BIONICLE: Darkness Falls Episode 2

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Episode 2: “The Hunt for the Stones”

Play “From the Vaults of the Miskatonic University” (Source: Graham Plowman)

Est. The warehouse Lacertia escaped from in the previous episode. Night. The Awatea guard, made up of Po-Matoran, inspecting and searching the crime scene. Trying to find out what was stolen.

Sir, can you please describe the appearance of the thief?

I didn’t get a good look at him, but I did get a couple glimpses. He was revolting to look at.

The three Matoran that were there to slow the Makuta down were there as well, as they were witnesses to the robbery. Elihu was also describing the appearance to the guard.

I remember, Officer. It looked like he had a skull for a head and had antlers… He looked sickly, l-like it was about to starve to death. It also had hooves for feet. And that scream. By Mata Nui, the scream…

Later after the interrogations were over, Elihu, Zuph, and Hadron were leaving the scene.

What should we do?

Find our Nuva stones, that’s what we should do! Come on, we need to become heroes!

Elihu, Zuph, and Hadron run off-screen together where we can see a vague silhouette of Akhmou in the background.

Play “Ga-Wahi” (Source: MNOG 2)

Trans. Valin, Voltara, and Konini walking through the markets of Endsmyth gathering food for the journey ahead. Some of the vendors had signs on their carts and counters in the Matoran language that said “We don’t sell to Agori” and “We don’t sell to Matoran” on them. There is sand on the roads and a salty scent in the air. The markets give a beautiful view of the Nokama Sea. Valin looks off to the horizon and turns back to notice Voltara wearing her fake wings.

Wearing your wings again, I see?

Voltara turns to acknowledge him

Yep! I love wearing them, you should know that!

Yeah, but why are you wearing them? Why do you wear them?

Oh, that’s right, I never told you! I just look up to Hahli a lot. When we were looking up our history, I read all about what Hahli did with her team. When I got to meet her for the first time, I made these to be just like her.

Show pictures of young Voltara and Toa Mahri Hahli meeting each other for the first time to accompany her dialogue.

I wear them because I want to be like her someday. And now that opportunity has come for me. I’m not going to stand idly by. Now let’s go, we need to get food for us!

Voltara runs to the next stall run by a Matoran that looks like Macku. Konini walks up next to Valin and turns to him.

She’s going to be fine now that we’re here. You know that, right?

I don’t care. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure she’s safe. I never want to stand on the sidelines again. I can’t take the thought of losing her.

Konini slaps Valin’s back

Whoa there, lover boy! She’s our sister. Now, let’s catch up to her.

Valin nods and runs to catch up with Voltara and Konini.

Play “The Dreams in the Witch House” (Source: Graham Plowman)

Trans. Makuta’s Lair. Int. The room is just as dark as it was before. Kakaro and Piraz are working on a chemical formula. Then Lacertia enters the room with the parts he stole where he slams them onto the ground with a loud clang which makes the others almost drop their experiment.

Will you stop that?! You could have ruined our experiment!

I almost got caught because of this Muaka-dung plan of Kothorahk’s! I can’t take it anymore!

Then we try a different way.

Lacertia turns around to see the behemoth of a Makuta that was Kothorahk. This time he bows.

So quick to turn, aren’t we, Lacertia? I overheard you wanted to stop.

Kothorahk doesn’t even acknowledge Lacertia

I, that’s a lie! There’s no way I would betray my fearless leader…

The only one lying is you. If you want a different method to get the parts, I know a way.

Play “Dead Kings and Living Gods” (Source: Assassin’s Creed Origins)

Trans. Day, Hadron, Elihu, and Zuph walking out of Awatea. The outskirts of the city are nothing but desert. They had no money to afford a vehicle of any kind so they have to walk. Awatea looks to be about 6 miles away. Elihu is in agony from the heat.

Ugh, this heat is killing me…

It really isn’t so bad once you get used to it.

Hello, I’m a Matoran of Ice. Me and heat don’t mix.

Zuph feels like something is pulling to him. He strays off the desert path and follows after the power pulling him. Elihu and Hadron seem puzzled but they follow Zuph into the dust storms to make sure he doesn’t get lost.

Later on, in a sand storm, Zuph is still in the trance he was in before and Hadron and Elihu are right behind him.

Zuph, you better have a good reason for luring us into this dust storm!

Zuph doesn’t answer. He stops where Elihu and Hadron bump into each other.


He stomps the ground and sand around them falls. The three Matoran also fall with the sand into an open cavern. Elihu and Hadron scream as they fall. Hadron uses his fire powers to create a glass ramp to slide down on and Elihu does the same but with his ice powers. When they hit the bottom of the cavern, Hadron’s heat caused Elihu’s ice ramp to begin to melt. Making dripping noises in the cavern.

Play “Nomads of the White Desert” (Source: Assassin’s Creed Origins)

In the middle of the cavern, there is a bright glowing orange stone on a pedestal. Zuph slowly walks towards it and reaches out to grab it.

