BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Alright, that makes sense.

I can’t say you’re wrong, but I also don’t necessarily think that that’s a bad thing. I’m pretty sure that the quality control comes from the rules of the contests, not Greg knowing exactly what he wants to see. Besides, if he did know exactly what he wanted to see, we’d already have canon depictions.

Plus, wasn’t a bunch of stuff from ten years ago decided by a fan vote with no involvement from Lego besides the stamp of approval?


Like the Boidoh canonization of the Mangai masks? Yeah, that was super popular, no one complained about that.

Obvious sarcasm should be obvious.

(if you have another example feel free to share it, but that’s the one that comes to my mind when I think of canonization through fan vote)

Marendar is now canonically fat. This is my headcanon now.

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I was thinking about some of the innate powers of the Matoran of secondary Elements? That was a vote, wasn’t it? Or the Xian weapons? I know they came from contests, but I’m not sure if they were judged or voted on.

(Also, Nikila and Surel? Or were they judged?)

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I’m not sure if Nikila, Surel, Xians, Elemental powers, were judged/determined, but I know at least one of the colors were determined by fan vote – Gravity being black and Purple.

So I guess there was that little detail.

The winners thus far don’t really have this problem. Helryx, though not quite a canister build, is right at home among early G1 characters, more so than 2004-and-onward characters. Art might be pushing it, but not really more than his brother.

I accepted when I signed up for these contests that this would happen with designs I didn’t like. It has already happened. It may happen with every single contest. But this is such a minor inconvenience that I can live with it.

Lego had to design new parts from scratch for most characters. This isn’t really any different, except you need to buy a 3d-printed part or print it yourself, which a lot of serious MOCcers already do. And you only need 1 or maybe 2 custom parts per winning MOC.

Only to comply with existing canon. Which is kind of necessary. Otherwise, it’d cause yet more headaches, even for my side of the debate.

Pro-contesters have given you reasons why. More people find that these reasons resonate with them than your minority votership, which is why we won the vote.

To you and those who agree with you, but the rest of us aren’t really upset by what you seem to consider upsetting. I’m not sure most of us even think about it that hard.

It’s the internet. Stupid arguments happen no matter what.

That’s not the point. Different participators have different reasons for sticking with it, but most importantly, it just gives us something to do. The community has something to come together over and spend our time on. We’re bored, the contests themselves are fun, so we’re doing it.

Probably nobody, which is completely irrelevant to any of this.

Because only a vocal minority has given TTV any reason to think they should.

And TTV will ignore it like they have every time you demand it.

That’s a cherry-picked definition that doesn’t apply in this context. Canon, in the context of fiction, solely refers to what is and isn’t true of the official universe the story takes place in. It does not dictate what you can and can’t do with your own content.

It’s not allowed because this is a Lego forum and there are literal children here. Fun fact: you can just manually enter squares in your post if you want, like this: ■■■■■■■■■■■■cantaloupe■■■■■■■■■■■■

Again, headcanons were gonna be squished no matter what if G1 had continued. Especially in the internet age, where they just spring up out of literal nothingness. Hell, people still form headcanons for things that are explicitly incompatible with canon in ongoing TV shows. And that lore G1 was left with was incomplete–Greg didn’t even find time to wrap up the serials he’d continued. We can never officially finish the job, but we can do this, which is as close as we can get.

See above. And we’re taking control of these designs now.

Absolutely nothing but a vocal minority has indicated as such. If a lot of people really cared, they’d have more presence.

There always will be.

Again, not really concerning, he had to do that for Lego every year because he had no say in set design. Winning entries have to jump through enough hoops that it’s hard for something important to slip through the cracks.

Going on Gaaki, he’s gotta be really “big” then…


I think your kinda dodging my point. So far the mocs have been working decently well with cohesion. What I’m afraid of is the very high probability of a future contest throwing it out the window. Looking at both the previous contest finalist both have had many imo cohesipn breaking entries. The first contest had hoseryx, makutaryx and that transparent blue mask of water helryx. Arthaka had 4/6 mocs that would be rather cohesion breaking among them the highly painted gundamaka. The problem isn’t the current winners its the innevitability that a cohesion breaking moc wins out and it only needs one to break cohesion. Especially since we are dealing with creating alot of toa for these contest.

I’m currently writing a opinionated paper on this topic that hopefully will get done within a week or two. That hope too explain and clear up my thought process. In the meantime if you want to get a better understanding of my stance please consider reading some of my post from earlier today.

So your solution is too just silence everyone who has concerns or feel these contests are upsetting? Because there are people who don’t mind whatever wins as much, doesn’t sound very productive or helpful in nutureing the community. I can’t see how that would be any less gatekeeping than people preaching the “g1 aestethic.”


But it didn’t continue. That’s the point.

How can you prove that the satisfaction (or dissatisfaction for that matter) presented here is representative of the community as a whole without either asking every single person or polling them? We’re one tiny fraction of the community, and each sub-community has its own priorities and preferences. People gravitate towards communities with those same values.

If we got more frequent ‘opinion polls’, not only would it give everyone some peace of mind, it will also convince some of Team Cancel (including me) to quieten down a bit. If the debating really is the worst part of these contests, more transparency is really going to help.

I personally would rather not have the contests. But if a poll came back suggesting the contests were just as popular as in the original poll, 90% of my activity here would immediately stop. I’m not going to keep arguing against something if consensus is clearly for it. We just need hard, unbiased, empirical evidence.

Again, I imagine there will be at least a small majority of people who want the contests to continue. But not everyone here has the time to look through all the posts and collate all the feedback and figure out what the consensus really is (which will be unreliable anyway for the aforementioned reasons). People from Team Cancel have already said they feel like they’re being held hostage by the lack of diplomacy going on; in part, I imagine, because it’s difficult to gauge a consensus when you’re so entrenched in an issue you care about (especially when doing so requires reading thousands of posts).

