BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I wonder why :thinking:


yep I just altered it to fit my needs

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If the parts exist in the right colors, you could have a beam of elemental energy shooting out of each eye to correspond to the wheel in the chest.


I just found a really interesting quote that may give us new information about Marendar, though I don’t know if it will be relevant to the contest. After the infamous “Helryix” quote, I decided to try out some misspellings, and found this:

On marrendar - we don’t know much about him/it, other than the fact that it was made to hunt toa. We also know that inside the matoran universe, the rahi nui was made to do the same. Can we assume that they had similar powers? (mainly resistance to elemental powers, i suppose).

  1. Yes

It is possible that Greg was only answering in regards to the specific example of Elemental resistance, but I would read it as if *all" of their powers are similar.

This quote is mostly supported by other sources: just as the Rahi Nui can feed on Elemental attacks and track Elemental Energy, we know that Marendar is resistant to the Elements, and can track Toa Power. Those certainly sound similar to me.

What hasn’t been discussed before, though, is the implication that Marendar also shares the Rahi Nui’s control over Kanoka powers.

Personal Thoughts

Personally, I like the idea that Marendar has Kanoka powers. It fits with my vision of it being a combination of all the technology they put into the Toa.

There’s also a few directions it could be taken from a creative perspective, since we only know that Marendar’s powers are similar to the Rahi Nui’s, and neither of the other examples of similar powers were completely identical. Perhaps Marendar possesses all Kanohi powers instead, or can instantly create any combination of Kanoka powers.


Man, now that sounds dangerous.


Well before modifying them to wield their now canonical weapons I decided to post my TYDQ team

Toa Orde (ver.StSc)

I’ll be reposting entry versions whenever we reach their respective contests


Hey, uh…can of worms that should probably be opened sooner rather than later…

I know I didn’t search mispellings, at least not many. Someone should check for misspellings of “tuyet”, “mangai”, “intangibility”, “barbed”, and “broadsword” among others.

Sorry i’m just saying someone should do it and not just doing that myself, I’m at work lol.

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I’ve been looking for misspellings of “Tuyet”, but none of those others.

No luck, though. Apparently “Tuyet” is harder to misspell than “Marendar”. I haven’t got a single hit for any attempts at “Tuyet”, but I found a bunch for “Marandar”, “Marrendar”, “Marander”, etc.


Did you find any more hidden information?


Aside from the one about the Rahi Nui, no, not yet. It was either stuff we already knew, or Greg just saying “I don’t know”.


Some of the “i don’t knows” could still be useful. Confirmation that there isn’t a definitive answer for something can help people plan parts of their moc safely in advance.


I’m not sure if this is new, but we know Marendar definitely isn’t related to the Elemental Inhibitor:

It is unknown if Marendar is made of Protosteel:


The quote continues:

  1. if it’s resistant to elemental powers, would it use those powers used against it to grow, just like the rahi nui as well? (in my opinion, it makes sense, since they were created for the same purpose)-
  1. I am going to say no. Marendar was made in a completely different way than Rahi Nui, so I don’t want them to be too similar.

I am open for Marendar to have kanoka powers but the quote you gave does not support that. Zyglak are resistant against elemental powers and they too are quite different from Rahi Nui due to their unique origin.


(@Eljay @Mesonak I mentioned these in the live chat, but it’s easy to miss/forget, so I’m posting them here as well, since this seems like the best place to continue the discussion from the last Nak&Jay. (If there was a topic made specifically for this conversation, then I’m unaware of it, and would appreciate a mod transferring this post there).)

These posts (ordered from most to least relevant) on TFWiki are a solid place to start if people want understanding of literary concepts mentioned in the stream. Yes, I know they’re filtered through the lens of Transformers and TFWiki’s specific policies on such things, but they’re still extremely pertinent and informative if people want a non-academic, non-dry recitation of this sort of thing. If nothing else, it’ll let people frame their arguments for and against such interpretations.
*Authorial Intent
*Personal Canon

Additionally, specifically for BS01/Swert/whoever, fan wikis as they exist in this age of online fandom are inherently tied to this kind of discussion, especially when professionals trying to be thorough in their research come to reference them because they otherwise know nothing of the franchise. There’s a duty of responsibility there to be as accurate and true to all media there is, whether or not it counts as the “real” canon or not (for instance, Dark Destiny vs the Piraka Attack flash game). I’m not… god, that was a really condescending way to open that, wasn’t it? The point I’m trying to make is that regulating Bionicle canon and continuity by saying “This is the one true canon, and this piece of media outweighs this piece of media based on our indiscernible standards” does a disservice to all the media that has been labelled “noncanon” over time. Those Russian 2001 BIONICLE comics count as “canon” as much as Tale of the Toa does.

They don’t happen in continuity with each other, obviously. There’s some irreconcilable differences between them. But that shouldn’t make that Russian comic any less valid. It shouldn’t be weighed less because it’s not on Lewa’s page. And yet, that label of “noncanon”, that lack of meaningful representation on the pertinent pages, does inherently make it count less than other stories. Which, to be frank, is disingenuous to the people who made, to its intended purpose of telling a 2001 story of the Toa and Matoran.

Or to the people who made Piraka Attack.

Or to the countless other pieces of media that have been called noncanon just because it doesn’t fit with what Greg wrote.

There is no “one true canon” that can be be ascertained by a specific reading order that includes or excludes particular material.

There’s room for it all to be weighed equally, for it all to mean something.

(And I know certain people will take gumption with this idea. I’m shocked I still have a head from the last time I suggested on these boards we take Greg Answers as nothing more than authorial intent. But BIONICLE isn’t a stranger to stuff like this. There are tons of sets that are “noncanon,” like Toa Mata Nui or Race for the Mask of Life. If you look at a majority of the Xian Weapons contest winners on BS01, a majority have semi-canon banners draped across them. BS01 even catalogue the MNOG2 Matoran names as canon even though none of them (aside for the actual sets, obviously) were passed by the legal team, which was a major sticking point for Greg in the years to come. Point being, the BIONICLE franchise is no stranger to stuff like this, and it’s foolish to pretend otherwise.)

And with that… I think I information creeped myself away from these articles that I wanted to draw attention to in the first place. So… yeah. Please also check these out as well, and consider them in relation to how stuff is covered on BS01.
*Circular Reporting
*Information Creep: Thought there was a Wikipedia article on this, but I guess a basic description will do: The continual addition of information to an article that gradually reduces the readability and/or perspective over time.

Anyways… I’m leaving again… I’ll see you all in therapy… :ghost:


Why not? The quote says that Marendar has similar powers to the Rahi Nui, and the Rahi Nui has Kanoka powers. The second part of the question has nothing to do with it.

So, fun fact: regarding the contests people are most likely to see…

Greg once stated he’d be most interested in seeing Lariska.


That makes sense:

I wonder if Greg will want to have any extra input for that contest.


I want to put a pin on this until I’ve seen the nak&jay I assume there is some additional context I need to properly discuss this.

However I mostly agree with what you are saying, I’m not sure exactly how you mean it applies here…

He is answering in a tandem. I do not think you can ignore the sentences said in the same post. If they were years apart then maybe but not when they were coined seconds apart.

Growth is a Kanoka power. Greg says he does not think Marendar could grow when hit with elementals.


Last year I provided a metru head reference for everyone designing the mask of creation. This year, I have more reliable references that can be used for designing masks. This time with the actual pieces and a toa hagah for size comparison.