Zuph! Snap out of it!

Zuph stops and shakes his head. He looks around to see where they were.

Wh-where are we…?

In a cavern you found! That stone in front of you looks like your Nuva stone! If it called to you then you should pick it up! Quickly now before something finds us!

Play “Fight Theme” (Source: Assassins Creed Origins)

As soon as Hadron finished talking, the ground starts to rumble and the ceiling begins to crack. Zuph snatches the Nuva stone and runs back towards his brothers. What was making the ground rumble was a burrowing Rahi called the Boulder Mole. It burrowed through the wall causing the ceiling to collapse. The three turn around to run out of the cavern. Zuph gathers his brothers and stomps the ground to make a stone pillar pop out of the ground and they rise to safety. The three look at each other.

Next time, give us a little warning before you do something like that.

Play “The Legend of the Eagle Bearer” (Assassin’s Creed Odyssey)

Trans. Day, To Voltara, Konini, and Valin getting onto a boat to look for Voltara’s Nuva stone, which they believe is under the Nokama Sea. Voltara is setting her bag down on the deck.

So what do I have to do in order to find the stone again?

You don’t find it, it finds you. It’ll call out to you when you’re near it. We’ll just have to sail around until we find it.

The boat disembarks out to sea. A few minutes later, Valin is feeling a little seasick and doesn’t want to watch the sea any longer. Konini is loving the salty air going through his mask. Voltara feels something calling to her and she gestures to the captain.

Stop the boat!

The captain obliges and Voltara dives down. Voltara hits the water with a splash and all goes quiet. The only noises that can be heard are seagulls and the water splashing against the hull of the boat. Soon, Voltara rushes to the surface, her Nuva stone in hand. Konini grabs her free hands and helps pull her back up onto the deck of the boat. Voltara gasps for breath and gives the stone to Valin where he puts it in his bag.

That’s all our stones!

Now we can become Toa-Heroes!

Not yet, we have to bring them to the Suva in Awatea.

Valin turns to the Captain.

Captain, return to Endsmyth. We have what we were looking for.

Aye, sir!

She starts the engines and turns the boat around

Halfway there… Just need to get stone, ice, and fire. We’ll need to meet with Zuph, Elihu, and Hadron.

The boat sails towards Endmyth as the camera pans up for a wide-angle shot.

Play “Sam At the Lake” (Source: Transformers 2007)

Trans. Afternoon, Elihu, Zuph, and Hadron walking on the path to Endsmyth.

Mata Nui, my feet really hurt. I wish we had enough widgets to get at least an Ussal Crab or something.

Walking builds character, Elihu. Now stop complaining. We’re almost to Endsmyth. We can find a place to sit down there.

Elihu drudges a little longer before seeing three familiar figures approaching them. Those figures are Valin, Voltara, and Konini, which they run up to.

Guys! We were just leaving the city to go find you-!

Valin was cut off and they hugged Voltara, seeing she was okay.

H-Hey, what’s this about?

Voltara, you’re okay!

We were so worried about you!


Oh, I can’t believe the word didn’t get out sooner!

Voltara hugs them back.

I escaped myself, though I’m unsure what they wanted me for. I gotta tell you guys, it was really scary being alone and not knowing what to do. I actually thought I wasn’t going to make it.

I’m just so glad that you’re alive!- Wait, how did you escape?

Oh, well, I made it out by the tin of my mask!

And then you went back to the first place they would look for you?

Well, yeah. But they didn’t chase me much further than the entrance of the cave they kept me in.

Well, that’s a relief. It seems like they’re weak to light, these creatures.

It’s because they’re Makuta.

Hadron turns to respond.

How do you know they are Makuta?

I just know. I have this… feeling that they are.

But Makuta aren’t weakened by light.

But what if they can’t leave at night because their eyes haven’t adjusted to the light yet? Let’s face it guys, we need to get our Nuva stones to the Suva in Awatea. But we need all six and we only have three.

Zuph hands Valin his Nuva stone

Already found mine on the way here.

Okay… Now we have four. I was thinking of heading to Hadron’s village next.

Hapuku? But that’s mios away to the east.

Then we head east.

So what you’re saying is… I don’t get to sit down?

Play “Ta-Wahi” (Source: MNOG 2)

Trans. Hapuku, Dusk. The six Matoran reach the gates of this fiery village at the base of a volcano. Konini is hauling Elihu on his back. Elihu is sweating a lot.

Ugh…. Why did we have to go here first…?

We need to grab our Nuva stones, Elihu. Now quit complaining. The sooner we get the stone, the sooner we’ll be in Glacia.

Elihu sulks his head as they walk through the gates of Hapuku. Hapuku is an industrial city that seems to glow in its own heat. It’s a city that has reddish smog that comes from the forges deep in the volcano. The Ta-Matoran guards stand outside the gates of the city. When they look through the smog it looks like some of the local Agori and Ta-Matoran are in a heated argument. Some Agori are holding signs in their language that were protesting the Ta-Matoran way of life. In front of the Agori protestors is an Agori with crimson and bright orange armor named Kyry, who has his weapon in hand.

