Can’t believe we’re down to discussing dictionary definitions. Some people don’t believe it is 100% definitive that Tuyet carried the barbed broadsword. Due to that, we should make it optional. I believe any entry that lacks it will underperform in the polls, but the community will be given the chance to decide.
There’s always some people who will disagree with anything. Some people didn’t believe the other Hagah masks were “wrong-shaped” like Norik, just because the person asking didn’t specify Iruini when they didn’t need to. Some people still don’t believe that Nidhiki’s Volitak is shaped like Mazeka’s, but currently that’s going to be mandated. Some people don’t believe anything stated by Greg after the story ended is canon.
Meanwhile, it is 100% definitive that she had a Barbed Broadsword, so it should be what is canonized.
I would be all for a BBS mandate, the only reason I suggest an option is because oh no;
An option to neglect the BBS is the most canonically accurate solution to this futile debacle due to the obnoxious ambiguity. Will she ultimately be canonized with the sword? well yea. But if our only concrete evidence of Tuyet wielding a sword in the main universe is an ambiguous quote with the word slashing, it’s just a battle of interpretations I really do not want to get caught up in this argument anymore than I already have why am I still typing
You know what
I actually don’t care at all. Either way she’s gonna end up with a Barbed Broadsword.
Very much agreed.
Completely agree, I’m really only arguing because I want everyone to get the opportunity to vote for something they want (as long as it’s canon-compliant, which both a Tuyet with and without a sword would be).
And I’m only arguing because I don’t know why anyone would want an option to not canonize what her sword looks like.
it’s the whole point to these contests. No one ever argued that Helryx should be allowed to not have her mace, or that the Hagah should be allowed not to have spears.
We’re only getting one Tuyet contest. This is our only opportunity to get an appearance for her weapon. Why does anyone want an option to not do that?
(Unless you’ve got a BB design you really like and don’t want it decanonized, maybe…)
Not going to go over this again.
Is it? Couldn’t people hold a weapon contest at some point in the future if they really wanted to? It’s been done before.
Well, it’s possible. We’d need Greg for it to be canon, though. But maybe once the character contests end in 2080… We start with the Staff of Artakha! (Because seriously, we really need to see that legendary thing)
Go over what again? No one has given a reason why not canonizing the sword is a good thing, or why it’s something people want so badly to be able to do.
Alright, I’m going to guess you’ll disagree with any answer I’d give you so how’s this:
You’re going to win. Tuyet is going to be canonized with a sword whether it’s mandated or not because that’s what the majority wants. Does it really matter if you understand why some people don’t want that? Let them enter and vote for canon-compliant entries they’re happier with. It’s no difference to you. Vote for what you want and let others do the same as long as it’s canon-compliant.
Because I care.
Because I like the canon contests, and I like being able to canonize appearances for these characters.
Because I want to see Tuyet: mask, sword, Nui Stone, the whole deal, all canonized in one cool art.
And I don’t want a scenario where one moccist or artist who doesn’t like the Barbed Broadsword for whatever reason, gets to rob us of any chance of ever seeing it, seeing Tuyet wield it.
I’m not saying this to convince you of anything. I doubt it will.
But that is why I have been arguing, and will continue to argue, for the sword to be mandated.
Great! Vote for that.
Um, not sure I follow. One person doesn’t decide the winner. If the winning Tuyet entry has no sword (again, not going to happen) it’s almost certainly because more than half of the people voted they were okay with it, as per the voting system.
This was one of the arguments that is why we have a rule stipulating that any 3D printed pieces be available for free download when the entry is submitted. It avoids this issue, and further we have yet to see anyone do this, despite the opportunity.
I’m not sure if you’re trying to argue against 3D printed pieces, but we’re not excluding a massive and growing part of the community. The place 3D printed parts are in is very comfortable and has been working very well. Again, the canon representation is the art.
I’m not arguing against 3d printed parts, I just think mandating a file to allow for parts to be accessible for free just to have them changed by the art portion for a new piece without a file or physical model. Seems like an oversight when considering why a file mandating rule exist.
Let me reiterate:
If I need to explain further please elaborate on what you misunderstood
How will color restrictions work with the Yesterday questers? I mean, Chiara as a Toa of lightning is supposed to be blue and white. The MOC I’m making for the contest uses violet and lavender, as sort of a blue and white color scheme that pays tribute to the purple Voriki. Could I use violet and lavender as they are close enough to blue and white respectively for them not to be against canon, or will the colors be restricted to the ones that are already in Bionicle, like dark blue, regular blue, medium blue, regular white and very light bluish grey?
By the way, instead of having three Toa contests one after another I’d like to have all the Yesterday Quest in a single contest like the Hagah, with three simultaneous MOC contests for each one and a single artwork showing the winning MOCs with Gelu on their trip to Bota Magna.
Violet and lavender seems pretty ambitious. Will this be in You could do Dark Blue-Violet and White if that’s the case.

