BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

“this nonsense” is part of the rule-making process. (Although we can only go in circles so many times before everything that can be said has been)

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Yep. And that’s why we’re debating what a “Mettur build” canonically is.

Are not my argument and never have been.

Less of a debate and more of a circle, if we’re being honest.


When the words “build” and “torso” mean the same thing, I will admit you are right.

Oh yeah, 90% of what is said here was said a few days ago.

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This is not a fact. I would say that proportions are indeed a massive contributor to the definition that we are looking for.

In fact, I might even say that the proportions are a bigger contributor to the iconic look than the exact torso piece (although the torso piece is responsible for some of those proportions).

If I had to pick only one thing to define a Metru build, it would be the proportions.

But no one is saying we have to pick only one thing. Can’t it be the proportions and the torso piece?

Honestly, that’s cool that they managed it.

But are people arguing that a functioning gearbox necessary? We’re building models, not actual sets in stores. Great to include it, but shouldn’t be a requirement.

(Not saying that you’re arguing that, just curious if it’s anyone here’s position)

I wholeheartedly agree.

…But that shouldn’t be a reason to limit creativity. Plus, I want a model with waist swivel. That’d be a big plus.

Then I don’t know what else to say to you.

It’s utterly ridiculous to base the entire build around one piece. It’s utterly ridiculous to base any build around one piece. As Willess just said, a Metru build is an entire build.

Otherwise entrants are allowed to post whatever ungodly amalgamation they want as long as it has the Metru torso at its center. You thought hoseryx was bad? The dumpster fire is coming, my friend, and this argument is not swaying it.

Now if you all will excuse me, I need to make my technic beam gremlin monstrosity standing four feet high and all supported by a Metru torso piece because that’s good enough as Pouks. Oh, he’s brown too. Don’t forget.

At this point I think we’ve all aired our points and arguments pretty well, and are just repeating them at each other without budging. It might be best for all of us to take a break and let Eljay or whoever else sort through and take note of the points they like


There are plenty of ways to change up color blocking with a Metru torso. It’s literally only one piece.

Hagah are the same colors as their Rahaga counterparts.

Pohatu got creative with the functional limitations of the Mata build.

Pretty much all armor fits on a Metru torso

No different from competitions where you need a specific mask. has been brought up time and time again as a separate option.

If anyone has issues with any of this, I don’t see why they can’t wait until a less restrictive Toa contest like Tuyet or the TYQ Toa.

That honestly didn’t look like a Metru build to me at first glance, and further examination only confirmed that.


When that creativity deviates from what we know the models are suppose to look like, yes. That’s exactly a reason to limit creativity, that’s what the rules are for in this case.

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I’d once again argue the image I posted looks like a Metru build, even if it doesn’t use the one piece necessary to be just like the sets.

I think you’re the only one here who’s thought it looked like a metru build.


Yes, probably. I’m also of the opinion that I’m still right, even though the four or five people arguing with me at this early hour think differently.

EDIT: TTV you’re getting on my nerves man, you edit my quote out again and I’ll show you that one gag from honeymooners

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As the one who inadvertantly started this, I will say: I wanted a gear function for my own satisfaction. Yeah, it wouldn’t even technically be canon, since the mocs aren’t canon, the art is. I just wanted to be able to say I had one.

And even if they are… Norik is Metru red. He also has a black torso. So torso needn’t match main color.

So… to the people that praise this one piece of plastic, would an upside down metru Torso count as a Metru build, then?
I’m genuinely curious.

And I’ve countered it.

I thought it was Metru build. In fact, I wouldn’t have known it lacked a Metru Torso if I hadn’t taken a closer look.

Thank you!
Also I am not saying that it should be required but I am not going to vote for something without a metru torso, and a gear function. I want the team to look GOOD and FEEL right right next to each other. I don’t want it to feel like a crazy mishnmash

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They literally are, you’ve already been shown the greg quote.

No body is owed the ability to enter these contests, if they do not have the parts or desire to abide by the contests rules, there’s really no helping them.


It’s close, but something seems… off.

I think the torso is either a little short, or the lower chest is a little wide.

The waistcape might also be throwing me off. I’m not saying that the waistcape is what makes it not a Metru build, but it does obscure the waist and lower torso a little, and it makes it tricky for me to judge if the proportions are good.

In this context, “Metru build” literally just refers to the torso.

…so are you gonna give an actual reason WHY the proportions define the build, or are you just gonna say they do without backing that up in any capacity whatsoever?

You say that, but can you actually explain WHY it’s ridiculous when the community at large, as evidenced by Metru March and the variety of constructions therein, only consistently applies this definition based on the torso? You can have totally custom limbs, but it’ll be a Metru build. Without defining the build around this core, we’re left with a ship of Theseus.

Here’s the thing: they technically can, but that’s not going to work out. Even if TTV doesn’t implement explicit rules stating that the Hagah must roughly match Norik and Iruini’s proportions, the general votership will inevitably skew towards entries which fit next to them. Your 4-foot strawman won’t win any contests and may even be disqualified as “bad faith” entry. Might it meet the technical requirements? It could. Will that matter? Hell no.


You mean the one where he just replies with a question?
Yes, that’s very definitive, and leaves no room for debate whatsoever.

Okay, so you keep bringing this up, and I would like to say: it’s easier to make a metru build by using the metru torso piece, than to attempt a custom torso. That’s why people do it. MANDATING it on that logic, though, is silly.

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Because these are the proportions used in every Metru March.

I have exactly as much reason to say the proportions define the build as you do to say that the torso defines the build.

If this was a fact, this discussion wouldn’t be happening. You can’t just say “Metru build should only refer to the torso because Metru build only refers to the torso”.