Here’s my entry for the Toa Helryx Art Contest. Since the Great Beings created Toa Helryx and the Kanohi Ignika I tried to create a kanohi that looked like it may have been created by the same person/team, by using a some of the same features like the horizontal ridges on the sides, the central shape at the center of the forehead and the 3 fins on the top of the mask. I also wanted to give it sharp, fin-like shapes to aid in cutting through the water for speed since it was created for a Toa of water.
As for Helryx herself, I made sure to include the years of damage accumulated on her armor and weapons, as well as the thin “frail” build of the model while still keeping her as an imposing figure.
This is the type of art I’d like to see for Helryx. It captures the feeling of a Toa, while looking like it could be a page out of a comic. Easily one of my favorites.
The Ignika inspiration came out of left field, but when you explain it, that does make sense. Love the weathering you’ve added to her armor and how you’ve reinterpreted her arms.
Very well done! It’s a shame yours didn’t go on. I had similar ideas about the mask design, (although yours emulates the Ignika better!) Nice lighting, and the background is bomb!