or will the colors be restricted to the ones that are already in Bionicle,
Obviously I’m not with TTV, so I can’t give an “official” answer, but for the purpose of discussion, I would say that any shade should be allowed. Nowhere is it stated that the colours of Bionicle characters are restricted only to those that have been used in official sets.
I do suspect, though, that entries with those colours will be more popular, since they will require far less painting.

Could I use violet and lavender as they are close enough to blue and white respectively for them not to be against canon,
I assume you’re talking about the Lego colours Violet and Lavender, right?
I could easily see Violet as a shade of blue.
I’m a little less certain about Lavender as a shade of white, though I also don’t know how to objectively determine what “counts” as white and what doesn’t.
Do you have any WIP images with the colour scheme that you’d be willing to share?
Not to derail this thread entirely, but I can see one argument for making a new thread for every competition. That being: I don’t know when or what the next competition is. I’m seeing a lot of argument about what should be allowed, which makes me suspect that even if I used the search function, I would have to go through all the chaff of debate in order to find the post announcing This Or That competition is open.

That be anyone’s guess.


I can see one argument for making a new thread for every competition… …I would have to go through all the chaff of debate in order to find the post announcing This Or That competition is open.
This already happens. Although each character and their potential rules are discussed at length here, each contest gets its own topic announcing the finalized ruleset and the opening of the entry period once the contest begins:
It’s time for the first. The first contest, on the first day on June, for the first Toa. Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to create the Helryx, the first Toa created by the Great Beings. Her appearance has been described a few times, most notably by these two quotes: “She was not Makuta, but she was indescribably ancient and disturbingly frail in appearance. Her mask and armor were pitted and scarred from a thousand battles. She looked like a Toa, but her armor and mask design didn’t resemble anything Takanuva had ever seen before.” — Narrator, Swamp of Secrets “Iruini turned. Standing on the bow of the ship was a Toa of Water he did not recognize, carrying a spiked mace and a shield.” — Narrator, Dwellers in Darkness chapter 2 Based on this, your entry should: -Be b…
It was a nice break, but it’s time to hit the forge yet again. Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to create the Artakha, the great crafter that created the Toa Mata, the Staff of Artakha, and vehicles held within the core of the universe. His appearance has only been described once: “He stood at least 10 feet tall. His armor was gray-green and covered in runes carved at the beginning of time.” — Reign of Shadows, Chapter 10 His mask has also only been described once, however this won’t matter for the first half of this contest: “His mask was the most ornate anyone had ever seen – more than just a Kanohi, it was a true work of art. The metallic protodermis from which it was forged was arranged in intricate patterns and designs, each reflecting one of the many cultures that…
[Hagah] Finally, after months of exhausting deliberation, tiresome debate, and far too many posts for this kind of a thing, we’ve arrived. It’s time for the Toa Hagah to make their appearance known, years after their transformation back from Rahaga. The goal here, should you choose to partake, is to create the remaining four Toa Hagah - Bomonga, Pouks, Kualus, Gaaki. This is far different than our usual contests, so let’s break down what this means. The way this contest will be done is unique, and specific to the nature of these characters. A lot of these rules and guidelines pertaining to the Toa Hagah are not likely to be seen again. That being said, we will be hosting the entry and voting periods for the four Toa Hagah at the same time, with art entries and MOC entries competing aga…
The start of each contest is also announced on TTV’s YouTube channel.
Ah. Thank you for this information. I withdraw my complaint.

instead of having three Toa contests one after another I’d like to have all the Yesterday Quest in a single contest like the Hagah,
While I do like this idea, I’m not sure how practical it is to host three contests simultaneously, each with different rules. It worked all right for the Hagah (though a rule-breaking Bomonga did slip through) because they were all pretty much the same – the only “unique” rule was Pouks’ mask.