So I’ve seen the promotional stand leak, and I thought to myself, why dont I give it a shot, so I did and here it is!
Nice! Keep up the good work! I suggest you use printer/blank paper instead of ruled paper, though.
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I did it in study hall lol
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Nice! The Ignika/hugeforheaded mask seems a bit unusual, but I think that for a sketch this is nice.
I like it, if I were you I’d be very proud, I can’t really draw that good and if I were you I’d put that on my wall and never take it down. Good job!
I have trouble making things look realistic, so when they look like scketches, they tend to look better…
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Well, I can’t draw worth anything, not even sketch, so, enjoy your ability
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Thanks dood, I may be a decent artist l, but since I have a family of better artists, I tend not to get too happy( but I build better Lego’s than them lol)
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