Good lord, they just keep coming! This one is gorgeous. The way you’ve integrated the hoses into her Kanohi looks great, too. I think you definitely pulled off a mask that keeps faithful to the original design.
I didn’t base it off the Vladek visor but now that I’m looking at it I can see the similarities, maybe I could use a painted Vladek visor as a mask if I decide to build my own Helryx.
Other people have tried to make the mask reminiscent of the roboraider head. You are the only one who pulled it off!
This Helryx looks like she means business. My new second favorite!
The “she was not Makuta” line is taken out of context. In the book Takanuva got attacked by a Shadow Leech and lost consciousness, then immediately after waking up he was approached by an unknown figure, who he thought was Makuta coming for revenge, before actually seeing that it was Helryx. He mistook her for a Makuta because he got attacked by a Makuta earlier, not because she looked like one.