BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I guess that’s fair enough.

I don’t think that Eljay or Meso shouldn’t stop hosting these contests however, because I’m personally fine with them doing so, but I do see where your coming from as to them going too far and maybe not thinking about what they say and instead coming off as not respecting you.

I’m sorry that what they said offended and you all I can say is that I hope you and Eljay and Meso can resolve this sometime.

I don’t know if I’m the only one who ever thought about this, but in a way, Eljay kind of reminds me of Gordon Ramsey. He can be pretty picky with what people make, and with that being said, can also sometimes say and critique things just like Gordon that sound like he’s going a bit too far sometimes and yelling and making fun of other peoples’ work.

But with this being said, I still doubt that Eljay was trying to personally harass you. This was probably just an in-the-moment incident and to Eljay, he was probably criticizing your work so he can tell you what he feels needs to be improved on in the future but may have sounded like he was a bit rude in the way he said this, a lot like Gordon Ramsey does every once in a while.

Edited for Double Post- Prentice1215


Having caught up on the- 156 OH COME ON!!! -posts here, I only have two things to add:

  1. Of course I have an opinion. But points were made on both sides that I agree with that were more cohesively and succinctly formulated than anything I could write, so I’ll just let those people continue to do the talking.

  2. There are two Kinis that live in my head. One Kini has his feet up on a tropical beach somewhere, sipping sangrias with sunglasses and a Hawaiian s hirt on. The other Kini is flipping a table, and he doesn’t know why.


Yo dudes, I’m just happy these contests are happening to let me contribute to the story. I was too young to enter any of the OG contests during G1’s run, and I was always bummed I missed the classic contest windows, so I’m glad I get a chance now. It’s fun, imo.


Okay Imma be brutally honest here and say most of the “contest should end” arguments not only imply there’s more people then there actually are wanting them to end also sound full of egotism and self-justification.

All of these arguments basically boil down to “I’m upset/don’t like the contests so no one else can and I’m right because of these either pointless or farthest reach analogs” It really feels like the anti-contest people are just reaching at the farthest straws for their justification to objectify their opinions as facts to prove the pro-contest people as wrong.

If you don’t like the contests great there’s nothing wrong with that but stop trying to objectify your opinions as fact and acting like those who want them to continue are wrong and evil and Bionicle haters etc etc etc


dude dude dude


the discussions were just beginning to die down


I kinda gave up on following the convo since it seemed to just be repeating arguments over and over again lol


Bad Ending: TTV never posts the Hagah polls and we’re trapped in an infinite Schrodinger’s contest debate for the rest of time


My two cents: Bionicle exists canonically in a multiverse with alternate realities, theses contests are determining canon in the “Prime” one. Your headcanon can still exist as a another universe.

Your headcanon is already canon.


Right, there’s no objective reason the contests need to end. Is there an objective and/or altruistic reason the contests should continue? Everyone here is arguing about what they want the future of Bionicle to look like, neither side puts us closer to world peace or anything. This whole thing is incredibly subjective and I’m pretty sure almost everyone here knows that. Posts like this don’t help anyone.


To be honest, realy, realy honest,
I think TTV is partly responsible for the many problems in the contest, but they aren’t evil of all.

There are also criticisms that the TTV staff will influence the canon results.
I understand this, but at the same time it can mean the dangerous fact that if LEGO official staff hold a Toa contest, they must be criticized by those who did not love the results.

This is because “as long as it is held by humans, the contest is inevitably slightly unintentionally influenced by the operating policy of the organization.”

TTV is holding the contest officially with permission from LEGO, and I think it has legitimacy in this regard. They are at least not a group of madmen trying to hold contests on their own and push them into the community as canons.

At the Helryx contest, TTV took serious measures to deal with the interference from chaotic outsiders.
Almost everything went well in the Artakha contest, except for some who suddenly broke their promises.
And now … I’m still not sure. They may be trying to calm down various problems caused by Mr. Hawkeye’s resignation. In that case no one can blame them. It’s a force majeure, necessary process.

I think people these days are too likely to first criticize, attack, and ridicule someone.
In this situation, No matter how ideal the contest is, it doesn’t work ideally.
off course any discussion too.

It took a lot of courage to say this, but I still say.
I can’t wait for Poll too, but I think this is a “long vacation” and recommend that you try to cool your head once.


Well, here we go again. Due to the heated nature of the “discussion” the last few hours, this topic will be shut down until Monday the 5th. So take some time to cool off, and you Americans out there enjoy the festivities of the Independence Day weekend. Hopefully when the topic is re-opened, cooler heads will prevail.

-Mod Staff


I don’t see why this has to happen, everything’d be fine if people would just see that I’m OBJECTIVELY right and they are all so stupid!


There is one Kini that’s alive right now.

He is sipping a sangria inside his apartment, barely surviving the worst heatwave he’s ever experienced, standing over a flipped table.

He doesn’t know how the table flipped, only that it has.


i need to say something before the topic gets closed again, so…
i like the contests
i think they should keep going
even if that happens to be just long enough for me to enter my marendar


Yes I gotta agree.

I don’t really understand the hate towards the contests.
Yes maybe you are unhappy with the results. I was not a fan of the Helryx model and if you don’t like the winning design, tweak it. Especially if you are a Mocist. You don’t have to be too serious about keeping everything to canon.
I like these contests for the mocs that are gonna be made. I never really felt like exactly following the fanon designs. I use them as a rough guideline for my own Interpretations of the characters. My favorite thing about the contests is seeing the mocs. (also everyone who says that the metru build is bad: no it isn’t.)


^ This


Looking through this topic is like watching gukko birds squabble over a berry.

For what it’s worth, my two cents are that I’m fine with the contests, since it’s new Bionicle content and I wasn’t able to participate in the past canon contests. While I have experience as a MOCist and understand the want of full creativity, I personally feel that what fits within the established look of G1 needs to come first.


I understood that reference :wink: