This already happens. Although each character and their potential rules are discussed at length here, each contest gets its own topic announcing the finalized ruleset and the opening of the entry period once the contest begins:
It’s time for the first. The first contest, on the first day on June, for the first Toa.
Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to create the Helryx, the first Toa created by the Great Beings.
Her appearance has been described a few times, most notably by these two quotes:
“She was not Makuta, but she was indescribably ancient and disturbingly frail in appearance. Her mask and armor were pitted and scarred from a thousand battles. She looked like a Toa, but her armor and mask design didn’t resemble anything Takanuva had ever seen before.”
— Narrator, Swamp of Secrets
“Iruini turned. Standing on the bow of the ship was a Toa of Water he did not recognize, carrying a spiked mace and a shield.”
— Narrator, Dwellers in Darkness chapter 2
Based on this, your entry should:
-Be b…
It was a nice break, but it’s time to hit the forge yet again.
Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to create the Artakha, the great crafter that created the Toa Mata, the Staff of Artakha, and vehicles held within the core of the universe.
His appearance has only been described once:
“He stood at least 10 feet tall. His armor was gray-green and covered in runes carved at the beginning of time.”
— Reign of Shadows, Chapter 10
His mask has also only been described once, however this won’t matter for the first half of this contest:
“His mask was the most ornate anyone had ever seen – more than just a Kanohi, it was a true work of art. The metallic protodermis from which it was forged was arranged in intricate patterns and designs, each reflecting one of the many cultures that…
Finally, after months of exhausting deliberation, tiresome debate, and far too many posts for this kind of a thing, we’ve arrived. It’s time for the Toa Hagah to make their appearance known, years after their transformation back from Rahaga.
The goal here, should you choose to partake, is to create the remaining four Toa Hagah - Bomonga, Pouks, Kualus, Gaaki. This is far different than our usual contests, so let’s break down what this means.
The way this contest will be done is unique, and specific to the nature of these characters. A lot of these rules and guidelines pertaining to the Toa Hagah are not likely to be seen again. That being said, we will be hosting the entry and voting periods for the four Toa Hagah at the same time, with art entries and MOC entries competing aga…
The start of each contest is also announced on TTV’s YouTube channel.