Hi it’s me again!
I initially didn’t plan to enter in the contest, because I am normally more of a system MOCist, but after seeing all the cool entries, I wanted to give it a shot and try something very different.
So here is my Helryx MOC:
My main idea behind the build of this MOC is to really focus on Helryx being the first Toa.
My version of Helryx is very much designed to look like a prototype for other Toa. That’s why I purposefully tried to build her very incomplete and technical looking. Which I thought this would be fitting for her description in the story:
“She was not Makuta, but she was indescribably ancient and disturbingly frail in appearance. Her mask and armor were pitted and scarred from a thousand battles. She looked like a Toa, but her armor and mask design didn’t resemble anything Takanuva had ever seen before.”
— Narrator, Swamp of Secrets
I used a lot of smaller technic and system pieces, so I could build very frail and gappy limbs and a very hollow torso.
By using these pieces I also wanted to achieve an armor design, that Takanuva definitely couldn’t have seen before.
I incorporated many gears and even some open pins to give her a very experimental/unfinished machine look.
I also tried to combine design elements from the Great Spirit Robot with a human skeleton, to kind of symbolize her being made by the same creators of the GSR, while not being as sophisticated and also to reinforce the frail/thin appearance.
Action poses:
Detailed look from all sides:
While all the renders you see here are completely digital, all the pieces used exist in the shown colors! (except for the mask of cause)
I also built the model using real parts to test if it is buildable and stabile and it worked out pretty well.
Warning terrible color sceme!
So for all the people concerned about building the models, this one is buildable!
Which brings us to the breakdown images:
This model uses Gavlas fantastic Mask of Psychometry that can be found here:
I also used the Bionicle parts pack for Stud.io that can be found here:
If you want to build this model my Stud.io file is linked here:
Ok, I think that should be it. I hope I got everything right !
I’m really excited to hear some opinions on this MOC, because I think it is quite different and I’m not sure if people will like that, so please let me know what you think!