There could be any number of perspectives we haven’t even seen from other communities. Maybe people wanted the contests originally because they’d like to see a canon depiction for x character, but they’d rather not have one for y character. Or maybe people have changed their minds. Or maybe people have lost all interest or feel that it’s futile to argue.

From what I’ve seen, there has never been a stupid argument had in the last six months regarding the contests. Implying there has been is just belittling the people you disagree with.

It does if what you want to do with your own content is be canon-compliant. Which many people do want.
Besides, a system governing “what is and isn’t true” is basically a ruleset. The fact that you can’t go faster than the speed of light is a rule of the universe. The fact that Toa are biomechanical is a rule of Bionicle lore.

Also I forgot to reply to this:

Yes headcanon will never be canon. That’s not the point. Point is, headcanon can be canon-compliant if you want it to be. And if you do, rules matter.

There’s a difference between creating something that is not officially canon but complements canon, and creating something that doesn’t. The latter is irrelevant to this particular headcanon debate because the contests don’t infringe on creations of that sort.

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The polls won’t happen for another month. I’m gonna call it right now they most likely will come after 810. Because that seems to be when TTVs time off from everything else is gonna be

There has been now, it’s this one. I’m arguing with you even though I don’t disagree, just to be argumentative. That’s stupid of me.

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Well thanks for clearing that up :laughing:

Hypothetically if LEGO continued Bionicle G1 themselves and eventually created actual sets of all the characters from TTV’s list, would their appearances still be met with so much animosity?

The great thing about these canon contests is if you have a specific design for a character in your head-canon, just build it and enter it in the contest. The whole point here is we get to decide what each character looks like. If your design (or your favorite design) loses then that sucks for you, but at least the majority of the fanbase can now have a visual depiction of the character to cling to. We don’t have a blank picture on BS01, and we don’t have to rely on LEGO to create a design we have no say in (again, hypothetical, but you get my point).


Some people stare at the winning contest models for hours trying to reverse engineer them but guess that’s too bad for them. Imagine then also disliking it. Oof

I mean, sure. Debatable, but sure. No such thing as a stupid question and such.

What’s really stupid is that the same arguments happen again and again and again from the same people arguing the same things with the same outcome every time and yet people still try bashing others into magically realizing that they are right and the other side is wrong now bow before my facts, logic, and big brain.

The definition of madness it literally repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different results, and sure we can make emo edgy comments like “yeah, duh, I’m mad”, but it is not funny and avoids the objective facts.

I’m sorry, but at this point, there is one word I can think of. Might it be harsh and get this post flagged? Possibly. But I just snapped, so here it is anyways.

This is not an attack against you or anyone else in particular. But I really struggle to understand why people fail to understand, despite what’s coming up on a year (?) of arguments, that being opinionated gets no one nowhere at supersonic speed.

We’re literally arguing … over a line of children’s toys … from ten years ago … and yet somehow people manage to argue like they have some sort of moral highground.

I mean, I hate to say this, definitely gonna get this flagged, maybe I’ll get a warning even, but it needs to be said, and I need a break from sugarcoating my posts: Grow up, people.


If Lego continued G1, for every pre-existing character who got a set we’d get 3 more with unknown appearances only mentioned in the story.

Also, this is a very interesting point I’ve wanted to argue for a while. As many people put it, these contests “fill in the holes” of G1. But they don’t create any new holes, because there’s no new story or characters introduced.


And my point is that, whether it had or not, the same consequences (or at least this particular consequence) would be unaffected.

With only a handful of regulars piping up to stop the contests, there’s not much reason to think we need to stop and check if we want more contests. Not only that, but from here on out, the contests should have a lot less salt flying around and they should be more fun, since they’re a lot more straightforward, if not downright smooth. It’s hard for voters to fairly judge how they feel about the contests when there’s only been a few. And it takes time to poll, time that could go to just starting the next contest.

I believe you deserve the benefit of the doubt, and I do believe you when you say you’ll quiet down if this happens. However, without pointing fingers, some users here kind of don’t shut up about it, and I really don’t think more polls will change their mind. Again, not gonna name and shame about this, just stating what I expect based on what I’ve seen.


have you been

I mean, I get that, but like…sometimes, you just gotta take an L. And not even a big one, just “Helryx has the wrong armor” or w/e. Like I said, readers/viewers will understand. If anything, that’ll be more canon-compliant because, just like real Bionicle, the author will go back and say “uh yeah this official material is ■■■■■■■ wrong lmaoooooo”

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I’ve seen this said over and over by the people who are for the contests to the people who are against them, and it makes literally no sense. You (speaking generally to people for the contests) complain that we’re arguing over a decade long dead toy line, but why do you want contests for that same line? Both sides, even myself, have dragged things out way farther than they should have. We’re all guilty of it, so either take your own advice and “grow up,” or stop telling others to do so.


Here’s the difference, Dag: we’re having fun with that toyline. We’re getting together for a large-scale group activity because it makes us happy. You’re letting it make you angry and slinging mud over it. That is Winger’s point, I believe.


And people like me think the contests aren’t needed to do that.

Again, contests that impact literally every Bionicle fan interested in canon is not needed to do that.

I’m not the one swearing in every other post.

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Swearing doesn’t necessarily equate to anger.


I mean, yeah, but if something is fun, the ability to have fun with other things isn’t a reason to do that. I had fun watching Invincible, and I would have had fun if I’d used that time to play video games instead, but that wasn’t a reason not to watch Invincible.

I’m not doing it to attack anyone. I swear a lot, like I said. If you don’t like it, then you’re gonna hate the rest of the internet.

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