BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard

Yeah it kinda is


Literally every mutation changes colors.

Mata to Nuva? Added silver.
Metru to turaga? Went from Metru colours to Mata colours.


Yeah ok, let’s get back to Toa Hagah.
One of my bricklink orders with parts for mine came in yesterday.


I’ve been working very busy for a few days, so I’ve been delayed in taking pictures.
build similar to mine was uploaded, so I was frustrate.

anyway,I have a question. Is it acceptable to fix it with a rubber band?

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Do you mean, like, adding a rubber band to make it distinct?

Or shooting the person who made a similar build with a rubber band?


I mean, I used rubber band to attach my gaaki’s armor.
I don’t know if that’s allowed.


Should be, as long as it’s lego rubber bands lmao


Personally, I don’t see why it should be banned, as long as you use an official Lego rubber band.

(Plus I’m using the same technique, so I sure hope it’s allowed)



For that, I robbed my boxor’s rubber band lol.
If it is okay to use Lego’s rubber band, I should think about taking a picture and uploading it today.

maybe I’ll have to buy about 50 rubber bands at Bricklink. hahah


Welp, one of the users in this discussion got banned.


He wasnt supposed to be here anyways. Duplicate accounts and being banned on another account


Makes sense.


Yup, cause they made a duplicate account. Which is massively against the rules.

They also completely wasted their time, making the same arguments we’ve heard time and time again, almost right in the middle of a contest. Not smart, though generally unsurprising considering the person who made the dupe account.

Once again, there really isn’t a controversy here. A smaller handful of people are unhappy with this. They’re barely a vocal minority of fans at this rate making the same arguments to try and drum up enough enough public discourse to make it seem like there is a greater issue. We’ve said we’re open to readdressing the contests continuing, but that’s gonna happen until after Lariska.



Fingers crossed that we get some contests that are legitimately net positive experiences before then.


We’re working on it. I’ve been pretty impressed with how this one has been going, and I have high expectations for the next two.

If the most complex contest to manage (on paper) runs smoother than the prior two, that’s a really good sign.


I, for one, am excited to participate in future contests.


Me too, I think this contest has been going well so far, many people have joined the boards for this contest and there seems to be a general good vibe and plenty of positive discussion. It was inevitable that the first contest was going to be ironing out bugs and that shows in the Artahka contest which was significantly better than the Helryx one.

I’m really hyped for the Lariska contest as she is the only character I have a clear idea of how I want to depict her. Also I can’t remember but is the art and Moc round 1 rule going to be applied for future contests like Lariska?

Edit: or is it going to vary from contest to contest based on a vot like the one he had the beginning of this one?


Right now, no.

Although I kind of hope it does; it’s the system that most strongly follows the idea of being fully inclusive and canon-oriented.

The problem with it is that the structure of the contests would rely on the winner of the first round. It doesn’t matter as much for the Hagah, since the second round combines multiple winners in one piece regardless of medium, but that wouldn’t be the case for any other contests. In a single-character contest, a MOC with a 3d-printed mask would require a second-round Art Contest, even if it’s just to redraw the existing mask, while doing an Art Contest to redraw an Art winner would be pointless. Plus, it seems kind of repetitive to do an Art-only Contest right after doing an Art-plus-MOC Contest.

Maybe it would be worth it, though, for the added first-round diversity.

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I enjoy how the contest is being run! Thank you so much TTV! You are the best! :slightly_smiling_face:


@ELjAy I want to check before photographing/submitting my mocs: would this be allowed, or would the gold shield need to be replaced/painted (since the piece doesn’t come in gunmetal)?