Took me a while to get this finished because I was having a really hard time getting something I really liked. In the end, I settled with this version. It might not be the most accurate or the most well-made, but it’s a Helryx that makes me happy, and this was ultimately a really fun endeavor!
For your viewing pleasure, here’s an entire page of the sketches I did that ultimately led to the final concept! The final mask design was sort of an extrapolation of the Mata masks, the Ignika, and the Avohkii, and aimed to have an upward flow and forehead projections to signify its psychic abilities.
Big props to @frame_zer0 and his submission that heavily inspired mine, and to everyone else for theirs!
Do please let me know what you think in the comments! I don’t have any delusions I will win, but I do want to know if this version of the character and the mask resonates with anyone! Thanks!
This is a fantastic depiction, the mask reminds me of the Kaukau so I think it’s rather fitting for a toa of water. The inclusion of the sketch sheet also makes me happy, such a neat little detail to add.
Kinda reminds me of BreakerOfSocket’s stuff, which is cool