BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard

The one kind-of-exception is the Hordika shin.

It’s made up of exact stud measurements, but the ankle joint is one stud farther back than the knee. As such, the straight line from the knee to the ankle will be slightly longer than a specific stud measurement if you choose to pose them like that. (7.071 studs)

What’s a stud unit? Is it just stacking those tiny round pieces like what Krekka uses on his scope/eye thing?

If you stand a 2x4 brick on end, that’s 4 studs tall.

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EXACTLY, they should look like norik and iruni and norik and iruni did not have these mods. Stuff like that is fun for a MOC contest, but this is a Canon contest lol

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You forget that part of the canon contest is making a moc to enter into the contest.

And, not to mention, you can make an accurate moc to what Iruini and Norik looked like, without being this limited.


technically you can make art too. but stuff like extra hip armor when norik and iruni had none is just out of place and hurts the team aesthetic

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This isn’t true, but it takes a certain level of knowledge in character design and dynamic to pull it off successfully, which is difficult to do unless all the entries from a single entrant win.

At this point I’m just voting for what I’d like to see win and let the voters decide


see if its a 50/50 split of armored hips and non armored hips its not as bad. but the way the voting works you can wind up with only one having armored hips which is where issues arise in team cohesion and therefore i feel like its safer to just avoid them

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In my opinion, this rule should be altered. If both mocs and artwork allowed, I don’t see why digitally modified mocs shouldn’t be accepted either. It’s sort of like a blend between the two.

Some important questions to ask;
can the toa have fingers ?
should their shield be connected to the hand or can they be connected to the arm ?
should the arms be the same as every other metru build or can it have ball-joints ?
can the upper legs have different armor (different from what the other hagahs use) ?

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Yee, I don’t think there is a rule against that but I don’t know why the Hagah would need them

To the Hand or the back, should be in the rules

I don’t really know what you are referring to here



Shoulder articulation

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Especially when there are art “MOC” entries.

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So I used Hordika legs for one of my toa, and made sure to keep their bodies stock-straight to compare their heights. Does this tiny height difference mean the Hordika legs can’t be used? Or does the unusual orientation of the Hordika leg negate this difference? There is no other difference between the two designs that would affect height, so it’s purely from the Hordika leg.

Height Comparison

@Eljay I figured It would be better to get the answer directly from those making the rules, so I’d like to hear from you or another cast member for this clarification.


We won’t disqualify for that small of a difference, unless we have reason to believe it’s being abused.


Hello my name is Lego swappers and my entry into the Bionicle toa Hager Canon contest is taller than the required limit by the mask does the mask count or no


No doesnt count unless the highest non mask point is higher than iruinnis highest non mask point. But post a picture here for comparison

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Ok thanks

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No problem