BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

They’ve been saying that the Hagah will be done simultaneously consistently. At the current pace, we won’t be getting later entries, like Marendar, until 2022. Should this contest really be dragged out longer for what will most likely be largely identical mocs?

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Wait, if Hagah contest run simultaneously, what would prevent that all the winner end up with Huna shaped masks (or any other mask)? I can get behind having know shape in Hagah masks, but each member should have a different shape. Unless is define in the rules that mask are place holders.

This kinda does affect the Hagah contest, but also all other contest - and since the whole thing apparently came up in the last 150 or so messages which I just skimmed, I wanted to adress it, too.

If a MOC uses a 3D-printed mask (or, to be fair, also a brick-built head design provided by somene else) - I think an art contest with the artists being entirely free to use a mask design of their own instead should be and always stay mandatory. Because otherwise it’s getting kinda unfair. Each MOCist enters exactly 1 MOC. But, say, 10 MOCs could in theory wear the same 3D-printed mask. This would give the mask creator - who doesn’t even have the need to enter the contest themselves - 10 chances at winning, while every MOCist has only one chance. Hence I find it only fair that if a design by someone else but the MOC creator wins the first round, it also needs to win the second round in fair competition in order to become full canon.

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But if 10 people choose to use the mask, doesn’t that indicate its popularity?

Your argument could also be applied to the Art Contest as well. If multiple artists choose to use a certain custom design, doesn’t it give that design an unfair advantage, according to your rules?


Here’s my vision:

  1. No MOC contest
  2. Group shot of all six Toa
  3. No modifications to the build, only swapping the limbs and the armour
  4. Four new designs for the masks
  5. Gaaki and Kualus can’t have golden armour
  6. An even number of the metalic colors

This is the canon contest, not the cooooolest model contest.


tbh the more I think about this the more I’d be down to try it. Gonna be suuuuper controversial though.

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To avoid confusion with the Toa of Psionics and Light.


Yeah. People can make arguments about flat gold and pearl gold, but at the end of the day gold and blue = Psionics in my mind, regardless of shade.


Ah, that makes sense.

If it’s really popular, then enough artists would still draw it and people can vote again for it.

If a mask design appears multiple times for the first time in the art contest, that is technically true, but overall chances of that happening are way lower than for the MOC part. And if it’s a mask design that was voted out alongside a MOC in the previous round - yes, that would effectively grant the creator of the mask a second chance non-creators don’t get, but it’s still less unfair than if the MOC’s 3D mask was already the definite winner, in my eyes. In addition to being not too likely.

The only potential exception where a 3D mask could perhaps already be considered a winner would be if the MOC creator used a 3D mask they designed themselves.

(Though just to make it clear: my core opinion on 3D prints hasn’t changed - I’m still against them. No need to discuss this here again, though, that’s been done thoroughly before the contests started. But just so you don’t get the wrong impression from me :wink: )

I guess what I’m failing to see is why 3d modelers should be treated any differently than artists or builders. Why should a 3d model have to win both contests, while a MOC or an art piece only has to win one?

This is especially puzzling in the context of the Hagah contests. The MOC masks have been disregarded for the last two contests because it was literally impossible to have a canon-compliant mask without custom pieces (or a brick-built mask, which you are lumping in here as well).

But for the Hagah, their masks can be literally any shape, whether it is a traditional mask or a custom one. Why should the custom masks be treated any differently?


It’s less about the masks themselves and more about who created the masks.

From a contest view I don’t find it fair for people to potentially win by not even doing something other than allowing their past creations to be used by others. By establishing the need for at least a double win in those cases would even the odds to some degree.

I almost see what you’re saying, but I think you’re discounting the work that actually went into designing the masks. These modelers aren’t just “letting someone use their work”. They also have to, y’know, actually do the work in the first place.

Sure, it was done before the contests, but how is that any different than the people who have built their own Hagah before the contest?

In a more general sense, I believe that the Art Contest should only be allowed to change the MOC when it is impossible to make a purist canon-compliant MOC.

In the case of the Hagah, it is possible to make a canon-compliant MOC using only official pieces, so the MOCs should be unchangeable.

The problem, as initially stated, is that by making their mask designs available to everyone, a mask designer potentially not only gets multiple shots at winning, while non-mask creators don’t, but also that they would only win in part due to a sufficiently talented MOCist deciding to use their mask.

If there was a seperate mask contest (though I’d dislike that for other reasons), that would be different, because then a mask design could only be entered once.

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My stance of 3D printed masks is that canonizing a new mask shape for one that does not previously have an official canon piece feels like it should be its own contest. Doing it through secondary means by squeezing it in like this feels like a manipulation of the Hagah contest, to me at least. I feel as if the Hagah should use masks that we know of at the moment.

Nowhere in canon is it stated that the Hagah have masks in shapes that we have seen. As such, this restriction should not be placed upon the contests.

I agree that canonizing a new mask power goes beyond the scope of these contests, but that is not what would happen.

The shape is the only thing that is relevant to the Hagah, and that is the only thing that would be canonized. There would be no power attached to it.

Just as the Helryx contest “squeezed in” the standard shape of the Mask of Psychometry, these contests can “squeeze in” the standard shape of An Unknown Kanohi Power.

Which only creates further issues. Because then we have a shape without a power. We weren’t given permission to give the power or confirm what that mask shape was if it is unknown as of now.

Is it stated wether or not they’re in shapes we haven’t?

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We wouldn’t be. Only the shape would become canon, as the shape of a previously unseen Kanohi. There are already Kanohi shapes with unknown powers. What’s the harm in adding one more?

I don’t get what you mean here. Are you talking about assigning a shape to a previously known power without a shape?

Because that also wouldn’t happen. These new shapes would not be linked to any power, known or unknown.

No. They can be either.