helryx–using her mask of psychometry!
I wanted to use shapes that were reminiscent of the 2001 masks to keep the prototype–or at least early days–feel that the design generally has. I was also really enamored by the idea of a crest, and while Helryx always struck me as more of an “industrial pumps” kind of toa of water more so than an “aquatic life” kind of toa of water, I do like it being vaguely shell-shaped.
It has been so cool seeing all of the different artstyles in this part of the contest, and I wish everyone the best of luck!