I don’t like to repeat myself, but… I gave a whole list of reasons already.
I’m not saying these are reasons that custom builds should be allowed. I’m saying these are reasons to make a cutom, metru-like torso build, if it is allowed.
Okay, guys. If we do define a metru build as a “a MOC that uses the Metru torso”, I’m assuming that just applies to the upper gearbox piece. Custom hips should be fine, right?
If the torso was custom built, but kept the exact same proportions, I would say yes. You used a different hip, but it’s in the same place the normal hip could be, and the legs are the same distance apart. It maintains the proportions generally and therefore meets the qualifications.
Proportions are roughly the same, so yes.
This doesn’t disprove anything I’ve said thus far. For the record, I am not arguing against alternate custom-built, or any pieces. Except lime ones.
Uh… If it’s got four arms and four legs I would argue it is no longer a Metru build for breaking the aesthetic of Metru builds. But if you do manage to make a fore-armed MOC on a Metru torso, connecting every arm to the two shoulder pinholes, lemme know. Sounds difficult.
@Kodiak You will be receiving a warning. We’re not tolerating that behavior, especially not after so many people acting that way has caused us so much headache.
Let this be a warning to everyone that this will not be tolerated. Most of you should be adults. Act like it.
Fairly confident that there’s no Metru torso in there. Unless it’s somehow squeezed in, that’s no Metru build.
Well, nobody’s arguing about the Arachno-Toa. But, like, you can slap more limbs on a build and it’ll still be the same build archetype unless you had to rework the torso construction. The use of the Metru torso is what defines the build, not whether you’re trying to make Bionicle Vishnu.
I wouldn’t call it a metru build. I’d say its a custom trying to imitate a metru.
Also everyone saying no gear function with nuva armor. This is something both @Winger and I had spitballed back and forth in the comments https://youtu.be/GBaOjlHvNAk
Eh, I should have worded it better - different proportioned hips, different proportioned limbs. If you give a Metru torso Brutaka’s limbs, it is no longer a Metru build.
That one’s on me.
I see.
There is a custom built Metru torso in there and a darn good one at that - to the layman, does it look like it’s not a Metru build? Because I’d argue it very much is one.
Again, Lhikan with Brutaka limbs is not a Metru build. If I make a MOC with wildly different proportions in ever capacity and the only metru piece left is the torso, is that a Metru build?
Because if the answer to that is yes, your argument is, well, silly. Really silly.
If the disqualification is solely the torso, I direct you to my question above.
I’m NOT arguing that these are reasons to allow custom builds. I’m arguing that these are reasons that some people might WANT to make a custom torso, if you’re allowed to do so. Some poeple WANT to build physical. Some people WANT to not paint pieces (and also, you can only paint them monotone)
My reason for ALLOWING custom builds is simple: a metru build is an entire build, not one piece. If it’s recognizable as a metru build, it’s a metru build, in my opinion.
Unfortunately, as has been stated before on many occasions, these are canon contests first and foremost. You and anyone else are welcome to build whatever you want in the comfort of your own home, but when looking to enter something in a canon contest it must abide by what we know to be canon, even if that means people who don’t have access to the right parts and don’t want to bother with Stud.io won’t be entering.
Fairness & inclusivity are not the issue here, canon compliance is.
Unless the actual piece used is the Metru torso, it’s not a Metru build.
Yes it is. He just has weird proportions.
My argument is silly for being consistent? You bring limbs into this when most of us weren’t even talking about them. Limbs are not a factor. End of story. It’s the torso.