No music plays here

There’s no way I’m letting any clankers tell me what to do and where to work! Come on everybody! No clankers! No clankers!

The rest of the mob of Agori chants “No clankers”. The word “clanker” is a slur created by the Agori intended to offend Matoran since Matoran are mostly robotic in appearance and Agori are more flesh and blood than robotic.

On the other side is the Ta-Matoran mob of protestors holding signs of peace. However, the argument is heating up. Leading the protest is the lava surfer Maglya. He is trying to keep the argument from getting more heated.

Come on, Kyry, dude. We gotta just share the love. We can live together. In peace.

No way I’m letting a clanker like you tell me how to live!

Hadron hearing these two different peoples arguing like children isn’t helping the situation. The argument heats up to the point where Kyry grabs Maglya and he readies his sword for a slash. Hadron separates them by shooting a flame between the Matoran and Agori.

What is this? Why are you trying to fight?

Not another clank-

Enough with that “clanker” scrap! You and I both know we’re all the same underneath! We all have a heart light! We both breathe the air around us! We communicate in the same language! There is literally no difference between us! Not stop calling names and get back to your job like a civilized individual! There is no need for such prejudice.

Kyry backs down, with a sneer on his face. He turns back and gestures something that offends Hadron. Hadron sees it and is about to run towards him but hesitates and doesn’t act on his feelings. Valin walks up next to Hadron and talks to him.

I’ve never heard so much hate come out of a mouth before.

Yeah, well you never had to worry about living with Agori, so yeah.

It seems like Hadron has had to put up with this type of prejudice since Hapuku was built.

I used to be a guard here so I had to regulate this type of scrap all the time.

I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been for you.

No, you don’t even know the half of it

Play “Korinth” (Source: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey)

The six reunite and they walk around the city a bit before Hadron feels like something is calling out to him.

Hold on, I feel it.

The stone is calling to him from a forge deep down in the center of the volcano.

I’m gonna have to jump. The stone is down there, I know it. Valin, make me a makeshift board so I won’t melt.

Valin kicks the ground and out comes a stone wedge large enough to hold Hadron and use as a platform, but not much else.

Thanks. I’ll get that stone if it’s the last thing I do.

Hadron jumps down with the board in hand. He surfs the lava down to a room where a molten pedestal is seated in the center. The Nuva stone floating above it has a dim red glow to it. It’s presumably been superheated by being down there for so long. Hadron grabs it and tries to make his way back up but the walls are lava. He can’t get a good foothold anywhere.

Uh, guys? I’m kinda stuck down here! I have the stone but I have no way to get back out.

Play “One-Eyed Monster” (Source: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey)

Back at the top Valin is scrambling to think of a solution.

Great! What do we do to get him out?!

I could make a pillar for him to come back up on.

No, the lava will get on it! He’ll burn his feet trying to get out.

I could bring some water down there to cool the whole place down! But it’s super dry here. I only have this small flask of water to use.

Alright, I have an idea. Konini, create a draft! Elihu, use your icicle to cool it down. Voltara, use the moisture created by that draft to make more water!

They nod and Konini creates an air pocket in the shape of a sphere. Elihu uses his icicle he keeps on his chest to cool down the air and make it damp. Then Voltara uses that dampness to make water. The three of them work together to make a blast of water and it turns the lava into obsidian. The once bright lava room is now dark and relatively warm. Hadron uses the obsidian and the stone wedge Valin made earlier to climb out. As soon as Hadron gets out of the hole rumbling starts. The lava around the hole is beginning to rise.

It’s an eruption!

As soon as the lava covers the hole, Zuph stomps the ground and makes a stone wall to contain the lava. The six of them cheer, hug each other and bump fists.

Such happy-luck today!

Hadron gives Valin the stone

That makes five. We just need to get Elihu’s now.

Play “The Cult of Kosmos” (Source: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey)

Pan to a black and red Matoran spying on the six. The matoran is Aodhan. A Lava farmer in the region. He moves away before he is seen and changes his yellow Mahiki to a red Protector mask. He walks through an alley and walks into a club building where he has to be met with a password.


All hail.

The door opens and he walks inside where he sits down to a hologram projector. He turns it on to see a Matoran wearing a noble Rau. That matoran is Akhmou.

What brings you to call me at this hour?

The Mata Nui children only need one more stone, sir. The Ice stone.

Ah, well then. Keep on their tail. And don’t be seen. I’ll arrange that their last stone will be the hardest to obtain.

Yes, sir. I’ll keep you updated.

Aodhan ends the transmission and It pans back to Akhmou holding a powerless replica of the Mask of Shadows.

It won’t be much longer until you’re risen, my lord. Not much longer at all…

End Episode 2.