Yeah honestly I think the design would look a lot better generally if it only had the two tubes attached to the mask. I wanted to keep it accurate to the moc though.
Same here. The only reason I’m more-or-less OK with the left arm tubing is because it reminds me of Matoro’s Mahri design, so I’m a little more de-sensitized for it to be there.
Another thing I like about this model is that it looks about half-ways between the model and the Miramax-movie-style, I could definitely see a tweaked version of this in those.
EDIT: Ooops, just realised someone previously pointed this out!
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Some people are saying that it looks like the style from the movies, but to me, it seems more similar to the models from Bionicle the Game. This is still a good thing, though.
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Nice model, would totally see it as an official one