BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard

Ok if i have to change it its ok. I just had a different interpretation of the shade thing and saw it as it could be any version of the color you are using.

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Question since it was brought up elsewhere:

Would this be considered fine colour-wise or would the Metru shins on the upper arms need to be gold, too?

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Upper arms need to be gold as well, or removed like on Norik.


For each entry does there have to be instructions on how to build the upper arms or no. and may TOA of stone has a tiny bit of light brown in his shoulder armor is that OK? Also big fan of your recap of reviews they are always very funny👍

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Do these look good?



So, I made the entry topic for the contest. See if everything’s in order?

I find the rules on this contest, especially the silver rule to be deeply flawed and contradictory to past contests.


Dupes are against the rules rice ball :rage:

anyway, looking forward to entering :slight_smile:


partying all over this ridiculous contest that greg clearly doesnt even care about


That’s probably because this is a different contest.

You’ve got to be a little more specific beyond “this sucks”.


If Greg really doesn’t answer anymore, what will be the fate of th4e contests going forward? I heard a rumor of that


I have been, vocally, on other places. The hagah are already so well defined- this should really only be a mask and weapons contest at best IF they’re going to mandate a metru body. We know what those are and what color they’ll be.

Further limiting people to the correct shade of silver is also ridiculous. Counter arguments can be made, but at this point what’s there to build?


this is something I’m actually very curious about, what happens if we go through this contest, pick a winner, send it to greg, and he doesn’t respond?


It will probably wind up in the same grey area of canonicity as the winners of the Thousand years Untold II contest, where the contest was approved but not the winners.


Tbh considering I’m stingy about what makes a good-looking Hagah team, and my lack of faith in how this contest is being run, I’d be perfectly happy with this outcome :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: the heck is with all these hamburgers

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It would be a funny result, but at this time I’m more concerned for Mr. Farshtey’s health than anything. I’d sooner we take NO CHANCE of stressing the guy out with email spam about which organic mask looked like what.

To that end, with the intricacies of BIONICLE canon and how the contests are being held, COUPLED with how long it’s been(Greg doesn’t even remembe this stuff?)… It’s foobar. Poorly executed. Bad. I would push for them to simply stop at this point and save the headache.


And metallic colour.

Everything about the Hagah is known, expect for their masks, weapons, and colour schemes. Which are three huge components of any Bionicle character’s appearance.

The limbs and armour. Maybe even the torso, if you consider height and width to be important to a character’s appearance.

Even if you have the opinion that all of the Toa Hagah should have the exact same torso, thighs, forearms, and feet just because 2 of the 6 members have them (which is less than a majority), that still leaves chests, shoulders, and shins, all three of which can go a long way towards changing a character’s body type and overall appearance.

There’s no “correct” shade. You can use any shade you want.

Although if you meant mandating a consistent exact shade, I kind of agree with you. Especially since the artists might be allowed to change the metallic colour anyways, and exceptions have so far been made for shields, spears, and masks on the basis of being placeholders.


To be honest, I sort of agree. It’s probably for the better if Greg really stops answering. He only really replies with a few words anyway.

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Okay. Gold, silver, or gunmetal? Because gold and blue is psionics IIRC. Gold doesnt go well with brown, etc etc. It’s a matter of design principles you have to juggle that I have yet to see properly executed in this contest- because these people aren’t lego designers sitting down and working on these 2 years in advance.

this will still jut end with the brown and black guys being bulky, the green and blue ones being thin, and the white one looking like the red one. We have such a small variety of leg pieces to work with here I can already tell you exactly what ever entry looks like without even looking at them.

yeah. you do. What’s the point of it in the first place if there’s going to be an art contest afterwards?

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Lowkey highkey yes.

No need to be so confrontational though.