That’s a fair point. I would say changing the legs/arms is a fundamental change like ball joint shoulders, but my question still stands: where should the line be drawn? How much change can be done to a build before it ceases to become a Metru build? Should the gear function still be functional?
If you wouldn’t vote for a custom build, that’s perfectly fine. You’re free to vote for whatever you think should win, but what I’m saying is that a custom build shouldn’t be outright disqualified.
I don’t think you meant it that way, but the way you worded that implies that using a custom torso doesn’t have restraints either. I built my custom torso around the constraints of the Metru torso and worked to keep the proportions and style.
But, as I stated already, if there is no art contest and the MOC becomes canon, then the only build I think should be allowed would be the one on the far left, and I don’t appear to be alone in that:
That’s not just working around constraints, that’s just choosing which mask and chest/shoulder armor looks better on the same exact build.
You ever thought that may be exactly how I want it?
I don’t think the Mata look bad, I don’t think the Nuva look bad, I don’t think the Metru look bad, the Hordika, or the Inika. I don’t think Noriki or Iruini looked bad. Why would I change the formula up just for the sake of being different
I enjoy the consistency and I want them to look good together and having a chunk piece of mashed bits like your #4, although I will admit is nice that you were able to do that, I don’t like it.
I also stated above, I’m not saying it should be banned. But I won’t vote for it.
However, the rules are currently structured such that the MOCs are not canon, so TTV will never send Greg such a request anyways.
(And whose fault is that?)
(Emphasis mine)
For this reason, a Metru coloured Rhotuka cannot be required for the MOC Contest. However, it would be reasonable to implement this for the Art Section.
Although the Art Contest may avoid Rhotuka colours entirely; just look at how they were portrayed in the movie, with each character just firing whiteish wheels. (Although every character in the movie had a silver Rhotuka in the set. Maybe a coloured Rhotuka would have been coloured in the movie?). Additionally, who says the art even has to show them launching the Rhotuka?
To me, the first three are definitely okay, with the fourth one being… maybe. I wouldn’t really care if the last one got disallowed, but those first three definitely need to be allowed.
Read the rest of the post. They’re asking if these should be considered Metru builds. That’s why “Metru” is in quotes.
I think you misunderstand the point of my post. People have been arguing whether the Metru torso piece should be mandated or not. “I don’t like it” is not a valid reason to disqualify it.
Right, that’s your opinion. If you don’t wanna vote for it, don’t. My point wasn’t if it looks good, it was that it should be allowed to enter.
So why are you attempting to argue with me then? Are you trying to argue my opinion or convince me that it should be allowed. Because I already said I think should be allowed. So if that’s the case you’re just being redundant.
Why are you saying you wouldn’t vote for it when whether you would or wouldn’t is irrelevant? I don’t care if you think my build is a “chunk piece of mashed bits,” only that you wouldn’t be for disqualifying it. The fact you stated your opinion of the quality of my build rather than my actual point makes me think you misunderstood, hence my repeated clarifications.
Thats fine, I wasn’t trying to provoke offense either. My opinion is shared. I’m not saying it to try and hurt anyone’s feelings. I’m saying it as a fair warning that if you want the moc to stand a chance, a lot of other voters like me won’t consider it. If it helps I’ll say this, I don’t like it contextually. I don’t think its a terrible design or build, but under the circumstances for the contest, I absolutely don’t like it. I want cohesion with Iruini and Norik. It doesn’t provide it.
So do I, which is why I said in my initial post that if there is no art contest, I would be for only allowing the far left build in my first image, but I don’t want that out of a MOC contest. That’s why I gave the suggestion of doing both MOC and art, as we have been already, and the art can redraw the torso design as a regular Metru torso. It allows for creative builds that people can freely vote if they think its well built, while also maintaining cohesion with Iruini and Norik in the art.
Again, you’re talking about your own personal opinion.
Anyways, I think we can just drop this here - both parties agree that custom torsos should be allowed, end of discussion. It doesn’t matter whether or not they actually like that building style.
Yes exactly… we’re ALL stating our opinions, and I’m not trying to stop anything. I really don’t even understand why this point of conversation persisted.
Gonna change subject again back to colors.
What colors do you see in your mind for the team’s metallics? I see
Bomonga-Flat Gold
Gaaki-Flat Gold
I know the discussion with Gaaki is it’ll be too similar to Psionics, but imo the pearl gold is more in line for Psionics than the flat gold.
I’m also not opposed to gun metal on some of them, although it could be difficult
I fully agree. You just asked what I saw, not what I thought was realistic.
In a more conventional (and purist) stratosphere, I still think it’s possible for each Toa to have a unique colour. Gunmetal and pearl gold are very much available, and quite a few sets came with that metallic blue.
As for the last colour, maybe… metallic green? That would take some creativity, but I think it could be done, between the technic panels and the krana.
Masks would still have to be painted, but that’s not that bad, especially if they are 3d printed.
For me, Bomonga is dark gold, the rest are silver.
I know, it’s not very balanced, but that’s just how it ended up working with my MOCs. My eye colors are currently just following the Toa Metru trend, but that part is subject to change.
EDIT: What about torso armor? Are people giving a unique piece for every build?
I’m going to try to, but I don’t mind mirrored repeats of chest armor/shoulders. Like a silver gahlok kal shield, gold nuva shoulders, silver metru shoulders, etc.
I want to stay simple but also have to add a small level of complexity to make them look more unique.
Same. I don’t want to make mine look like clones of the two official sets, and there’s certainly a few things I think would benefit from some improvement. For instance, lack of shoulder articulation and the very thin waist. The trick is to address these in a way that doesn’t stand out too much from the original two.