BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

That’s my secret, Dag
I’m always angry.


My point is that, you want the contests to continue because you care about the toyline. I and others don’t want them to continue and have been arguing for that because we care about it too. Bottom line, we’re all here because we care about a decade long dead toyline for children. Trying to paint one side as the irrational one like Winger and others have done is just ridiculous if not hypocritical. All it does is raise tensions and make things worse. I didn’t think that would be very controversial, and yet its my first ever post to be flagged.

But does at least show that you’re passionate, if not a little heated, about the contests. So saying I’m the angry one is a bit hypocritical, and again, just does nothing but raise tensions.

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Wow, i just went for a sandwich and now there’s over +100 comments, calm down guys!


That’s not the point though. The point is that it’s fun at the possible detriment of others, and may not be necessary for the community.

A more appropriate analogy would be this: I’m having fun writing a story right now. I could also be having fun by burning down my neighbor’s house. Which do you think my neighbor would prefer I spend my time doing?

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I kinda expected someone to grossly take my comment out of context or fundamentally misunderstand it, but here goes.

This has nothing to do with the contests continuing or ending. It has nothing to do with either side of any argument. I’m not painting one side as irrational.

I’m painting both sides as irrational.

And they are. And it needs to stop.


I wasn’t responding directly to you, but using your comment to discuss the point which many people have been using, hence why I started with

I’ve seen this said over and over by the people who are for the contests to the people who are against them

Thank you for clarifying that, and I wholeheartedly agree, but it wasn’t entirely clear from your message, so I wanted to say something. Although, I have no idea why you saying it is fine, but my saying it gets flagged…

For what it’s worth, I didn’t flag your post.


I think you’ve missed his point. He’s saying this isn’t really worth all the spite and vitriol it’s conjured. As the French say, c’est que c’est–it is what it is.

  1. I already explained that it’s for emphasis. I don’t even think about swearing, I just do it. It indicates nothing except that I swear.
  2. I do care about these contests. I’m not really angry about any of the posts here; at worst, I’m just tired of the same talking points being trod over for thousands of posts when so little is at stake.

I’m not saying you’re angry to attack you. I genuinely believe, based on your posts, that you’re unreasonably upset over all this. I may be wrong about that, and I’d like to be because if I’m not, I honestly have to worry for your mental/emotional state if you’re genuinely angry over this, of all things.

That’s pretty extreme because arson has serious consequences, and also it’s based and your neighbor deserves it. A more apt analogy is placing 3 ounces of shredded lettuce in your neighbor’s driveway once a year for 5 years. It may be a bit gross, and he may not be happy about it, but it’s a very small cost to him and it’s a potentially funny prank, if only for how oddly-specific it is, and you should be worried if he gets genuinely mad over it.

I think it’s because you came off as more confrontational whereas Winger’s just saying that the bickering is more intense than it has to be.

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well tbf my post was pretty confrontational

at least it tried to me but I’m essentially an infant so maybe I’m not cool enough for that


Look man, I’m trying to be rational. It’s only the people who disagree with me who are being irrational.

I mean, yeah, if I had a house that ugly I’d burn it myself.

A lot of my analogies tend to be extreme because usually going to the extreme proves the point, though in this case…

yeah I agree that’s much better than what I came up with.


You do realize how this sounds, right? You say you’re not attacking me personally, and then go on to say very passive aggressively that you think I’m unreasonable and not of sound mind.


I didn’t want it to sound bad, and I probably chose my words poorly, I genuinely think you sounded angry and, if you are, that concerns me because this isn’t really something to get angry over.

The contests themselves? I agree. But while they’ve been running, I have been insulted, belittled, and Eljay and Meso have explicitly laughed at my MOC on their video, and all for merely sharing my opinions. I’m not angry, but I have a lot to be reasonably angry about.

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Here’s the thing: they weren’t mocking your MOC, they were poking fun at choosing the hill to die on that you chose. You were insisting, quite vehemently, on the importance of doing something with so little benefit in the grand scheme of things as though it would actually affect the contest in a meaningful way. But that’s getting into the Metru torso crap again.

That’s messed up but not relevant to the overall contest environment, only to Eljay being a jerk.

That’s your opinion that the Metru torso debate wasn’t ultimately meaningful. And even if they were just laughing at my position and not my MOC, it isn’t any better. I have never laughed at or mocked anyone’s opinions here, and stated quite the opposite, that we can agree to disagree. It’s Eljay and Meso that seem to not understand that.

As long as Eljay and Meso are the ones running the contests, I think it is relevant.

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Is it just me or am I see both sides to this?

I can definitely see why some people might think Eljay may sound rude or a tad bit harsh at times (I hope Eljay does not take offense in this, as that is not my intention here) but with that being said I highly doubt that Eljay is purposely trying to specifically offend anyone.

Eljay probably was just having too much fun in the moment on-stream and may have not realized that he was actually offending you? He may have just assumed that he was just having fun in the moment and may have not meant to personally attack you, and probably didn’t realize that what he said sounded like he was doing so.


I think it’s fair to say they were insensitive, but I don’t think you really get why it happened. You put so much effort into saying custom torsos should be allowed because it lets you…make an Inika pauldron get a stud closer to the body. At the expense of a gearbox and the angled shoulders that characterize the existing Hagah designs.

Now, that may sound important to you, but it seems to me like a majority of users here really don’t think that matters, myself included. It’s such a small detail and it’s not something most of us think about or even notice, but you talked about it like it was a very important thing.

I mean, I don’t like Dave Mustaine as a person, but that doesn’t stop me from listening to Megadeth. His stupid voice does, though.


Oh man its still going


You probably wouldn’t have been happy with our tone because we probably would have laughed at it. A lot. Not for the purpose of belittling you, but because from our unique perspective as non MoCists whose primary concern is canon… the difference here is, again, borderline nonexistent. I get what you’re trying to convey, truly, and from a MoCists perspective you’re 100% correct. I think you adequately made your case for why the idea is solid, I presented it as such, and we’re fairly considering it based on all the points you made.

What Meso basically told me was “from a MoCist perspective, you’re absolutely right. But to us, we would’ve laughed at it,” and they did on Nak & Jay. Again, I understand that they don’t see it the way I do since they’re admittedly non-MoCists, and I get that people don’t agree with me on the importance of the Metru build debate. That’s all fine, but what isn’t is when opinions aren’t treated with respect.

At this point, I don’t really care for the contests (especially since I want them to end). What I care more about is holding Meso and Eljay up to their behavior. If the contests are going to continue, they’ve proven multiple times different people should be in charge of them.