BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Since nidhiki can’t be silver, I think that Metru + Mata green (with some grey or black mixed in) would be the best color scheme for him.

There aren’t that many Mata green bionicle pieces, but someone could probably pull it off.


Technically he only said the OoMN didn’t give him a rebreather for underwater, not that that’s the default, but I’m pretty sure TTV’s stance is it’s the default so my opinion doesn’t matter

These statements consist of:

Link Nidhiki has the same kind of mask as Nuparu.
Link Nuparu’s has tubes attached so it isn’t standard shape

Yeaaaaah, consciously and constantly masking your presence from every mind in the area, while the Huna is just automatic and doesn’t need to apply to every person who could possible see you? Sure, maybe he could do it, but the Huna would make it like 50X easier.

Slight aside here: we actually don’t know if the Power inhibitor affects Kanohi. I would assume it does – why make it so it only half depowers your opponent, when the GB’s have shown they are perfectly capable of turning off a Kanohi?

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It’s not. Kanohi require concentration too. Break concentration, and it turns off.

Perhaps “automatic” was a poor choice of words. I mean you don’t have to focus on every mind in the area, just focus on using your mask power for however long you need.

It’s the difference between manually turning every crank on a machine and setting up a gear system so that one crank turns them all. Still manual, but a lot less to do at once.

Ah, sorry. I still don’t think it holds, though. If Psionics’ ability to mask themselves from other beings required a lot more focus than just using a Huna or Volitak, why make it an ability for Psionics at all? As you said, why not just use a Huna instead? It’s precisely that reason I don’t think it takes as much concentration as you suggest.

Not very relevant to the story, but I didn’t know until I saw this post that Greg-Nidhiki (Almost canon Nidhiki) wasn’t silver and green … :skull_and_crossbones:

But I may enter the contest with my silver and green Nidhiki!(if it allows)
(I’m sorry and forgive me, @Racie02! :disappointed: :disappointed: I did I’m acting in what appears to be a contradiction on THIS MOC!
After all, these activities, including discussions with opposing views, are fun in Japan, a country where Bionicle is almost forgotten! :relieved: :relieved:)

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Ah, I see the confusion here. I never said anything about the Pakari. Other people started arguing that idea. Even if the Sanok worked the way Greg thinks accuracy works, it still can’t do anything a pakari can.

Let me sum it up, then:

If the Sanok works the way a mask of Accuracy should work, there’s no reason for Orde to wear it.

If the Sanok works the way Greg thinks Accuracy works, a case could be made that orde might wear it. (Though I still prefer he didn’t)

@Bukkey I think you @'ed the wrong person, I haven’t said anything about Nidhiki.


I… don’t get what you’re saying?

Why make it an ability for Psionics if it isn’t as powerful? Masking your presence with Psionics could still be useful – say for example you’re in a tunnel or building and need to sneak past a small group.

Why not just use a Huna instead? Probably because not every Toa of Psionics wears a Huna or has one on their Suva.

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You’re still framing it in way that says Greg is wrong (how it should vs how Greg says it is), which is pointless for these contests.

That’s not what I said. I already said it isn’t as powerful by not fooling technological systems while the Huna can. You said using the Huna would be “50X easier.” I’m only saying I don’t think the difference is that drastic.

Oh sorry that was me. It was supposed to be a joke about the throws being strong (somehow)

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Just a casual reminder that in four more days its been a month since the polls was announced to be in the works

Just gonna preface this by saying I’m not expecting TTV to give up their lives over them but an update soon would be really welcome. If their is no update that’s fine too.


It affects my opinion. I won’t vote for Sanok Orde because I think it’s dumb, for reasons I’ve stated.

The question is comparing Nidhiki and Nuparu, stating that they are only different due to the additions on Nuparu’s.

It was never said Artakha couldn’t be another color in addition to sand green. Additionally - The Helryx quote doesn’t simply say she is dark blue, but that she is dark blue rather than light blue - as if those are the only two shades of blue (spoiler, they’re not).


Okay, 50x is a bit of an hyperbole for most scenarios. I’d say it depends on how many people you want to hide from – if you’re hiding from 10 at once, using a Huna is 10x easier. if you need to hide from 50 people at once, a Huna is 50x easier, and so on.

Probably doesn’t scale linearly like that, but that’s an idea of how it works.

And the answer is “Nuparu’s isn’t standard shape because it has tubes attached, etc.”

Says nothing about Nidhiki.

No, it says “[They’re] Not exactly [identical to each other], because Nuparu’s has tubes attached, etc.” given the context of what the question was.

As you yourself have pointed out, Greg tends to look at the first part of a question. If asked an X or Y question, he’ll reply with “yes” if X is true.

The question asks “Is Nuparu’s mask the same…” so Greg says “no, Nuparu’s mask has tubes attached, etc.”, because the question he was answering was about Nuparu.

Are you talking about this one?

2. Does Nuparu Mahri’s Kanohi look exactly like Nidhiki’s or was there some difference to them?

2) Not exactly, because Nuparu’s has tubes attached, etc.

Because it definitely references Nidhiki.

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The first part of the question reads “Is Nuparu’s mask the same as Nidhiki’s.”
Otherwise it’s not even a question anymore. The same as what? It’s a comparative question, it needs something to compare to. No where in the question does it say “standard shape,” it refers to Nidhiki’s.

Okay yeah you’re right.

I was going to point out that the question only compares to Nidhiki because he’s the only other person who wears a Volitak. Similar to how if let’s say Zaria was given a Kiril, someone might ask if it’s the same as Dume’s

Then the little Wolk in my head pointed out that we saw what Dume’s Kiril looked like. We never saw what Nidhiki’s Volitak looked like. And I had to agree with him

Nidhiki is clearly the one being compared here. And the difference given is that Nuparu has tubes.

Now, does that mean it’s the only difference? No, but it’s certainly a valid argument. Greg doesn’t say “no, Nidhiki’s is a variant shape.”


Personally I’m giving Orde the mask of conjuring. I chose it mostly for aesthetic reasons, but the powers fit my current headcanon for him. Seeing as Orde is very old, powerful and somewhat cocky, I imagine Orde being so overconfident in his powers that he doesn’t use a physical weapon. As such, a mask that can grant him additional powers could make up for his lacking arsenal.

I don’t like the Sanok for purely aesthetic reasons, but if that’s what we all decide on I guess I could deal with it.